Monday, August 13, 2012

Aug 13th, 2012 to Aug 13th, 2013 Entering Into the Cocoon !!!!!!!

Here We Go !!!!!     I'm Ready !!!!  Cell, FB, Media, Internet FREE (exception of posting my words unto this blog) Internet Surfing FREE !!!!!     Yep, this is it !!!!   YouTube Free !!!!  it's been a long time coming, spent Sat & Sun at my brothers watching the kids !!!  So, I'm have Zero Commitments and Appointments !!!  it's just me and Infinite Divine !!!!   This is It !!!  I shaved my head today !!!!   top hair is gone !!!  I feel like with a shaved head, I feel more Hardcore and Badass !!!!  I just want to look as different as possible !!!  I don't want to see anyone nor be seen by anyone !!!!   Just like the pic above !!!!!   My Metamorphosis !!!!  The only website I will go on will be this one My Journey to Human Metamorphosis -2 the Extreme !!!!   So here we go !!! from now till Sept. 1, 2012, will be writing my book at COD and give updates with this blog !!!  that is It !!!!  going to turn off CELL, and pretend FB doesn't exist for me anymore !!!  I did create a Divinitus Warrious Universalis Facebook Page !!!  so there is an Avenue to Find Me and to find out what's currently happening with me !!!  You'll find it Only if you look !!!  Well, if you're reading this !! You FOUND ME !!!!!!    Oscar Zepeda will be Mortophosizing into Divinitus Warrious Universalis !!! As of right this second, I have $15 and a few dollars worth of change in my car and bags, I will be paying some dues on the 28th of Aug, $17, and I'm about 2 millmeters above the "E" Red Gas Gauge Meter !!!  So, my driving will be very very limited !!!   for the remainder of the month !!!  I do have a gas voucher coming up at the end of the month, but, until then, this will be the perfect opportunity for me to write some Divine Inspired Words here in this blog and to write at least 11 pages per day for my book !!!!  I'm just going to have the intention of just to write/type/channel Infinite Divine's words at least 11 pages per day via this laptop on Microsoft Word. So even though I'll be inside the cocoon, I'll be able to write and document what's happening !!!  and I can assure you that I will not get ambushed by some rogue media news !!!!  it's this Blog and Microsoft Word for the book !!!  and that is it !!!!  

My intention from Now to Sept. 1, is to write, write and write and read too !!!!!!!!   that's all I can do right now, until I get paid on the 1st, from Sept. 1 on, will be a member at Jakked Gym and Xsport Fitness and will  be focussing on the Body Phase !!!!   I'm ready !!!   So I have roughly 2 weeks of Mental Preparedness !!!  On what exactly I want to change, transform and Metamorphosize !!!!!   and to plan and Create My DAYS !!!!!!  I'm going to pretend I'm Already Retired !!!!!  Which is True !!!!  i'm FREE !!!!  let's just pretend I'm retired with $243 pension per month for life !!! with $170 in food stamps !!!  Zero Rent or Expences other than Gas and Gym Dues & IPass misc.... so Sept. it's going to be starting up the Body Metamorphsosis Phase!!!!!!!!   and will be Resting Inside my 4 wheeled driveable camper  !!!!   aka my Saturn !!!!!  planetary baby !!!!  yes, I must close myself out from any type of behavior that no longer serves me, aka smoking, theres a quite a bit of smokers with the Pads members and I don't want to see nor be around, plus !!!  I know I'm going to working out later than 7pm !!!!!  see being in Pads you have to be There at the site by 6:30pm and the lottery goes on at 7pm sharp, if you get picked you sign in, pick out your pad and get some dinner, and relax, laydown, meditate on your pad or do some reading at the table and we usually wake up at 6am for breakfast and grab your bagged lunch and be on your way !!!  usually by 7am everyone should be gone !!!  I'm usually out by 6:45-7am in the morning !!!  So, starting Sept. 1, 2012 when I'll be doing my Group Excercises with Xsport and my Body Building training at Jakked, I know I'll be on my OWN-Own !!!!!   Zero Interaction with the Pads Community, well, I know that my Fridays is my Favorite Site !!!  in Naperville, so maybe as a refresh and rebuilding by eating massive amounts of protien and salad !!!   or as much as I can consume !!!!   Yes, I'm ready !!!  I have 2 weeks !!!!  till Sept. 1, 2012 !!!!  I'm sooo ready for this !!!!  my Environement will be Forest Preserves, Xsport, Jakked, Dahn Yoga aaaaand that's about it, and College of DuPage, where I can do my writing !!!!!   only on my days off !!!!!   My main focus is to breakdown and rebuild the body !!!!!   16 hrs a Day !!!!!!    and rest the remainder rest and rebuild !!!! 
Even on my rest days, I will be in meditation in the Sauna, Jacuzzi, Jet Stream Pool, and steam room !!!  So, it's all about the body !!! Also Starting Sept 1, 2012 !!!!! WATER ONLY !!!!!!  or Will Be Drinking ONLY WATER !!!!!!!   Coffee, sodas, pops, teas, FREE !!!!!!    just straight up H2o !!!!!   to the Absolute Fullest !!!!

I will be doing some massive running !!!!!  I have about 5-6 pairs of gym/basketball shoes !!!!   and I want to wear out the treading/ soles until they have holes in them !!!!!!!  or wore down all the traction !!!!  Water, Fish, Salad !!!!!  or as Operation Osmin Says Fish, Sala, Wata !!!!!   if you haven't seen an Operation Osmin episode, it's a MUST SEE !!!!   he's on YouTube !!!!!!   it's Totally Awesome !!!!! 

That's about it for now !!!!!   it's 5:07pm now on a Monday, and will be heading out to the site at around 6sh, I'm soooo ready to zip up the cocoon !!!! it's been a long time coming !!! and it's finally here !!!   Thank You !!!!  Mom already knows that I'll be in the cocoon !!!  I just feel I need to continue to do things very very drastic and dramatic and 2 the Extreme  !!!!!!!   Since I shaved my head, I thought about getting a tattoo on my head !!! haaa  !!!! See, it's all  me now !!!  I'm the King !!!  I'm the Boss  !!!!   I Am Everything !!!!!  and it's ALL GOOD !!!!!!   I can do whatever my heart desires !!!!!  Tattoo my head !!!!  I'm already planning on getting some major tattoos, it's been fermenting for a while now with that as well !!!!  So, it's ALL Good !!! Metamorphosis means that you will not be able to recognize me from my old self !!!!!   You couldn't even believe that's it's the Same Person Supposedly !!!!!   I know I'll be a Totally Different Person !!!  Every Cell will be Divinitus Warrious Universalis !!!!!!    So, here we go !!! 1st Day of closing up the Cocoon !!!  Thank You !!!!  I'm Ready !!!!   and this is Thee Final Attempt !!!!!!   I think I must had about 6-8 Metamorphosis Attempts !!!!! Haaaa !!!  I guess it wasn't time, but, I know now, that it's time !!!!!  the Final Time !!!!!   So, that's it for now......... Thank You !!!  oh it's on now !!!   It's All About ME, Myself and I NOW !!!!  If I can Serve My Country for 4 1/2 yrs why can't I serve ME for 4 1/2 yrs ????????  Seems like that ever since I got out of the Marine Corps.  The past post years of my Marine Corps enlistment, I haven't really been Absolute Serious about what, where I want my life to be.  I was just letting it happen by default !!!! NO MORE !!!!!   I Will Do Whatever I Want To Do and Go Whereve I Want to GO !!!!   I Am Divinitus Warrious Universalis !!!!!!!   a Divine Warrior of the Universe !!!!!  I am a Bridge to Inspire, Lead and Teach By Example !!!!!!!!  and in order for our World to get better, I Must Get Better !!!!   I Must Change  and Replace My Whole Past Environment and the beings inside the environment.  How can you fully change, transform / metamorphosize being around people, friends & family, who only knows the "Old Self" of you !!!! ?????  they also transmit the same vibration of the old self !!!!  So, in reality, you must have NEW EVERYTHING !!!!!  New habits, friends & family, place, the whole entire environment is KEY on Metamorphosizing into the Being that you've always wanted to be, become, transfrom into and metamorphize into being !!!!!!!    and I've been learning this from the get go !!!  I did attempt to change with the same people and environement !!!!!   Hunhhhh !!!!!  Yep, that was a Joke !!!!!   I was working at a place where the things I wanted to change from was right smack in my face !!! and also going home to a person who "Isn't There", yet.... what I mean by that is, that he thinks that the Only Way to have the Best Time of Your Life is to drink massive amounts of alchohol !!!!  Yep !!!   Environment is Sooo Key With my transformation !!!!   I was just done done !!!!   I think Willie is gone from the Lodge !!!!  I checked the Lodge's FB Page and it said, that Sundays is Ladies Dress to Impress and the Guys' just make sure your pants are up !!!! Sayyy Whaaa !!! Yep, Willie is gone my friend !!!!   well, when I was working with him on Sundays, we had about 20 items of what you can & cannot where !!!!   and we had to post the list on the doors and to regulate it !!!!   and Willie always wanted us to tell the guys to rearrange their hats, scarfs, sunglasses !!! Yeah... you get the picture, and to see that guys only to have your pants up !!!!   Well, he did say back in March/April that he's planning on leaving anyways, so, hey..... it was definitely quite an adventure !!!!    So, I'm going to get ready to get some din-din and get some Zzzzz'z... and do some writing in the morning... on my book !!!!  Infinite Love and Gratitude !!!!  I'm In the Cocoon Baby !!!!!   Divinitus Warrious Universalis (Oz)

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