Monday, May 2, 2011


Today is Monday the 2nd Day of my Metamorphosis !!!  and I had the whole day planned out, and for some reason my body was telling me, not just yet, I need more rest, sleep, and to have another relaxed day today.  When you're with Infinite Divine, and not having other peoples influence, energies, and thoughts intermingling with your mind, you begin to have the instant communication with your Mind, Body and Spirit !!!  I felt as if my body knew what was going to happening in the future, and was telling me, one more day, one more day of rest and relaxing and writing, enjoy the day!!!  and I did and I'm still am !!!!

Even though I had pre-planned and wrote out my entire schedule for this day and this whole entire month, how I feel Trumps Everything !!!!!  My body was telling me that it needed more rest, more sleep, to relax and appreciate the day, and I listened and took heed from what my body was telling me.  How you feel is the communication channel, I wasn't feeling it at all, even though I was in the Bally's parking lot, I absolutely didn't feel it whatsoever, and I know never to force feed my Mind, Body, and Spirit !!!  My body knows what my intention is and what I envision my body to become and to be transformed into.  I know every cell of my body knows it's job and has it's marching orders on it's own metamorphosis.

I feel absolutely Awesome !!!  I got some good rest, much needed food, tuna, water, coffee, I feel soooo Ready Now !!! Sooo Sooo Ready !!!  I also received my life blue print plan, I know I mentioned that I had received and wrote down my life blue print and I know that Infinite Divine truly knows you and wants to help out with the Fine Tuning with my blueprint.... and So, I got the latest ???  do you want to know what mine is ???  I have 7 bullet points, that I have... hey, if you're reading my blog, then you definitely deserve to know some more personal passions and my dreams and goals of my life blue print.... here it is...: in no particular order, but this is what I feel the order will be...

  1. World Renowned Masterpiece Artist
  2. CPA
  3. International Entrepreneur/Businessman ($150million net worth)
  4. #1 International MBA Thunderbird University
  5. Successful Author, New York Best Sellers List Every-time
  6. Successful Professional Speaker/Personal Growth/Transformation
  7. Successful Actor / Comedian
 Not only the body needed more rest and relaxation but, the Infinite Divine wanted me to truly find out exactly what I want and to write it down and to believe that all will come true !!!  This is my life plan !!!  This is it !!!  This is my final outcome !!!!  This is what I want !!!  I absolutely love it !!!!  YES !!!!!  I feel great about this.... I feel good !!!  It feels true and it is true, this is my life !!!  Thank You..... Thank You.... And So It Is...  Oz

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