Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Here We Go !!!!! What An Amazing Week !!!! & Sept 1st is Right Around the Corner !!!!!

Wow !!!  I'm still in grateful  appreciation and gratitude for the Ancient Wisdom I had crossed paths with !!!  Wow !!!  it's in relation of what was presented in the episodes of "Ancient Aliens" all the series and all of the episodes.... I couldn't believe what my mind was seeing !!!  All these years !!!  Wow !!!!   Now Is The Time !!!!!    This past year, I've been feeling and sensing that something is going on !!!!  Something Very Very Big Is About to Happen !!!!!  I think it might be in relation to the Annunaki (the Ancient Aliens) and the absolute truth on how our Human Species Happened !!!!  this was a Big One !!!  Wow !!!!!  Well, I'm only giving you my reaction to what I have seen and the documentation that was brought forth..... well, I did have that episode on my Divinitus Warrious Universalis Blog, Ancient Aliens and the Creation Theory something like that !!!  it turned my whole Paradigm about what I thought happened and how could it happened... Well, all I ask you is to have an Open Mind and to Watch and See for yourself the documentation provided on the Ancient Aliens Program .  What I'm talking about how the Annunaki the Ancient Aliens used gene manipulation and cross bred with Neanderthal and Alien (Grey) or other Higher Evolved Humanoid which created the 1st test tube baby Adam.  Yes, I know it's very very shocking and controversial !!!!   I was in disbelief myself, until I watched all the episodes of that program which really had me thinking and grasp on how could this happen..... Soo, this is quite Amazing actually !!!! 

They even said, "Ancient Alien" Program that the aliens did some trail and error and some experiementation, don't we do the same thing now !!!!! with rats and animals ??????   we cloned a sheep back in the early 90's !!!   We Do The Same Exact Thing !!!!!   Hey, I'm not here to Preach to Teach, I teach by example and I'm just giving you my True Self Honest Opinion about all of this... All of this !!! Seems like there is Soooooo Much that we don't really know..... it seems like the "other" 3rd & 2nd World Countries Truly knows what's had happened and what is now happening !!!!   for example in Ecuador their Government has Absolute Transparency when it comes to UFO Sightings from Government Officials and Pilots, and Military Personnel !!!!   I shared it on my blog !!! the South American UFO Disclosures Are Happening !!! something like that !!!!   That was an amazing video clip !!! Haaa, Wow !!!   I was in complete Amazement at the quality and the Wondrous maneuvers that the Alien UFO can do !!! Haaa, not only that but, the HUNDREDS !!!!!!!  MASS Sightings !!!!  Over Sacramento !!!!   I used to live  in Sactown !!!!  and then Roseville, CA where me and 2 others saw a UFO !!!!  it was in a undeveloped area in Roseville, CA in 1990 where our intention was to see UFO's, in HS and early 90's I was Very Very much into UFO's and Aliens..... but, lost interest when I wanted to make $$ or Get Rich !!!  haaa, it was during the time of the Tom Vu Seminars !!!!  and the 1st Tony Robbins Infomercials !!!!!   89-90's !!!!  oh yeah !!!  then the Robert Allen No Money Down Seminar !!!!   I actually went to that training and that's when I met Joshua Day who was working with Bill Gouldd's Marketing Company AMS Advanced Marketing Seminar with a Water Filter Company haaa with NSA !!!!  National Safety Associates !!! Wow !!! those were the days !!!   then later Bill Gouldd created Equinox International and eventually was cancelled or no longer in business.  Ok, I don't know why I'm saying all of this misc. right here right now !!!!  I'm just typing in the flow, whatever comes I type !!!

Wow !!! it's Aug 29, 2012 Wed, and the Shelter Site tonight is only going to hold 35 people, and that is the only site that's going to open tonight, so alot of people are going to be without a Pad tonight... I'm thinking about going, just to experience it, there will be a lottory system... to all that gets in......  Well, the game plan if I don't get in, is to go to Target use up my gift card to get some Starbucks and go to COD (College) to do some reading and writing !!!  and planning out !!! Well, I did have a thought on another Road Trip !!!  NORTH !!!!  to Canada !!!!  Another Attempt !!! Ha !!!  We'll See, I don't know though, I'm playing the waiting game with the VA VRAP program to see whether or not I will be accepted...  I'm definitely not going to Hound the Manager !!!!   aka Universe !!!! the Boss of All Bosses !!!  ok, it's about that time now for me find out,  I have about 1 out of 55 chance that I'll get in for a Pad, I just want to experience a lottery system like this, where the odds are not in my favor, with all the families going in for the Shelter Site, there will be only about 15 Pads Left !!!  with about 60 people needing or wanting a Pad for the night... so, I'm going to get going now..... that's the deal, if so great, if not great, I'll be at the college writing my book, reading ACIM and Sipping on some Starbucks Coffee !!!!! until about 2am then crash out right next door !!!  Llove my life !!!   Thank You !!!  ok, got to get Cracka lackin !!!!!  Peace and Forever Much Love !!!!!   DWU

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