Friday, August 10, 2012

Thank You 4 Everything !!!!!!!!

I'm going to write my Morning Pages Here !!!  just to give you and me an insight on what's happening !!!  I had a great night sleep last night, I had a wonderful meal !!!   I have Everything I need right now for my transformation !!!!   I'm just fine tuning a bit, with the car and with all my stuff !!!  Oh Yeah !!!!  I went to Fairfield, Iowa !!!!!!!  Meditation Capital of the World  !!!!!   It was Awesome  !!!!   I thought I could just walk right in with the others to meditate in the dome but, Errrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!  (loud braking noise) met with one of the "Higher Ups" aka Brass in the TM Community, TM stands for Transcendental Meditation !!!  Yes, I spelled it write, I did have some challenges, remembering and saying it !!! Transmutation, Transmission etc... you get the picture, well, even though I wasn't able to meditate with the meditators I did have an amazing time exploring and getting lost and seeing new things !!!!!!!    I did take some pictures and some awesome video clips but, I can't seem to find the Bloggie (pic and video cam), I'm not going to worry about it though, yes, it was tough not to start tearing out the car to find it, but, I know that in order for me to find it I can't look for it, You Can't Find Something That Is Lost !!!!!!  I think I got that from Abraham-Hicks or somebody !!!!   it's sooo True !!!!  I was only there for a day !!!!  met some cool people, talked with Wally !!!!  I soooo wanted to meditate !!!!   and realized that it costs some $$ to meditate there !!!  or to learn etc.. !!!!   Hey, it's all good, and I didn't really let it effect me, as soon as I was talking with Wally, I knew without him stating that it costs some $$, later I came to find out it costs about $1500 !!!!!   Haaaa !!!!!   Yep !!!  Hey, I didn't let it get to me, I just meditate outside !!!  it's all good !!!!   I did meet a wonderful lady, who's been meditating since the 70's and she get's "Paid !!!" to meditate !!!  I was in Shock and in Awe !!! Sayyyy Whaaaa !!!!  She's a professional meditator !!!!!  Wow !!!!  she does have 2 other jobs to she loves to do !!!  I was like YES !!!!!   I told her my deal, that I just drove out here from Chicago, came out here late last night and here I am !!!!   I only brought just enough for the gas !!!!  and that was it !!!!  Luckily I had the Link (Food Stamp Card) and I didn't knew if it would work in Iowa, since I got it in IL, so I bought some grapes !!!!  YESS !!!!  it worked !!!! I was soooo happy and thrilled !!!!

It wasn't what I had expected !!!!  I guess !!!!  Fairfield is a real town with true country folk, with the Moster Trucks in all !!!   I pictured to be, out in the grass, people meditating, drumming, chanting, dancing, just having the time of their lives !!!!!!      Praising and Worshiping the Infinite Divine Almighty !!!!!!!    I was saying,  "Good Afternoon My Brother" and "My Sister" to Everyone I Walked passed by !!!!!  I enjoyed it !!!!  Hello, my fellow Elightened One !!!!!!  Greetings To the Most of the Mostest High !!!!!!  well, I just mostly Greetings my fellow brother / sister !!!!   but, I did play around with myself with that after they left !!!

and I would lay out my hands to soak up and give out the energy to everything, and everyone !!!  Even the people driving the cars, I would wave to every single one of them !!!!!   with a Big Smile !!!!!   I had fun !!!!   I felt like I was Jesus roaming the streets !!!!!!   then I went to Marashiris' Obsevertory it was Mind Blowing !!!!  I didn't know what it was !!!!  All I knew that it's definitely something which I never seen nor experienced before !!!!! and I did video recorded my experience, only in PDT !!!  Perfect Diving Timing !!!!   When You Not Looking It Appears !!!!!  I thought it was like a Galactic Space Traveling Station !!!!!  and you just go in the middle meditate and Blast Off !!!!!!    I was there during the day, it was super amazing !!!!   I knew my time was coming to an end there, I had the urge to go that my time was up there, I didn't want to go to Chicago just yet, so I decided to go visit Starved Rock !!!!  It was beautiful and Free !!!!   I thought I was going to bust out my negotiation skills, or to Work Exchange my entrance fee !!!   I just walked right in, it was a Hot somewhat Humid !!!!  so the AC in the Visitors Center was Very Much Appreciated !!!   and then I went exploring !!!!!   I couldn't believe how much work that went in to build all the wooden deck !!!! What !!!!  that was incredible !!!! it seemed like it was for miles !!!!   and with little areas to sit, relax and appreciate the beauty !!!!!   Wow !!!!  I was very impressed and in Awe with the whole deal !!!  I was sweating a bit with my black Dickie's Shirt i like the shirt because it's like a 3X !!!! and I know I gained some serious weight, I last weighed myself was at mom's I was at 272.8 lbs !!!!!  Wow !!!!  that sounds Big !!!!   and you could see all the sweat salt lines on the shirt I thought I was pretty cool !!!  and I left to home (well to a well deserving resting spot) note that I was hot, sweating, sun was on me and my black shirt all day !!!! So, since it was a Tuesday !!! and I know that mom, goest to her class on Tuesdays, I made a pit stop at mom's, Oh My it was Pure Heaven !!!!!   1st thing I did was turn on AC !!!  put, some Mountain Dew in the Freezer, started the wash with the black Dickie's Shirt !!!  basically all of my clothes, not that much, but, in definitely needed washing !!!!   and took a long cold shower !!!!  Oh My it was Soooo Refreshing !!!!!!  I was in Pure Heaven, I could feel my face getting super relief from the hot sun !!!!   Oh My it was Awesome !!!!  then when I got out, AC still going on !!!  and I just sat down on the sofa-chair and just sat there feeling the AC and the FAN the Dyson Fan !!!  then I got the super chilled Mountain Dew !!!!  oh yess !!!!  I was in Heaven !!!  Was definitely much needed !!!!!!   then went to get a Feast at the Pads Shelter Site !!!!   I was knocked Out !!!!!   and I had the best night sleep ever !!!!  Wow !!!!  

Ok, well, I decided to write a book !!!!  If Gabrielle Bernstein could write a book, I know I can !!!!  not saying that Gabbrielle isn't a great writer, she just gave me the confidence that I can write one !!!!   and So I'm doing It !!!!  This is the perfect time and situation !!!  I have less then half a tank of gas left to get through the month, and the shelter sites are relatively close by and College of DuPage has electricity and AC !!!!!  nice big tables, with couches and lounge chairs with huge window that you can see the whole skyline !!!!   it's Perfect !!!!!!   Internet !!!!  able to blog !!!!!   in Real Time !!!! Woop Woop !!!!  Ok, I'm just looking forward to babysit my nephews and niece this Sunday !!!  tonight, I thought about going to the Oneness Blessing and Club Divine Thereafter but, I'm just not feeling it !!!!  I know that I must do what I know and Feel that I must Do...   Divinitus Warrious Universalis !!!!!   I'm going to write my book !!!!!  

"Total Human Metamorphosis" Extreme Style !!!!!     by Divinitus Warrious Universalis !!!!!   Everything is Perfect Divine Timing !!!!  Thank You !!!  Well, Thank You for being a part of my Morning Pages Talk !!!  I should called it, My Morning Talk !!!!  I like that a lot better !!! because basically I am talking about anything that's on my mind !!!   I did call up mom for her birthday yesterday !!!!   and she got a PT job at College of DuPage !!!!  I congratulated her and wished her a very Happy Birthday !!!! and told her that I'll be going into the "Cocoon" after my time babysitting/ spending time with my brothers kids !!!!   Very Very Beautiful Kids !!!!!!    Oh yeah, I applied for a 10 Silent Meditation "Vipassana Meditation" for 1st timers it's Free !!!!   we'll see, just it flow and go !!!

Yep, the Cocoon will be as follows: Starting Aug 13, 2012
  1. FB Free
  2. Only My Journey to Metamorphosis Blog
  3. Radio, Newspaper, Mags, Internet News, tv, cable, any type of Media !!!  FREE !!!!!
    1. I already do this already so it's not going to be a huge challenge!!!
  4. Write 11 pages a day !!!!   in my book !!!!    just write, let my Infinite Divine use me to write/type what I they want to say !!!!!  through Me !!!!! 
  5. Continue with Pads Shelter till, Sept. 1, Sept. 1. will be starting up the physical fitness transformation !!!!  
  6. Starting Now: will not Purchase Any Coffee or Any Food with Cash !!!  Only with Food Card, Well, I have only $15 and need to pay $17 on the 28th for my Xsport Dues, usually $39 but, I prepaid when I had the chance a couple months ago !!! So, basically I'm on E with the $$$ !!! haaaa !!!!   it doesn't even phase me anymore !!!!    I used to be stressed and worried but, it happened sooooo many times and that I'll be Always and Forever Be Taken Care Of !!!!!  that it doesn't even phase me anymore !!!  I see it as More Adventure !!!!   an Unveiling of a Miracle is About to Happen !!! I have to see this  !!!!  Sooo, My Trust with the Infinite Divine is Pretty Much is Blended and Solid as Granite !!!! I can lose everything and still have the Best Day of My Life !!!!!!!   because I know that No Matter What Happens I'll be Well Taken Care Of !!!!!  I Love It !!!!!    ok, just got word that mom want's her ACIM book back !!!!  A Course In Miracles Book !!!  Sooo, even though I know that I'm not done with it, I know that she wants it back !!!!!   So, "Yes, I'm Done With It !!!!"   and give it back to her !!!  All Good ya know ???   I know !!!  I'm become More In Tune With Others True Intentions, Wantings and their Vibration !!! Wow !!! Hunh, I could tell just from the Vibration !!!   of others, while I was walking on a Forest Preserve trail "Hidden Lake" in Glen Ellyn, IL there was a couple that was coming towards me and I could sense from afar, not being able to see their actual faces that they were "Going through some issues", Mostly the guy !!!  I think there were just about to break up--something major !!! Something Big Was Happening !!!!  and when we actually intersected I usually say, Hi !!!  with an upbeat joyous manner !!! the girl smiled and the guy just said, Hi... in a very low quick manner... and I knew my instincts were right !!!  and that not to take it personally, that they are going through something painful, so all is good !!!  ok, so I was writing some more words in my book, and I would like to write down the Miracles Promises here !!!  for me and you !!! might take a while but, I know it'll be well well worth least I'll have that before I give back the book, I'm sure I can check it out in a library or somewhere !!!!   be a member at the Theosophical Society in Wheaton !!!!   See !!!   When things leave, go, dissappear ????  that only means Something Better is On The Way !!!!!    PaaaReeech It !!!!!!  c u in a lil bit, with the "Principles of Miracles" !!!!!  

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