Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day #4 !!!! I'm Soooo Done with my Old Pathetic Life !!!!!! Ready to Shed NOW !!!!

I'm Sooo Ready To Change and Transform My Life !!!!!  Right Now !!!  I'm Done With My Old Habits !!!  I'm Done With My Old Skin, My Old Self !!! I Want to Old Self to Shed !!!!!  I haven't worked out in about 1 week and a half, just been writing and writing, planning and planning !!!  I'm done with just talk !!!  I Need To DO !!!!!  Now is the time  !!!  7:51pm right this second, I'm at Oakton Community College !!! I wanted to write and type where there's no obligation to buy something !!!  You know what though ???  I know it's time for me start on the physical... I currently have $3.00 in cash and .08 cents in my account... and I have half a tank left to get me through the month of May !!!!  You know what !!!  This is it !!!  I'm Going GUNS BLAZING !!!!  F-That !!!  I deserve to live my Dreams !!!!!!   I deserve to have the body that I envision my body to be !!!!  I have Everything I Need !!!!   I absolutely Do !!!  I have enough cans of tuna to last me the whole month of May !!! and I will not go to plasma to get any $$  for the remainder of the month !!!  Right now,  I'm having mixed emotions !!!  Day 4 !!!  of my Metamorphosis and it seems like it's been going on forever !!!  I'm ready now !!  the last past 4 days, I basically relaxed and wrote a lot !!!  which is good, All is Good, but right now, I totally feel that it's time now, to get crackin on the physical !!!  That this is the perfect opportunity to change, to transform, to metamorphosize my Whole Entire Being !!!  I'm done getting free refills at McD's !!!  Hey, I knew this day would come, where I got sooo fed up !!! Soooo Done of being broke !!!  Soooo Wanting to Change my whole entire life !!! Soo Done of living a pathetic life!!  Sooo wanting to change and transform my inside and outside.  Tonight is the last night !!!!  that I'm just going to spend the last $3 on some DD coffee and maybe a refill or two, and win a donut or two ??  (because DD has an Every Cup is a Winner !!  which basically if you choose the right answer, you win a donut !!!)  what's super cool on having internet and a laptop there, is that you can google the question and you get the right answer !! See, what kind of life is that !!!!  Hey, Now Oscar !!!  Let's not beat yourself up, ok ??  My Divine Self is talking right now...  You're On the Right Path Oscar....  All Is Good.... Everything Is Good !!!  So, this is what I absolutely feeling right now....  To spend the last of the $ which is only 3 bucks !!! and I did see a quarter on the seat, so I know I have at least $3.25  !!!  I'm just going to GET RID of Everything (all of my cash!!!!!)   All of my $$$  and just Do What I Have in my Heart To Do !!!  I know exactly what I need to do !!!  and Infinite Divine is totally with me all the way !!!!   Sooo, this is the deal for tonight !!!  I'm thankful and grateful for the rest and relaxation that I have experienced in the past week and a half... !!!  I got to see some cool movies !!!  I absolutely loved RIO !!!!  I totally knew that I was having more fun and laughed so much than all of the kids there !!!  I saw it in Park Ridge, IL, at the Pickwick Theater... I Absolutely Love My Life !!!  and I totally feel that it's time !!!  Time, Time, Time to Make that REAL Everylasting Change !!!!  I'm Going Inside the Cocoon !!! Just Me and Infinite Divine!!!  I decided I won't be going to any of my "Must Go's" this month.... I'm forcing myself to go inside the cocoon !!!  I will only go to Dahn yoga and to Bally's Northshore and that's about it !!!  No more McD's Coffee !!!  No more 1 lb bags of M&M's and those Peanut Butter Chocolate Wafer treats, whole Box !!!  I ate them ALL !!!  today too !!!  you know what though ???  It's ALL GOOD !!!  I just know that it no longer serves me anymore, that's all... I'm grateful for the financial well being the company M&M has to their employees who help make and create the Peanut M&M's from the ingredients to the finished packaged product on the shelves at Aldi's !!!  Thank You for the Well Being of the Company and the employees well being..  They are able to pay their home, buy food, and create an abundant life for themselves... See ALL Is Good !!!!  For me now, the 1 lb bags of peanut M&M's no longer serve me, I'm thankful and grateful for the experience of eating those colorful peanut M&M's, Thank You... //  I made peace with what I no longer want in my life !!!  All is Good !!!  and I know that it's not good to hate anything or to hate candy or sweets, the key thing is to make peace with it and thank and be grateful for all of the benefits that it creates in the world, and to say that now it no longer serves me anymore...

Very easy to say !!!  Oh yeah, !!!  I'm definitely there with you !!!  So, the month of May will be Mine !!!  Just me and Infinite Divine !!!  inside the Cocoon !!!!  I'm ready !!!  Tonight, what I'm feeling is that since DD in Niles, is 24 hrs, with free internet, but their coffee is .99 a refill, so I'm planning on spending all that I have on refills and winning those free donuts until most likely till the next morning,and then I'm going to sleep until I wake up and then start up my Body Transformation !!! on Thursday !!!  Thursday Afternoon !!!  I'm ready !!!  I won't be going anywhere !!!  there is only 4 places for which I'll be,

  1.   Northshore Bally's
  2. Dahn Yoga
  3. Morton Grove Library
  4. Forest Preserve on Lincoln Ave. (power nappage)
  5. oh yeah, my night spot !!  which is Top Secret !!!  
This is it for the Month of May !!! I can't believe it's only the 4th Day !!!  Seems like I have been through a lot already !!!  Which I have !!!

What has been happening, is that my Mind, Body and Spirit was making sure that the Whole Entire Me is on the same page !!!  For Example, My mind and Spirit was telling my body, not just yet, not just yet, you need to R & R more, chill, relax, see some movies, splurge on some sweet goodies from Aldi's !!!  "If you're going to Splurge, Splurge at Aldi's" where you're not spending an arm and a leg to splurge !!!  And so the past week and a half I was writing a ton of Morning Pages and going through Week 1 Tasks !!!  Wow !!! There is quite a bit of work involved !!!  See, this whole changing your whole life process is definitely custom made for you and you alone, and Infinite Divine will help you guide and lead you to what actions or no actions for you to do.  Just like me, I knew that the week that I was trapped in Glen Ellyn, IL was definitely needed and I was able to work on exactly what I absolutely wanted out of my life !!!!  and I created a blueprint for the rest of my life !!!! wow !!!  Incredible Hunh ???  See, So do not beat yourself up, yes, it's tough even me, you've just witnessed it on this post, it's all good !!!  Splurging is good, we all have our own customized learning curves and just know that when the time comes You'll Absolutely Know !!!!  Just Like I Know Right Now !!!!  I'm Done with my old self, I'm sooo ready to shed off the old skin !!!!   And so I'm going to enter inside the cocoon !!!  after I wake up from tonights, All Out All Writing Party !!! at DD !!!  and to spend all of my $$ at DD !!!!  until I'm guessing 5:30am-6:30am ??  depends of course on how I feel.  and after my sleep !!!  It's Soooo On !!!  I'll be Inside the Cocoon Fully !!!  8:38pm now at Oakton Community College, nice place, I totally love College of DuPage !!!  it's all good, it's all very good... Thank You ... And So It Is... Oz

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