Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's On Like Donkey Kong !!!!!! June 1, 2011 to ??? No Cell, No Internet, No Facebook, Going to be sealed inside the Infinite Divine Cocoon !!!

The time is here and now for me to go inside the coccoon !!!!  Last Thursday, my laptop crashed and I basically lost everything, everything !!! I had about 200 + pages of Morning Pages and about 100+ albums of cd's !!!  you know what though, I absolutely needed that to happen !!!  Infinite Divine knows me sooo well, I was spending wayyyy too much time and energy online, on Facebook, browsing misc. etc. and I wasn't doing what I truly wanted to be doing, so my laptop crashed and I was soooo relieved !!!! Wow !!!  not your normal post-laptop crashed attitude, right !!! Well, this is it... I needed my cocoon to be 1000% sealed off !!!!  and this is what Inifnite Divine wanted me to do and so it happened, and I was Astonished that my 1st Immediate feelings was of relief !!!!  Relief that my laptop and being online had a strong hold of me and my time !!!  I knew that the time is now, even though I am always implimenting the "Now Plan" and that now plan as of right now is for me to seal off the coccoon for my "Metamorphosis" starting June 1, 2011.  Hey, I just uploaded some videos on my new YouTube station here it is !!!!  

Oscar Zepeda's YouTube Channel

I will give weekly updates on my Metamorphosis !!!!   here and on my YouTube Channel !!!  so this is it !!!  Going to seal up the cocoon starting June 1, 2011.....  just me and Infinite Divine !!!  and will be recording my Amazing and Incredible Experiences !!!  YESSSSS !!!! This is it !!!  Thank you !!! Oscar Zepeda

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