Thursday, May 23, 2013

News Flash !!!!! Attenchun !!!!! This Will Be My Last Post Here On Blogger !!!!!!!!!

I've Been Blogging Here for some time now !!!!  at least a few years...... I'm going to call this Blog here on Blogger :  My Total Human Metamorphosis Part 1....   and now for My Total Human Metamorphosis Part  2 will be on Tumblr !!!!!!

YESSS !!! Part 2 will be on Tumblr !!!!!  Here is that link  !!!!   also my YouTube Channel on the latest and past video clips, you can see some very Drastic Changes !!!!!   So, have at it !!!!

So there. !!!   I'm releasing quite a few things right now and Part 2 is already happening  !!!!   Part 2 will be about My Body & Home Temple !!!!   and a whole of other Wonderous,  Magical and Miraculous Experiences and Adventures !!!!!   Thank You for all the Views !!!!!   Infinite Love & Gratitude !!!!  See you on my Tumblr Blogger !!!!

Thanks For Reading My Words and I'm glad I was here to experience all of them and being absolutely honest !!!  Part 2 !!!  I'm going All Out !!!!   Fully 1000% Transparency !!!!!!

Much Love, Oscar J Zepeda

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Going To Release My Planetary Galactic Saturn !!!!!

It all makes sense now, the sudden extreme rush to leave to California, to see Huntington Beach, CA and in Chicago where my baby overheated and I must claim my responsibility now !!!  I'm a big boy and I cannot move back-- only forward and right now I have made the decision that I have no business driving anymore !!!!

I do have my License, I'm legit there !!!  it's the Insurance !!!  (which I have none right now, b/c I cannot afford it) and The Gas !!!  and them Tolls !!!!  I came to the realization that if I can't afford to pay insurance !!!  nor Freaking Gas !!!!!  I have no right to drive !!!  So, I'm going to release tomorrow morning to City Auto Wreckers in Aurora, IL !!!!   I had a crazy feeling that not only my life was transformed from my Spontaneous Road Trip but my Saturn's life had changed as well !!!  See, the previous owners of the Saturn, never went anywhere, just to the grocery store and back !!!  it's a 1995 with only 85,000 miles on it !!!  when I first got it !! now it has 102,800 miles and it gave me a warning when I was in Chicago Downtown on Michigan Ave. the Magnificent Mile it overheated, the temp gauge was at the Red and I knew that I had to be on the highway fast..  I feel that my baby (Saturn) wanted to go out with a bang !!!  Wanted to drive through the Rocky Mountains at 9,000 Feet Elevation !!!!!   Wheeewww... we made it !!!!!   even if we were going 20 MPH !!!!!  We did the Northern Route Going To CA and then the Southern Route Going Back to IL.... and then my warning in Chicago..  It's not only about the health of my car, I know that I have no business driving now !!!  1st of all  !!!   I'm breaking the law by not having Current Insurance !!!!!  2nd. Gas !!!  3rd. Tolls, I owe about $40 worth in tolls !!!  4th, the repairs that I need to be done, I need a full-blown tune up.  I just drove 5,000 miles in 1 week !!!!  I'm done driving !!!!  not only physically !!!   but, it's keeping me down financially !!!

 We have to Absolute Honest With Our Current Situation and my situation is screaming I have no business driving now !!!!   So, plan is to release to junk yard where they may use it for parts or crush it into a box and have it melted to be new again !!!!   The the Circle of Life Continues !!!!  I will be getting a bike with the couple hundred I will receive in exchange for the Saturn !!!  Life !!!  Wow !!!  I know that Saturns Life had an Amazing Adventure with Me as the 2nd Owner !!!  and yes, it acted as my Shelter from the elements here in Chicagoland, acted as my getting away to see Beautiful Mother Nature, felt I lived a few lifetimes with my Galactic Friend !!!!  and now I know it's time !!!!   if I I get caught / pulled over and don't have insurance, I would be going down the spiral again !!!!  and that's not going to happen !!!  So, there, this is my Releasing of my 1995 Saturn which gave me sooo much happiness and joy and warmth and shelter !!!  It had received many names from my  "homelies" homeless buddies that I would give rides to, the name that stuck was "Space Capsule" !!!!   and yes it was literally like a space capsule !!!!   1st there was only 1 real seat and that was the drivers seat the rest I took out, so I can have more room to "live" !!!!   and so if I had to give someone a ride we would have to do some repackaging of the Space Capsule !!!  All Very Good !!!!   My baby did it's job !!!!   Thy job is done !!!!   Thank You !!!  This is my Thank You and Farewell !!!!   my baby went through  a lot with me !!!!!  I know it's time not only Legally !!!  but, Financially !!!   I have no business driving right now !!!!  So, Thurs morning !!!  is the day !!!  Tonight I'm going to clear everything out !!!!  The following pic is how much my baby did for me !!!! You were definitely a Work Horse !!!    Thank You !!!!!

Thank You !!!   We're Made From the Same Star Stuff !!!!   Yeah !!!!   I was rolling my Space Capsule like this on the streets !!!   Obviously, I had to down size and tinted (more like spray painted the windows black from the inside!!) to make it appear not "So Obvious" !!!   Extreme Adventure !!!   No wonder I couldn't find the pics !!!  I was trying to find the latest pics of My Space Capsule !!!  I was video recording it not taking pictures so there !!  Browse through my YouTube Video's You'll get a better sense what My Space Capsule Evolved Into !!!!  Well, that's about it !!!  Change Is Good !!!!

It'll be good to walk and when I get my bike (Bike) around !!!  All is good !!!  I been through it all my friend and this is nothing !!!  I'm looking forward to it actually !!! just to set Free !!!  from the worry of getting pulled over and having No Insurance !!!  No Paying for Freaking Gas !!!!  Dude !! I"m Sooo Done with that Shit !!! and them Tolls !!!!!   just to drive on the highway !!!!  Yeah, as I said earlier, I have no business driving !!!!   Walk, Bike, Bus, Train, and HitchHike !!!!  you get the point !!!

The focus points at My Body Temple and My Home Temple.  Where I need to focus on my body and my home.  I'll definitely keep you posted on my progress and my Extreme Adventuresome Journey !!!!  Infinite Love and Gratitude, !!!!  Life Is Already Transforming !!!!  Thank You !!!   Thank You Space Capsule !!!!

For getting me to all the places where I wanted and needed to go !!!!  We will always have the Extreme Adventuresome Memories !!!  Thank You !!! 

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Spontaneous Trip Was Absolute Beyond Amazing !!!!

ok, last Sun Night right about now 1:45am was on the road to California !!!!!  I only had 1 hours preparation !!!  it was Absolutely Crazy How For Sure with absolute certainty that I had to go !!!   so basically I grabbed the necessities and bounced  !!!! that same night !!!!  Can you believe that I listened to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !!!!!!    I wore earplugs the Whole Entire Way To and FRO !!!!  No Joke, No Lie !!!!   See, I wanted to commune, speak, communicate with my Infinite Divine !!!  All the way To California and Back to Illinois !!!!   I actually got back Sat Night yesterday had some good rest and surprised mom on Mothers Day at Bodhi Spiritual Center in Chicago !!!   She was volunteering at the coffee station !!!!  It was Awesome !!!!  I just tapped on her shoulder and she screamed out !!!!  O' My Gosh !!!!!  Osc !!!  it was a Great Moment !!!   C'mon Now !!!  I just traveled over 4,000 miles in 1 week !!!  I'm done driving for a while now  !!!   I think it's time to cash in my Planetary Saturn for a Bike !!!!

I learned a lot and had some awareness which needed and wanted to address and to make change of.  I had a tremendous amount of synchronicities.  It was me and my Infinite Divine !!!   with as much silence as I possibly can with the windows down !!! Thus the earplugs !!!  and all them semi's passing by !!!   See, when we don't have all the Misc. Sludge or Gunk messing up our Internal Connection with the Infinite we hear, listen and know !!!!!  Yep, it's soooooo on my friend !!!!   I never been sooo sure in my entire life !!!   It's Already Happening !!!!   Wow  !!!!  I know my Game Plan !!!  See, Clearing Out the Mind, Body and Soul Is Soooooo Good For You !!!!  I was pretty shocked myself !!!!!  That I had zero Radio !!!  Zero CD's or even my mp3 player !!!   I kid you not !!!!  See it's crazy, well not really, you began to carry an actual conversation !!!!  with your Infinite Divine !!!  On the way home, I didn't feel like saying anything verbally, it was All Mentally !!!!   asking questions and carrying a conversation all in the mind !!!!  it takes some practice !!!  See, me I'm used to Out load Verbal Communication with Infinite Divine !!! 

On the way back home I was a bit tired and legs kept on cramping up because the many hours of driving !!!  I drove barefoot with a pillow on the floor board and with 2 other pillows used as Arm Rests while driving !!!  When it comes to Road Trips I know the drill  !!!!   I think it's going to be the time for me to release my vehicle  !!!!!  I know now what exactly I need to do !!!!  See, we know what we need to do, I feel that sometimes or most times that we 2nd Guess Ourselves or Take Other's Not-Warrented "Free" Advice even though their intentions are good it's just it's Not Good For You  !!!   In order for you to truly learn and grow is to have total 100% Experience !!!  Not Hearsay !!!  You wouldn't be able to Learn, Grow and Evolve if you always have a Silver Spoon Handed Brought to you hand in foot !!!!!  and to have everything handed to you !!!   my 1st Stage right now,  I have a whole Blue Print Now  !!!  for what Exactly I Want and What Will Happen !!!  4,000 miles with Mother Earth and Infinite Divine !!!   I know what to do now !!!  How do it, when to do it, The Whole Shabang !!!!  It's Soooo On !!!!    I'm going to tapping into the Hardcore Power of Infinite Divine !!!  1st Phase is Body Temple and Home Temple... I know I must Go Within and Release it all and to solely focus on those two as of right now.  My Marine Corps Boot Camp was at least double then the regular Marine Corps boot camp because I had to lose around 50 lbs and to be able to do 3 pull ups from a dead hang !!!  and so I was drafted into the PCP Platoon !!!!  Pork Chop Platoon !!!  No Joke !! that was the name of the "Special Platoon" it was nothing but, Overweights and Weak Underweights, Overweights had to lose weight and the Underweights had to gain weight !!!  to be able to the Pull Ups, Sit Ups and Run Time !!!  It's On !!!  I know where to go, what to do, and to go within, right now !!!!

I had such An Awakening While Driving To Huntington Beach, CA and Back !!!  Going to I went the Northern Route and the way back I went the Southern Route !!!!  It was Absolutely Breathtaking and Magical !!!  We sooo live on a Magnificent and Beyond Beautiful Planet !!!  it was awesome today or earlier today !!!  well, when I finally got home !!!  My I was Ready !!  for a Hot Shower and a Hot Meal !!!!  and just to chill without driving !!!!   I can hear the muffler rattling a little more than before !!!  Well, see about trading My Baby in for a bike !!!  We'll cross that road when we get there !!!  All I know is that it's time for business !!!   TCB !!!!   as the Hell's Angels Say !!!!  Takin Care of BeedNee !!!!   (business)  My Internal Guidance is Off the Hook Now !!!   You got to admit that driving from IL DuPage County Naperville, IL to Huntington Beach, CA With Out Any Music, Tunes, CD's, MP3 Players !!!  Absolutely NOthing !!!!  I wore only ear plugs check out my vids !!!  on youTube !!!  I have some new ones now !!!  Not everything but, a small taste on the trip !!!!

Ok, going to call it a night now !!!!   The Power of the Universe is in Me !!!!!  It's Here and I Know that I Must Take Heed to My Absolute Divine Internal Guidance !!!   I heard it and took heed last Sunday !!!!  and now I'm back !!!  I felt that it was the Final Glaze Over of my Internal Divine Guidance  with Infinite Divine !!!  it's like Digital !!! vs. Antennae !!! or maybe like reg old school black and white TV with the crumpled up Foil on the wire antennae !!!!  Ha !!!  remember that ????   to the 3D in HD !!!!!   I got the 3D in HD Super Instantaneous Absolute Immediate Connection with Infinite Divine Now !!!  and it's time to TCB !!!!!!!!   Infinite Love & Gratitude Everyone !!!!  I Love Life Sooooo Very Very Very Very Very Much  !!!!!  Thank You !!!! Thank You !!!  It's Beyond One Like Donkey Kong !!!   I'll keep posted whenever and wherever possible !!! Best way on the up to date updates would be My YouTube Channel, the Oscar Zepeda Channel.  here's the link:   Oscar Z TV

Let's Have An Amazing Day !!!!   the Best Day of Your Life !!!  with Learning, Growing, Evolving and Knowing Who You Truly Are !!!  and that's Part of the Infinite Divine Who Created All !!!!!  We all have that same Instant and Direct Connection !!!!   and it's time to take heed for what Infinite Divine is Telling you maybe there's too much Gunk or Sludge ???  Hunhh..... this day in age ...... Wow.....   we get distracted by soooooo much bullshit soooo freakin much !!! it's insane !!!!  in the membrain !!!!  TV, Cable, Gossip Magazines, those Drug Commercials, Lack, Scarcity and Limitation News Flashes or Ambushes as I like to call them !!!

See I do believe in Conscious and Purposeful Programming, Choosing what to hear, see, read and watch !!!  it also helps when we detach from all the distractions and misc that's on the radio and tv/cable to clear out the Sludge & Gunk to have that 3D HD Instantaneous Light Speed Connection from Infinite Divine !!!!

Ok, you know that already !!   I'm not hear to preach, I'm just hear documenting my Life Journey of Change, Transformation, Self Growth, Learning, Mind-Body-Spirit !!!  and honestly this is For Me !!!!  to document my Amazing and Magical Journey !!!  of Self Exploration, Self Awareness to Absolutely To Know Thyself !!!!  and to be Absolute Blended and Intertwined with the Master Infinite Divine Artist who created all aka God !!!!  We All Are Divine !!!!!   it's up to us to claim it.   Much love to all who reads and take heeds !!!   Infinite Love & Gratitude !!!   Oscar Z

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Wow !!!!! I Can't Believe This !!! I'm About to Do Something Very Very Very Illogical !!!!!!!!!!

I just feel like cancelling everything and just GO !!!!!!  I have to GO !!!!!!!!   Wow !!!!  it actually feels that I'm being Instructed, Directed, Told, Yelled and Pushed to Go !!!!  To Truly take heed to my Direct Connection to the Infinite !~!!!!   See, I lived my Whole Life Illogically !!!!  Why Stop Now !!!!!!!   Wow !!!!  I'm actually going to do this !!!!!!   Wow !!!   I have to !!!!  this is a Have Too !!!!   I know for I am Divine and I Know !!!!!  Wow !!!!  I wouldn't in a million years thought I would be saying that !!!!!   I'm able to hear, listen and now it's taking heed to my Internal and Infinite Divine Guidance !!!!  Wow !!!!   Ok.  I actually written down the directions from Chgo to Sunset Beach, CA !!!!!   See there is no Right or Wrong Way to Live Your Life !!!  with Me it has always been to the Absolute Extreme !!!!!   Wow !!!!!  I literally been through everything !!!!    Let's Do This !!!!!  I'm ready !!!!!  See, I don't think you remembered that I "Purposely took out everything I had in my accounts which was only $30 and Purposely Drove Until I Ran Of Gas !!!!!  and I had Miracle after Miracle happen to and for me !!!  and I had the Most Magical Time In My Entire Life !!!!!!!   My Faith Is Beyond Galactic !!!! !!!!!!!!   See, I have to get away for me to Transform My Life !!!!!!  Infinite Divine wants me to Transform My Life just as much as I do and probably even more !!!!!!!   and We Both Know that it's time now !!!!!!   No More Bull-Shit !!!!!!   let's do this already !!!!!   I'm Ready and the Universe is Ready !!!!     I'm just going to get the necessities and get crackalackin !!!! 

this is it........    Transformation Will and Must Happen....................   and I know that I must GO NOW !!!!!!    I Absolutely Love My Life !!!!!!!  Wow !!!!!!

I live an Amazing, Super-Natural, Miraculous, Magical Life !!!!!!!!!!     Thank You !!!  Thank You !!!! Thank You !!!!!

I'll keep you posted on pics and vids and some words !!!!    might be a while though !!!!   check in every month or 2 !!!!  much love, Oscar Z

Friday, May 3, 2013

"My Extreme Experiment !!!!" and More !!! this Post Will be a Whopper !!!!

Ok, it's been a while since I've last written here and it's about that time !!!!  Today, Right Now, a lot of things are happening not only to our human selves but with Higher Consciousness and also with our Star Brothers & Sisters.  Today May 3rd, 2013 the last day of the 5 Day Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington DC to 5 Former Congress Members.  Bottom Line of this hearing is that the Citizens on  Disclosure will give Congress the Opportunity to Disclose (which will regain U.S. Gov/Congress Trust) if not "the People Will".  We are the only country on Planet Earth that has not yet to Be Disclosed. 

Here's all of the links and websites that's in relation to this Disclosure: 

It's Coming !~!!!!  there are a few "Real Proof" Documentaries / Movies that will be and is already

Movies #1:  Sirius Documentary:
             #2.  Stan Romanek   "Extraodinary- Stan Romanek Story : Trailer:

What you can watch now for FREE !!!!   this is what I watched earlier this week and I made three 29 min videos on my Reaction and Response to this video clip !!!  it had a Huuuuge Impact and I definitely shifted.  Must Watch Now !!! it is 1 hr & 50 min long, so, sit and relax and enjoy the ride..

Here it is:  Stan Romanek Full Presentation

Here is My Stan Romanek Full-Presentation Reaction Videos" 
My Reaction Video 1:
Mr Reaction Video 2:
My Reaction Video 3:

I was literally blown away !!!!   when I saw his documentation one right after the other !!!!  ok, let's continue on.    I had mentioned previously on a video or on this blog about a special lady by the name of Dolores Cannon, after I found out about this Everything Made Sense "No Wonder" !!!!????   Here is that YouTube Interview with Dolores Cannon..... just only for you.... the Readers of my blog.....  I Know I'm a Volunteer. 

Dolores Cannon Interview "Volunteers"  
(FYI,  Not for the Faint of Heart nor Having a Closed Mind)

"My Extreme Experiment"

In a nutshell this will be for me and by me without any outside influence & distractions.  It's a 4 yr experiment where I Serve Me !!!   I served 4 1/2 yrs for the United States Marine Corps and Why I Can't Serve Me for 4 + yrs ??????   So, I'm going inside and sealing off the cocoon, my Metamorphosis !!!!   there will be some Commandments for this Extreme Experiment.  

Here are some of the Commandments aka Rules and Regs
#1.  Drink Only Water & Pedialyte (Unflavored)

#2.  Media FREE !!!!  All and Everything !!!  Reg TV, Cable, Shows, News, Magazines, Newspapers, RADIO, anything with any type of commercials and news, DVD and Movie Free !!!  Very Limited Internet Usage (only time I will use the internet is to upload my YouTube Videos and to Write On This Blog !!!  That Is It !!!!  Occasionally will check FB Facebook, just Messages Only, No "Creeping" internet Stalking or going on  the "Wall" on FB.. you know what ZERO FB !!!!  I'll have it Activated Now, before I used to Deactivate My FB Page but, now it's on.  So, FYI, FB will Be Activated but, Will Not Be Checking FB...

 #3. Fuel:  All Meats, All Vegetables RAW, and Fruits, Protein Shakes and Amino Acids and Creatine.

First Phase Will Be My Body and Home Temple.  I will focus on my Body, My Physical Body and the Home Temple is to create my Home into a Special Spiritual Temple.  The majority of my time will be at Jakked Hardcore Gym Montgomery, IL -- Xsport Naperville, IL  --  DuPage County and Nearby Counties Forest Preserves.

Also there will some Routines:  Morning Routine, Mid-Day and Evening Routine which will posted when I'm fully.  For the Morning Routine this is what I have as of now:  
Morning Routine:  4am Wake Up, Eat a little something, Morning Pages (handwritten 3 pages), 

TBC:  To Be Continued:  BBS>>> Be Back Soon !!!!  I'll find out what works and what doesn't and post my findings here.... MP's, Medition, Etc...... Mid-Day and Evening Routine.... Infinite Love and Gratitude, Oscar Z

Monday, April 8, 2013

I'm Actually Done Done Now..... Sealing Off the Cocoon Now......

This will be my Parting Words Until Further Notice:  I'm Going To Serve U.S.O.Z.  for 4 years,  If I could serve the United States of America in the Marine Corps for 4 yrs, Why Can't I Serve Myself for 4 years !!!!!   I did a video on this subject... look it up on my YouTube Channel....

Which is in PDT = Perfect Divine Timing, I just got back from the VA Hospital and let's just say that I must focus and concentrate on my Physical Health & Well Being.... I will not get into details, let's just say that it's Urgent....  and I Must Release Everything That No Longer Serves Me !!  No, Ifs &'s or Buts !!!!

The past 2-3 yrs I released TV & Cable, Newspapers, Magazines, TV/Cable Shows & News, Reality Shows and Radio (any type of Media).  I even threw out the fm/am radio that I had in my car !!!!  and I have noticed some extremely noticeable changes, Your Intuition Strengthens !!!!  I can feel peoples Vibration, Attitudes, What type of mood they are, what they're going to do or say, I can feel their answer before they speak, psychic abilities become stronger.... Wow !!!!  Amazing Hunh ????!!!  See, we only know a fraction of what our Amazing, Magical & Powerful Human Bodies can do or become..... we think we know but, really we don't.....  and 2 days ago I released my TV and DVD player !!!  Hold up !!!!  STOP !!!!!!    I know exactly what you're thinking !!!!  See, told you !!!  I said, TV / Cable Shows & News, see I used to have only just a TV set & a DVD player.... Without the cable / tv antennae hookup.... just able to play DVD's and that's it !!!  I do believe in "Purposefully" Watching/Seeing/Hearing movies, show's and spiritual based videos on YouTube and music.... not just flipping / surfing the channels.... where I control what I see, watch, hear & read.... and now just like what I said, I released the TV & the DVD player now.....  I'm at the point where I don't need ANY type of Media or Movies or Shows Now......  because I know.... "I Know What Myself & Infinite Divine Wants Me to Know"  everything else is irrelevant and does not involve nor concern me....

I immediately noticed more heightened & powerful Intuition, Psychic, Knowing, Direct Instant Knowledge & Instructions & Ideas from Infinite Divine/Source Energy/Universe/ Master Creator !!!!  Not joking on this one..... and I'm thinking of releasing my cell phone.... I was this close of just throwing the cell phone unto the pavement, but, my instructions were just to "Put the Batt In and Turn It On, Only When You Need to Make a phone call.  I truly thought about getting the Old School Phones with an Answering Machine !!!!  but, that would cost some $$  and I get the cell for FREE !!!!

Oh yeah, I deactivated my FB !!!!  I knew this time would come... for me to put the Rubber On the Road Now..... and it's either Now or Next Life Time, I'm going for Now !!!! Inside the Cocoon !!!!   to Metamorphosize !!!!!!!   I'm actually going in now .... No More Talk Now !!!!!

I'll tell you what, if you're still reading this... i will come back when it's time..... I'm going to serve 4 yrs of Faithfully and Honorable Service TO ME !!!   I have to !!!!   this will be the last "Public Viewing" Post !!!!  from this point on !!!

Infinite Love & Gratitude, Always & Forever !!!!!    just know that you're the BOSS, KING, GOD of your own life !!!!!  and just know that YOUR LIFE is YOUR MOVIE !!!!   your family, friends, co-workers, classmates, acquaintances and anyone your know or know of are Supporting Actors/Actresses & Extras for Your Movie to help you with your Growth, Learning and to Evolve !!!!!   You Are the Writer/Producer/Director for Your Own Movie !!!!!!

My Eternal Knowing is that We Never Die and that we MUST LIVE OUR LIVES !!!!!  Not Theirs !!!!  Also the Universe Made Sure that the Right type of actor/actress will be in your experience just to make sure that you Grow, Learn & Evolve !!!!!  There.... there it is.... It's time to not be Guilt Tripped Into Anything !!!!   Not to be Manipulated !!!!!   We are all Divine and we will never die, it's time to Live Our Lives How I/You Want To Be Lived and to get that "Oscar " for that Action/Drama/Feel Good/Inspiration/Spiritual/Transformational Movie of Yours !!!!!     If you feel inspired ???  Do It !!!  Release All the things that no longer severs you !!!! at least be purposefull with what you watch, see, hear & read !!! it does and it will make a huge difference & change....  IL & G !!!!!   I thought I was saying goodbye up there !!!!!   All Is Well & Good, and now it's time for me to start Filming !!!!  I already wrote the script... it's time to start filming !!!!   much love, Oscar Z....

Much Love, Oscar J Z  Semper Fi, Namaste, Infinite Love & Gratitude  !!!

Friday, March 29, 2013

2013 Mid Illinois Bodybuilding & Figure Championships !!!!!!!

Been a while since I last been here... Haven't been online for a while !!!  even FB !!!!  I deactivated my FB !!!  I like to keep it Old School !!!!!   No Cell, No Beeper !!!  No FB !!!!   I noticed that we are Sooooo Distracted with our Cell Phones and FB !!!!  I remember back in the day with Myspace ????  remember that deal ???  I was Hooked, it was my crack and I know myself a lot better from that Social Media Addiction.... I noticed I was spending Wayyyy To Much ON BS and Others people BS !!!!!   I don't know why I started with Myspace when the title is 2013 Illinois Bodybuilding & Figure Champion Ships or Championships !!!!   this week was listening some recordings of Joe Dispenza from "What the Bleep Do We Know".... his specialty is Life Transformation / Brain Extraction and Re-Invention /  there are quite a bit of YouTube Videos of my man Joe Dispenza !!!!  (dble clk on  <------- Joe D) Re-Wiring My Brain !!!  this is what I WANT & NEED !!!!   While I was listening to Joe he really made me act, that we must KNOW What To Become !!!   Who and what do you see in others that you want to become like.  Not actually Being that person but the personality traits:

I got the following quote from Oprah's Master Class about Re-Inventing Yourself: "The first law of life: Things change—and that includes us. We're all beings in process and we either evolve and grow, or waste time and energy trying to keep things the way they were. Masters see what's coming with clear eyes. They shed outdated roles and jump into new ones; as soon as they meet one challenge, they dream up another. That's how they stay fresh, energized.

and now !!!  I know I'm In the state of Becoming right now !!!!  in a state of absolute evolution !!!   we are living in an Infinite & Magical Universe !!!  we think we know a lot, but, honestly I know that we as Infinite Divine Human Beings have Soooooo Much Power !!!  and I know for myself !!!  My Transformation My Metamorphosis !!!!  We must know What We Want To Become !!!!!  this was My Missing Link !!!   I know in the past I was all talking about "Transformation, Change, & Metamorphosis" I know !!!!  So, the remainder of this month and into the month of April !!!  I'm  going to write in detail on What Kind of Being I Want to Become !!!!!!!!  EVERYTHING !!!!!    Mind, Body, Spirit, Family/Friends & My Passions... I know I have been neglecting friends & family !!  I know, I'm not perfect and I absolutely admit it, I want to change....   I know with friends & family they hold you in a type of vibration that you want to change from, for me, being broke, not having a "Successful" Life and i'm fucking 40 !!!!!   Yeah, that vibration I don't want anymore !!!  So, thus I want to Re-Wire My Mind into Infinite Divine's Mind !!!!!  the Absolute One Who Created All !!!!  that is My Mind !!!  and I know that my Body is Ready for It's Metamorphosis !!!   thus me supporting Byron & Tami Hicks Owners of Jakked Hardcore Gym  in Montgomery, IL and my Personal Trainer  Ed Honn at Xsport Fitness in Downers Grove, IL they are Competing in the 2013 Mid Illinois Bodybuilding & Figure Championships in Ottawa, IL !!!  this March 30, 2013  !!!!   1 Day !!!!!   

Above is Byron Hicks Owner of Jakked Hardcore Gym !!!!   this pic from one his earlier competitions !!

Any & Every Thing is Possible !!!!!  So, I know that after my Motivation & Inspiration at tomorrows 2013 Mid IL Bodybuilding Championships !!!  Dude, I know Byron is going to be the Most Baddest Bodybuilder in Tomorrows Competition !!!  Plus his wife is competing !!!!! Together !!!!!  I'll make sure I have some Pics and Vids !!!!!   

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I'm Excited !!!!!! I'm Ready !!!! and I'm Doin It !!!!!!!

Enthusiam = Enthuse I Am = Enthusiasm !!!!!!! 

Enthusiasm originally meant inspiration or possession by a divine afflatus or by the presence of a god. Johnson's Dictionary, the first comprehensive dictionary of the English language, defines enthusiasm as "a vain belief of private revelation; a vain confidence of divine favour or communication." In current English vernacular the word simply means intense enjoyment, interest, or approval.
Originally, an enthusiast was a person possessed by God. Applied by the Greeks to manifestations of divine possession.

the above I just highlighted and copied !!!   Enthusiasm is Theee Key !!!!!   for Success !!!!  Divine Possession !!!!  Possessed by God  !!!!   Ummmmm   YESSS !!!!  I'll Take Some of That !!!!  Divine Favor !!!  is a no brainer ???  Well, I'm here to say !!!!  That I'm Excited and Very Enthusiastic On What Is Happening and What Will Happen !!!!   Let's Have Fun !!!!  Let's Get Happy !!!!   Let's Live Our Lives Now !!!! To the Absolute Fullest !!!  Let's Create Our Lives in Full Detail !!!!  I came across a lady by the name of Mary Morrissey  and I was listening to her cd's and she mentioned and advised that we Must Write Out In Extreme Specific Detail like a Blue Print on How and What Kind of Life We Want to Live and to Live by the Laws of the Universe !!!   I really resonated with her teaching and from her experiences.  Ideas are God's / Universe's / Infinite Divine's Gifts !!!  and it's up to us to Take Action !!!!  " Wow, that's a Great Idea", I say to myself quite often.... and I know I haven't been taking any action toward that Idea, but, now I Am  !!!!! 

So, this Fitness Journey is only the beginning of my Overall Life Journey !!!!!  about 2 yrs ago while I was what might appear a notso good time in my life and I was at a McD's for the Free Internet, and I wrote out a Blue Print for my life !!  What Exactly Do I want to do, be, have, and to become.   I still have that original Blue Print... and now it's all coming into place.... and I know now that my Fitness Physical Body Journey is Only the Beginning.... So, thus this Extreme Enthusiasm that I"m Experiencing !!!!  Seems like that I'm being guided and led by the Supreme Master Infinite Creator and that I'm here to be the example, to Be the Change and to Inspire Others.  I'm doing the best that I can do and I know that I'm not perfect.  I just know that I've been receiving these "Miracles" which I believe they are the consequences of Extreme Blind Faith and just having a Positive and Happy Attitude "Regardless" of what happens.  I'm sooo glad that I'm here, writing in this unique blog of mine.  Oh, I did downloaded about 30-40 music cd's !!!  to add to my Work Out Music Collection !!!!   it's beyond like Donkey Kong !!!!!    

Aaaaaahhhhhhhh Well, I just word that Deva Premal is coming to Chicagoland !!!!!!    For my ending I would end this post with Deva Premal !!!!  so you can hear her !!! :   Deva Premal

Infinite Love & Gratitude,  Oscar Z

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

DJ Red Barron's Old School Miami Booty Bass Mix


Old School Flash Back !!!  MY Absolute FAV !!!!!   OMG 2 da Fullest !!!!!  Oz

Never, Ever Give Up


Wow..... I was speechless  when I saw this !!!!    Really Touched and Inspired Me !!!  must watch.....

Friday, February 8, 2013

My 1st Week !!!!!! = Preparation is Key .......

I just wanted to share some words here and now.   All went well with my Xsport Fitness Get Fit Challenge, Registration, Weigh In and Photographed !!!  it was a lil bit embarrassing having to take off my shirt, I was wearing a heavy long sleeved shirt and my undershirt was wayyyyyy super tight and it fitted like a half-shirt.... and they had the weigh machine right in front of the gym !!!!  I was soooo trying not to have to take off the shirt, so I was pulling down the undershirt as much as I can and to try to be "Suave" about it, having my belly playing hid n go seek !!!  Then I was walking towards the basketball court (that's where they the photo booth last year) so I was walking fast and at the same time pulling down my large white tee then I got called to come to another place !!!  then I was told to take off my white t-shirt that was riding up above my naval.  I'm sooo glad it wasn't a packed gym !!!   like 5pm +.... I was there at 3:50pm, just wanted to get it done and over with.....  Heyyy, we must make peace on where we are..... and that yes, there will be sometimes where we are not comfortable with our physical bodies.... especially in the "Before"Phase.... so, this week went OK.... I'm saying just Ok, because I know that I must prepare each day in advance, my meals, what work out schedule... This week was like a Trial and Error.... I know that must plan each week in advance !!!  This is Soooo Key !!!!!    See, this week I was just Free-Flowing with my meals and my work out schedule.... Free Flowing meaning just Going With Whatever I Feel Like......

I noticed that-that strategy doesn't work for me at all.... and my Personal Trainer !!!  he couldn't believe how much weight I gained !!!   and other gym staff came up to me to see if it was "Really Me".... Haaaa.... I felt like I was the Poster "Before" Guy Big Time !!!!  See, I was working out ferociously in 2011.... and I relapsed !!!!  Big Time !!!!  Relapsed from going to the gym and working out., I felt like the Prodigal Son who came back, and yes I was received with open arms... when I came in to register, my Personal Trainer from last years Get Fit Challenge came up to me and just hugged me !!  that felt good, because, to come back with 70 extra fat pounds isn't the greatest feeling !!! .. and the same people did come up to me and told me that, hey, "You're Here" Doing Something About It !!!!  and that I do have some great muscle mass underneath which will help you shed off of the coat!!!!  so that felt good...   So now, I must schedule my meals and my hours of the day... just like Marine Corps Bootcamp, whatever the schedule says, we had to do !!   Whether we felt like it or not !!!!!   and that's Key for me !!!!!   See, with me, I tend to go with what my body wants to do now.... the overweight and out-of-shape body !!!!  not the Chizzled Masterpiece that I want to become, doing this on your own with out the Marine Corps Drill Instructors in your face 24/7 for 3 months, well in my case it was 5 months !!!  because I was in the PCP Platoon... Pork Chop Platoon aka "Physical Conditioning" Platoon !!!!  I wasn't able to do the 3 pull ups and I was about 30 lbs overweight...  I lost 50 lbs during my Marine Corps Bootcamp.... and was voted most improved recruit from my peers !!! 

Ok, just a lil bit of past history here, I know now that I must schedule every minute !!!!!!!   Every Bite !!!!  Every Sip of Water !!!!  Every Breath.........  this is my livelihood now.... and I must take absolutely seriously now !!!!  I Am Responsible For My Physical Body, My Life and My Future Lifestyle !!! No One Else !!!  I Am Responsible For My Success.... I Am Responsible for my Transformation !!!!!!   It's All Me !!!   No One Else !!!!  So, I'm going to pull up my "Boot Straps" and Tighten up the Belt with my Transformation..... Starting Now !!!!

Starting today 2/8/13 ,  I'm going to be on a Super Tough Work Out Regime... I know my body is going to try it's darndest to try not to go with it.... but, I know I must and I Will !!!!  Go Through It !!!  it's been a week now !!!  and only worked only a handful of times and been slacking on the choices of fuel intake (what I'm eating).... now I know.... and knowing is half the battle !!!!  Know Thyself !!!!!   I know what works and what doesn't..... I'm glad it's I'm learning this in the 1st week vs like the 4th week or so.... I still have time WIN !!!!!!  and to Shock the Judges !!!!   I don't know when I'll be back here on my blog.... could be a couple weeks or month or 2 !!!   I know that I must be absolutely serious about my Transformation !!!!!  Doing a U.S.M.C. Bootcamp !!!   where I had Zero Outside Contact for 3 whole months (5 months b/c of PCP platoon).....  This is my schedule:

8am Yoga
9:30am Cycle
10:30am Pure Strength
11am Ultimate Abs
R&R Pool, Jaccuzzi, Sauna, Jet Stream


5:30am 20/20/20 (cardio and strength w/o hardly any rest)
4pm  Jakked Hardcore Gym till Pass Out !!! 

5:30am Cycle class
3pm Personal Trainer Session
5:30pm Muscle Max
6:30pm Cardio Kick Boxing
7pm  Bootcamp

5:30am Bootcamp
4pm-Jakked Gym till ??

5:30am  Cycle
3pm Personal Training Session
5:30pm Turbo Kick
6:30pm Bootcamp

8:30am Core Commotion
9:30am  Cycle
10:30am Turbo Kick
1pm Jakked Gym

7:30am Boot Camp
Jakked Gym
 Xsport :R&R Pool, Sauna, Jaccuzzi, Jet Stream Pool

This is definitely a Very Extreme Work Out Schedule.... This schedule is my "Intention" I know that most likely my physical body will not be able to go through each and every one of my work out schedule, I will definitely will try my best and to Prepare for it !!!  I know I'll probably be taking naps in between workouts and bringing my cooler filled with Healthy Fuel !!!! Healthy Fluids !!!  I will be drinking the "Baby Purified Water" they have added extra nutrients and minerals !!!  and also my Pedialyte's (Walmart Brand) Unflavored !!!!    So I can replenish all the Necessary Nutrients to Continue and Win !!!!! 

So, this is it.....Every Nano-Second must be in relation toward my Transformation !!!!!  Every Bite, Every Sip and Every Breath... must be in relation toward my Metamorphosis !!!!!  This will be my schedule inside the cocoon !!!!   Signing Off !!!  Until Further Notice !!!!!   I have a good feeling that I'll be back with an update in a month or two.... or maybe at the tale end of the Xsport Fitness Get Fit Challenge and the Transformation Challenge with ......  Infinite Love & Gratitude !!!!  Signing Off .... Oscar Z.

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Last Parting Words !!!!!!

Just a few words before I go to Xsport Fitness to get Registered, Weighed and Photographed !!!  for the Get Fit Challenge 2013 ..... I never been sooo ready in my entire life !!!!  This moment has been in the making for some time more like some years in the making !!!!  That you may not know WTF is going on when you IN IT but, in the End it Everything Comes Into Perfect Precision Divine Timing and in Perfect Place !!!!!   Made Me Learn, Grow and Evolve and to Experience Absolute Life Here on this Planet Mother Earth !!!

Signing off until further notice....... Challenge Ends May 4th, 2013...... see ya then !!!

Much Love and Infinite Love and Gratitude !!!   Oscar Z

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Here We Go !!!! Gettin Ready...... 8 Days Till.......

I've Been telling all of my classmates that I'll be doing the Get Fit Challenge with Xsport Fitness !!!!  I have been working out at class, mostly heavy weights (I still have to take the Official "Before Picture" on Jan 31st so, I do want to be as much Out-of-Shape aka FAT as possible and once I'm registered and took the official Xsport Before Pics,  It's On !!!!!    I'm going to work out like my Life Depended On It !!!!!!   and I know that I won't be having time to "Write" here in my blog, during the 88 Days !!!!!  it's Only 88 Days !!!!!!   the official start date is Feb 4th - May 2nd, the Weight Out is on May 4th 12noon..... I'm going to NPTI National Personal Training Institute in Lisle, IL..... I know that my 1st client will be me !!!  I have to Walk the Walk !!!  and I know that my story will inspire others !!!!  because I've Been There !!!  I know what it's like being 60-70 lbs / POUNDS Overweight !!!!   and I gained it all in one year  !!!  Can you believe that ???  that's something else hunh????  It's very easy to feel depressed and negative about my Fatness... I had accepted it and it's Ok and I'm not going to beat myself up for gaining all them lbs, it's ok, it's not the end of the world ...... I know I'm not the Only One that's Overweight in this world !!!!  and I will do something about it ......   so, I had downloading about 30-40 cd's and some playlists from i-tunes !!!  it's FREE !!!!   do a search for Playlists and look for the Free Ones, I got this one Super Sick Old School Freestyle Miami Bass Ghetto Booty Playlist that was 1 Hour  !!!!!    for Free !!!  I checked out the CD's from the library !!!  So, today I had added all the songs to my Transformation Playlist !!!!  Oh Snap !!!  it's On !!!!!  I got it all !!!!!  All of my favorite tunes !!!!!  about 400+ songs and about 40 hrs of tunes.....Every Song Is SICK !!!! that will make me Move and Go the Extra Mile !!!!!

What's going to cool is when my body is in Shock !!!  for working out soooo intensely is that at Xsport has a Special Pool that has a like a 2 inch Super Powerful Jet Stream where I can get a deep tissue massage after my work outs...... 

Oh !!!  Check This Out !!!!!   just out of curiosity I googled Get Fit Challenge IL, to find out if there are any other Get Fit Challenges Out There that I can Go For..... there is   !!!!! !!!!  Transformation Challenge 2013  and take a wild guess on how much is the Grand Prize !!!!!  $100,000 !!!!!!   12 Weeks !!!!!  Haaaaa,  the same amount of time for the Xsport Get Fit Challenge !!!!!   Mmmmm???? .... could this be a coincidence ???????   Well, all I can tell you is that I'm definitely going to Go For It !!!!!!!    I HAVE TO !!!!!  Holy Moly !!!!  Wow !!!!!   I'm just imagining what that would be like !!!!   Not only winning the Xsport Get Fit Challenge for $10,000 but the Transformation Challenge for $100,000 !!!!   Holy Moly !!!!!   Wow !!!!   I was checking out the 2012 Winner !!!!   Wow !!!!   Very Inspiring !!!  and he's from Chi-Town !!!!!!    and the Female Winner  !!! Wow !!!!!  I was like Daaaaaaaaaaaaaang !!!  Gurl !!!!!  Laura McGraw          definitely check her out......  gettin me motivated !!!!   this is it   !!!  So, I'm actually going to be in 2 Get Fit Challenges !!!!!!    Whoa !!!!!  $10,000 from Xsport !!!!!  and it's actually $50,000 in U$D and about $5,000 worth in prizes and trips..... I don't know why they have $100,000 On their Marketing Campaign... $50,000 or $100,000 it's all the same to me (when you're broke) !!!!!  so the $50,000 will seem like $100,000 to me !!! So,  I guess it is $100,000 !!!  

I'm just thinking..... could it a "coincidence" of me just finding out about the Transformation Challenge ?????    See, I already know that I'm going to win the Xsport Get Fit Challenge for $10,000 then an "Inner Voice" told me to google other Get Fit Challenges and that's how I found out about the Transformation Challenge 2013 !!!!  for $50,000 ...   Wow....  Every second must be in relation to my Transformation !!!  Every Second !!!  Every Bite !!!!  Every Drink !!!! Every Breath !!!   Everything !!!!   I'm going to treat this time as if my life depended on it...... ALL OUT !!!!!  EAT, Sleep, Dream & Work Out my Transformation !!!!  I sort of can't believe this is happening !!!???  is a dream ???  I'm off to a miraculous and magical year !!!!  last year I got a Free Car !!!! a new program for Unemployed Veterans was born to continue to get paid to go to my Personal Training School !!!!   I recieved a 1 bed 3rd Floor Apt, including all utilities paid with all the furnishings,  including all the nick-nacks like dishes, microwave, knives, pots and pans !!!!   in  Naperville, IL ranked third of 100 finalists and was the only Illinois town to make the 2005 "Best Places To Live" list. The city was also named as one of Fortune Small Business' Best Places to Live and Launch in 2008.  Could this be All be just One Whole Big Coincidence ?????  or is this the Work of our Infinite Divine Master Creator ????  leading me, guiding me, assisting me, oh yeah !!!  I get Free top of the line food !!!!  from Whole Foods !!!!  Haaa !!!  I totally forgot about that one !!!!!  Wow !!!  Every two weeks I get about $200 worth of healthy, nutritional food aaaaand I also get $170 worth of Food from the state !!!!  Haaa !!!!  Wow !!!!.... Has the Flood Gates opened up !!!  also having Xsport Fitness Gym only 3 miles away from me !!!  aaand Jakked Hardcore Gym only 9 miles away !!!!  This is beyond Coincidence !!!!!  I truly feel that the Hands of the Universe is helping me create my reality !!!  and now with these 2 Get Fit Challenges !!!!  $10,000 + $50,000 = $60,000  in USD !!! U.S. Dollars aka CASH !!!!!  Wow !!!!   I know for a fact that this is thee year !!!!  This is thee year !!!!  This will be the year of all years !!!!!!  This will be the year that will catapult me into the Heavens !!!!!   I know, see....  I don't think I mentioned this before but, the main reason I chose to become Brick & Mortar Physical Home Free was that I pursued my passion as an artist !!!  No Matter What !!!!  Regardless Of What Happens !!!!!  I pursued my dream regardless of what happened !!!!  and yes the Regardless Happened.... It was More Choice !!!  I did a Sam Worthington !!!!!   (Same Worthington  I wanted to start over and sold everything, and was living out of his Camry !!! ) and that was when James Cameron Director of the Titanic and other Block Buster Movies crossed paths with Sam Worthington and Sam got the main role for Avatar !!!! and his whole life Changed !!!!!   there are others who are doing the same !!!  not just Sam and I !!!   wanting to change, transform and to start over !!!!!  To live our own lives !!!  not what others want you to do, not what your friends or family wants you to do....  and now looking back, I'm sooo glad that I had an Extreme Adventurous Experience... for I know what it's like and I've Been there...and my Faith in Infinite Divine Master Creator Universe has been multiplied in the Trillions !!!!!  for I know I'll be well taken care of no matter what happens.....

Yes, there was some very trialing and challenging times but, I knew that this was part of my growth and expansion and my learning here on this Amazing Mother Earth......   See, honestly I had a Blast !!!! I felt like local celebrity !!!  no joke, everyone was happy to see me and to say Hi !!!   Pure Unadulterated Adventure !!!  You heard of Living in the Now ????  I was living in the Absolute NOW NOW !!!!!  I didn't know where I was going to stay nor eat day by day !!! well, luckily there was a program where I was able to sleep and eat very abundantly !!!   thus the extra 60 lbs !!!!  I was living like a King !!!!! but, finally realized that I had a body of Jabba the Hut !!!  and now it's time for my transformation !!!!  It's finally happening !!!!  and everything is in place.....  I remembered I video recorded my 1st video about how I wanted to transform my life !!!!  when I had my Artist Loft in Chicago, I wanted to Reboot and Transform My Life Sooo bad that I enclosed myself in pure darkness in my bathroom for 2-3 days, duck taped the light coming through the edges of the bathroom door, at a couple of gallons of water,  and some fruit for nourishment.... zero technology, just and and pure absolute  darkness, I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face !!!!!  Daaaang, I sooo remembered that !!!  I haven't told anyone about that !!!!  except now..... it was Amazing !! See, you know you're there but, you don't see anything, pure pitch blackness, deep space, it felt like I was in a black hole .... I also had ear plugs so I wouldn't hear anything from the outside.... so, it was just me and the Infinite Divine Master Creator..... just our Spirits hangin out..... that was very very very Extreme !!!!    ok,  it's sheep time.....  I Have another Amazing Day Coming Up !!!!!   Must Be Well Rested !!!!   Much Love  !!!  I sooo cannot wait till the Get Fit Challenges start !!!!   So instead of writing here I'll be Workin on my Fitness  !!!!   Oz

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Calm Before the Storm !!!!!!!!! Countdown to my 88 Days !!!!!! of Pure Intense Forging !!!

It seems like my whole being knows is what's about to happen as soon as I get weighed and take that "Before" picture with the "Shirt Off" !!!!!   from Xsport Fitness !!!!!  on Jan 31st, 2013, this is going to be my "Boot Camp" Date...... this is what I'm going to act as if it's the Real Marine Corps Boot Camp..... where I was secluded from everything in the whole world including friends and family..... it's only 3 months ..... I know I must do this and I know that.... better yet... here's the Official Dates......

"Duration, Timeliness, Deadlines and XSport Personal Training and Supplement Purchase and Use
• The XSport Get Fit Challenge is an 88 day program.
• The XSport Get Fit Challenge will begin on February 4, 2013. Prior to that date, Participant must weigh-in at one of the select locations on January 31st, 2013 or February 1st, 2013 from 4 PM to 8 PM or February 2nd, 2013 or February 3rd, 2013 from 9 AM to 12 PM.
• Participants need to complete, and submit to Sponsor, by February 3rd, the entry form consisting of pages 2 and 3 (including having their before-picture taken) to begin the XSport Get Fit Challenge.
• Participant must train individually with an XSport personal trainer a minimum of 12 individual sessions over the duration of the Challenge (88 days) pursuant to a personal training contract executed by Participant and use Get Fit Supplements during the 88 days. Supplement sales receipts corresponding to at least an 88-day supply of two different Get Fit Supplement products identified on page 1 and dated between January 1, 2013 and March 14, 2013 must be submitted at weigh-out to XSport with your after picture. • The XSport Get Fit Challenge will end on May 2, 2013.
• Upon completing the 88 day program, Participant must complete the weigh-out process at the club Participant weighed in at on May 3rd from 4 PM – 8 PM or May 4th from 9 AM – 12PM, have after-picture taken and submit the essay and supplement sales receipts on the day they weigh out.

Jan 31, 2013 to May 4th,  2013 is my Personal Boot Camp...... See as soon as I get registere,  It's On!!!!!   See, technically the Competition starts on Feb 4th !!!  but, as soon as I get my weigh in and picture taken It's On !!!  I'm going to have a Head Start !!!!!  I'm going to be the 1st One to Get Registered  on Jan 31, 2012, the 1st one to get registered and the last one to get "Weighed Out".......  so I can lose even more till the absolute end !!!!  May 4th 11:59am..... it's Soooo On !!!!!   Not only I'll have a "Head Start but also I have 2 days to get even Chizzled !!!!!!   Haaaaa, Wow !!!!  That'll be cool, to get my 6 pack (abs) back...Yes, I did had them when I was in the Marine Corps !!!!  it is a cool feeling and to appreciate how incredible our human bodies are !!!!    88 Days  !!!!    It is Sooo On !!!!!   contacted my old Personal Trainer from Last Years Get Fit Challenge.... told him the deal !!!!  it's sooo on !!! 

See, like right now, I want to work out buuuuut I want  to be as "Big" aka "FAT" as possible for the Before Pic on Jan 31st!!!  thus the "Calm" before the storm !!!!!  just Heavy Weights Now !!!! and Zero Cardio  !!!!  the competition is mostly going to based on :  from the Get Fit Challenge 2013 Official Rules:

Grand Prize Winner will be chosen between the 1st place male and female winners based on the following criteria: outer transformation (“before” and “after” pictures) – 50% of total score and inner transformation (essay) – 50% of total score. In the event of a tie (i.e., one 1st place winner wins the essay portion and the other category wins the photo transformation portion), the grand prize winner will be based on the highest scoring essay. = $10,000 !!!!!!!!!

it's crazy how I knew that 2 years ago !!!!  I knew that I was going to win this challenge !!!!  maybe not that year nor the year after !!!!  but, this year is the year !!!!!    I just know.... when you know u know.... I Don't Believe, I Don't Hope, I KNOW !!!!  So much growth, learning and evolving this past year...  More like An Extreme Adventure of a Lifetime !!!!!  and my mantra is " I live an Amazing, Incredible, Supernatural, Magical, Miraculous Life....."    Wow !!!!  it's actually happening !!!!!!   right now at my internet spot..... at McDeez Baby-Baby-Baaaaby !!!!!!      uploading about 50 CD's tonight  !!!!!  Got them from da Library !!!  it's Free !!!!! (was surprised on the selection they have now) I thought it would be mostly Bach and Mozart !!!  got some DJ Kaled remixes, Flo-Rida mixes, Snoop,Dr. Dre, Bubba Sparxx ???  (da New Dirty South!!) and especially my Dance Remixes,  Old-School Hip Hop, Crunk, Party Anthems, "work out tunes"..... for my "88 Days" of Forging......  

"It's Like On Like Donkey Kong".......      And So It Is .....  And So It Shall Be.....  Oz-----

Going to have a Supernatural Day Today !!!!   Yikes !!! I have to wake up early !!!!   like 7am !!!  going to carpool with mom to go to "Church" !!!  haaaa, no it's not boring, nor dull, nor what you truly think of "Church" is !!!!!   then again we go to a "Hip-Real-Deep-Transdominational Spiritual Community"  called Bodhi Spiritual Center in Chicago    = website and Bodhi's FB Page ..... this is probably the first and last time that I'll be mentioning on where I go.....  to get my spiritual feast !!!!!   it's sooo not like what you've grown up with....  people drive all over to come.... because it's Well, Well, Worth It !!!!  I think the furthest person I know that goes is from Sandwich, IL  ???  I know right !!!  Sand-Wha ????  it's about a good 70 miles away, 1 hr 45 min drive....ok, that's it..... if you want to find out more about it click on the links above.... see me, I'm not here to preach, I'm here to be the best that I can be !!!!  that is it.....   it is quite Awesome Though !!!!!  well, I"m still downloading the workout cd's !!!!  I have about 5 more cd's left and that is It !!!!!  I'll have all the tunes that I'll be needing for my 88 Day of Pure Divine Forging !!!!  and won't have to download anymore cd's from the library !!!  I checked out all of the cd's that I wanted !!!!  

I'm sooo glad I got the NWA Legacy Westside Radio Megamix !!!!!  Daaaaaaaaaang That is Sooo Sick !!!!   what do you know they got on YouTube I got it for you !!!  if you're curious !!!  it's a 14 min Remix !!!!  I sooo love the Old School !!!!  as I said, I was Surprised at the Selection at the Library !!!!  I would definitely check out the library and do some Free Sharing Downloading !!!!  to your playlist !!!  ok, what else here I have about hopefully 30 min left, I really want to knock out the downloading tonight / morning... it's going on 1:30am now !!! Whoa !!!  and this would be It It !!!  as far as downloading ..... 

I must of checked out around 30-40 cd's !!!!!  total !!!   I'm sooo looking forward on Jan 31st, 2013 Registration for the Get Fit Challenge 2013 !!!!  Take my dag gone pictures with my Shirt Off !!!!  Oh, it's going to be a doozy !!!!!   also, during the challenge I'm going to grow the beard !!!! and the last day of the challenge for the weigh in I'm going to Shave !!! and definitely see the "Transformation" !!!!!  it's going to be like a Magic Trick !!!  but, it won't be no trick !!!! it'll be for real !!!!!  ok, down to 3 more cd's !!!!   got both of the Step Up Movie Compilation CD's !!!  I got it all now !!!!  and the last one is Remixes Compilation .....ok, last one now !!!!!   Have An Amazing Day Everyday !!!!  Oz

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My New Miracle Home 2013 !!!! (playlist)


Well, this is My New Miracle Home !!!!!!!    just a word of caution there is some Repetitive Foul Language.... because of how Miraculous on how all this all happened and the Over the Top Overflow & Abundance !!!  Enjoy !!!  and get ready to let the flood gates of Magical Supernatural Abundance Bum Rush Out !!!!!   Haaaaa  !!!!!!  this is thee year !!!!  I know it and I claim it !!!!    Oz

Gettin Ready !!!!! 4 ............ the Get Fit Challenge 2013 !!!!!!! $10,000 Grand Prize !!!!

12 Week Competition Begins February 4th

The Get Fit Challenge is a 12 week weight loss competition with a grand prize of $10,000. Competitors spend 12 weeks working with an XSport Fitness Personal Trainer who will help them set goals, develop a personal workout program, assess nutritional needs and develop a meal plan, and provide support and motivation throughout. 

Whewwwww....... Inhale ........ Exhale.........   this is what I was waiting for !!!!!   $10,000 Grand !!!!!   

Wow !!!!   Seems like everything is coming into Perfect Precision Divine Timing !!!!!    EV --- VER--- Y (eee) --THING !!!!!!     I had such an An Amazing Week !!!!!   more like a Miraculous Week !!!!!  I moved into a Perfect Place !!!!!   3rd Floor 1 bedroom apt, in Naperville, IL and I must of received I kid you not about at least $800 + in accessories !!!  like a new bed, new sheets, puffy pillows, dresser drawer, top of the line microwave, super comfy couch, HD TV !!!!  everything you need for the kitchen....  I actually made a video right after I received the keys to my new beautiful place, I was in a Surreal State of Unbelief.... I have a view of a beautiful pond with 5 willow trees surround it and I have a magnificent view of the sky !!!!!   and I'm only 3 miles away from Xsport !!!!!!!   Can You Believe That !!!!!   it's just keeps on getting better and better  !!!!!  the organization that provided me with all of this Miraculous Windfall also will be assisting me dealing with the SS in relation to my disability and most likely will be receiving "Back Pay" from 2001 till today 2013... we'll see, I'm just happy about the "Possibility" of that happening.......not only I got the apt, with everything, all the necessary misc. was taken care of... down payment, rent, and all the utilities !!!!!!   I still cannot believe that this had happened basically "Overnight" !!!!!!   I met with my case mgr and she said that I can do whatever I please as long as I don't mess up the carpet and create disturbances (like parties).... Soooo I got the green light for me to create my large paintings !!!!!  and I got the space !!!!  and the walls to hang them on !!!!!  so, I'm going to create my place as an Art Studio.....

See, about a few months ago, I was looking for something where I could paint my paintings..... something like a small office for very cheap or some type of warehouse type deal.... I thought about getting like a storage unit to try to paint out of... I know that would be a lil bit challenging especially during the winter times with no heat or electricity.... in the back of my mind I heard and felt a soft voice.... it was saying, "don't worry about it... it'll come to you....."........ Don't Worry About It..... It'll Come To You....."  Just continue what you're doing....... it'll come to you....."   So I took heed on that inner soft Divine Voice...... reassuring me that all is well and for me not to worry about a thang !!!!!   and only a few months later I got this Amazing Apt. in less than 1 Week !!!!   with Everything !!!  it's Beyond Perfect !!!!!   I have a balcony  !!!!  AC !!!!   I saw my neighbor, she's a cutie (SQUIRREL), he was in the tree eating some chow in the tree.... and the birds !!!!  they're like TOP GUN !!!!!    No Joke !!!   they fly in groups just zipping by my window, and I'm able to see their High Skilled Maneuvers !!!!  I got my own Air Force Up In Here !!!!!!   Everything is coming into place...... and not to be overly confident but, I know that this Get Fit Challenge 2013 is MINE !!!!   haaa, Wow !!!!  See, there's a lil bit of history with this Get Fit Challenge and Me..... 2 years ago in 2011,  I saw the advertisements for the Get Fit Challenge and at that time I wasn't able to get the PT (Personal Training) that you have to purchase/get in order for you to enter the competition..... then 2012 came, now this time I was able to purchase the PT in order for me to enter the competition.... even though mentally I tried my best to go all out, but for some reason...I had succumb to the pressures of having an alcoholic party animal roommate and working at a bar/dance club/pub where I know that it wasn't a "Healthy" job, where drinks and smoking was in my face...... I did my best.... I'm not making any excuses here, I just knew that this Get Fit Challenge Wasn't my time..... fast forward a year !!!  with a lot of Extreme Adventure, during this time I had gained jeeeesh, I'm guessing at least..... mmmmmmm I'm at 308 lbs now last year I believe I was around 250 lbs something around there.... Sooo let's say I'm at 310 lbs... so 60 lbs I have gained !!!!    wow .... that's a lot !!!!  I had no clue that I was that overweight...... well, don't get me wrong I did notice my belly popping out and that my XL's were skin tight !!!!  but, I had my beard !!! which sort of hid my fatness (to me) it wasn't until I shaved my beard that I finally realized, "What Have I Become" ???  that 10 inch double chin was soooo Foreign to me !!!!!  I never had such a soft, chubby, long double chin !!!!!  

So there, I would say that this would be thee Beyond Perfect Precision Divine Timing for me to Win the Grand Prize of this 2013 Get Fit Challenge !!!!   just a Post Script..... on this... last fri and sat I went with my mom to my mom's aunt funeral and wake, and at the funeral home had some 2013 calendars and I took one.... it was an Inspirational Nature type calendar and when I was flipping through it, I noticed for the month of May 2013 there was a caption stating, "If You Want To Win, You Will Win"........ guess which month the Get Fit Challenge is over ?????   MAY !!!!!!!!!!    I already know, I already know, I already know, I already know, I already know that this is My Get Fit Challenge !!!!!!   I already know.........  

right now I'm at a Mc'D's !!!  noooo, not eating, just using their internet while I upload some more dance / workout tunes !!!!   Oh Snap !!!!!  it's the Total Club Hits Collection !!!!  and the Ultra Dance Collection !!!  got it from the library and is almost done "Ripping" them unto my Windows media player !!!!!   Soooo, I know that these tunes are going to put me into a Higher Level of my work outs and training !!!  for this Challenge....... $10,000   and the Before & After Pics ..... well, I think I'm done with the "Before" Footage of myself... I'm ready for the "After" Pics and Footage......  and I know it's going to be probably the most toughest challenge, I've ever done.... other than "Becoming a U.S. Marine".....  where I was voted "Most Improved Recruit" in my whole platoon !!!!  My peers voted me as the Most Improved Recruit and I had breakfast with the Colonel and Sergent Major of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego !!!!  I also had a photo with them....  I lost 50 lbs during Boot Camp !!!!   So, I know what it will take.....and I know that I'm going to have to make it as much like my Boot Camp as possible.... I'm going to pretend that I'm actually at Boot Camp during the Challenge.....  ok, gettin a lil sheepy here.... I still want to drag all the New Songs I Have For My Work Out Playlist.......   Infinite Love & Gratitude, Oscar Z !!!!!!   Mucho Amor Para Todo !!!! Oz

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sept 6th, 2012 ----------> Jan 6th, 2013 = 5 months !!!!!!! Enought is Enough !!!!

ok, just an update nugget, i'm at my new place in Naperville, IL  !!!!  Absolutely Love It !!!  And now it's time !!!!   time to get the rubber on the road !!!!!  Time is Now !!!

My original start date was Sept 6th, 2012 !!!!  Start date for my transformation !!!!!   I considered these 5 months as a "Free For All" Phase !!!!!    Whatever happens it'll be ok !!!! So, I had like a free for all type lifestyle !!!!   and now this is where I draw the line !!!!   5 months !!!  is beyond overdue to start on my transformation, transformation meaning, my Mind-Body-Spirit Metamorphosis !!!!   did that help any ???!!!   haaa, this phase is the Physical Body Phase !!!!  so,  this is it !!!!!   I"M DONE DONE with the old self and the old body !!!!!   I re-activated my FB !!!!   it's been about a month since I "De-Activated" it, yeah,  FB !!!  It's addicting !!!!  to much for me !!!!  to much time and energy on it for what purpose ??  I have goals and dreams and I know that for a fact that spending time on FB is not helping me accomplish my goals and dreams  !!!   so I have decided only to check FB on a monthly basis, or maybe even once every 2 months !!! we'll see !!! all I know is that NOW Is The TIME !!!!!   I Have Everything That I Need for me to Accomplish All of my Goals and Dreams !!!!   I truly do, and 2013 is thee Year !!!!   to get the Ball Rolling and On Fire !!!!!   and to gain momentum !!!! 

Tonight will be the Official Kick Off for my Transformation / Metamorphosis  !!!!!!   Tonight at Xsport Naperville !!!!  Basketball Court !!!!   YESSS !!!!   I'm going to have some celebratory tunes !!!!   for my Transformational Kickoff !!!!!   and I'll make sure I have a few minutes to capture the moment for take off !!!!!  

Something Amazing just happened !!!!!   When I was in high school Roseville,  CA we used to live an apt complex called Foothills Tennis Village !!!   it was the bomb !!!   and I remembered mom gave me a "Journal" book, and it had clouds on the cover of it.... and it was for me to just write whatever..... and this is what made me enjoy writing.... I didn't know it had the time, but, it was my "Out" to release whatever that was holding me back, and it also acts as a communication tool to communicate with God Infinite Divine Universe !!!!  I remember I would just write for hours, received ideas and plans, mostly they came for my "Growth".... to learn, grow and evolve...... for this is the Absolute True Reason that we are here, and I guess it carried over till my teens, 20's, 30's and now 40's !!!!   I know that a book will be written, I had the nudge about a few years ago... and now I'm crossing paths with other people of the same..... Wow !!!!   with their own Video Blogs in relation to Spirituality & Transformation,Metaphysical, Mind-Body-Spirit related Vlogs and Blogs !!!   etc..... they are coming out of the Wood Work !!!  Daaaang !!!  So, I'm glad I'm not the only one that's want to document and share our journey's......
well, one that I cross paths with is Charis Brown Malloy !!!!!!   Definitely Double Click  only if you feel inspired too and check out her videos  !!!!!   Also  !!!!  Lilou Mace !!!!!   Lilou definitely exploded  !!!!!!   Doing Her Passion  !!!!   definitely check her out......

alright, I did record some video's of my new place which I will upload soon, it's just that I have to upload them on the college's pc because it has a 25+ min video.... 

oh oh !!!!  guess what I saw !!!!  on Xsport's Website !!!!!   2013 Fitness Challenge !!!!!!!!  Jan 31st -Feb 4 is the registration !!!!    I'm highly considering of trying this again !!!!!!!  I did the challenge last year !!!!!  it was a dry /  practice run with my intense trainer Ed Honn !!!!  he's a Super Badd Ass !!!!!!   So, I wan't to do it again !!!!!   and I know it'll cost some $$ but, I know this time !!!  I'm well beyond ready !!!  to actually win the competition !!!!!!   Wow !!!!  I know I'm at around 308 lbs now...... haven't weighed myself nor I want to get weighed.... So, I'm going to call and find out.... how much it would cost for me to enter in the competition.... maybe I can look at / for my old PT receipt.... ???  we'll see, I remembered it was something like $200-300 ???  I forgot, maybe in $400.... but, this would be the Perfect Time for me to Go For It All !!!!!!!   $10,000 for 1st Prize !!!!!  Wow !!!! And this time will be a whole other story !!!!!!!!    See, I knew the Fitness Challenge would be coming !!!!!    I got the buy one get one year free membership deal already and now I was just waiting for the Fitness Competition !!!!!  Hmmmmmmmm  I know for a fact that this time will be different !!!!