Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ahhhhhhh Nothing Like Writing Some MP's with Some Hot Nescafe !!!

Oh Yeahhhhh  !!!  with some warmth and comfyness !!!!!  Thank You Universe for Everything !!!!  Well, I just found out that my mom is officially a Teacher aka Professor at North Central College in Naperville, IL !!!  I'm Sooooo Happy !!!  I actually prayed a prayer for her during her interview outloud !!!  she had her interview at 2pm and I said,  "Right Here Right Now, Be with my mom, let her Divine Self Flow Through her perfectly !!!  Let her be her true self during the interview and to all the people that is involved with the interview process"  something like that, and you know what ????   She Got It !!!!   YESSSSS !!!!!!  Wow !!!!  I'm sooo happy !!!  for her and me too !!!!!!  Because we're sort of on the same Wave Length and Journey with our spirituality !!!! Wow !!!!   hey !!! it's 5:55am now !!! sweet !!! I'm soooo grateful for everything right now !!!  writing my MP's here on my blog !!!   this is cool !!! I did try to write it out on lined pieces of paper but, it just didn't feel write plus I know I can type it out a lot faster and we can read it !!!  My handwriting sometimes I can't reread my words !!!!  So, today is like my Friday with school, it's sooo cool that I have class Mon-Thurs 9:30am - 2:30pm  !!!!   I have decided just for the super chilly days,  30 degrees or below I will use my other "Homes" to get some rest in !!!  last night went great !!!  had only 1 serving of an amazing dinner !!!  it was like a Thanksgiving Dinner !!!   minus the bread, any type of soda's and pumpkin pie !!! can you believe that ????  I usually stuff my freaking face with 2nds and 3rds until I can't breathe and then go to bed !!! not this time !!   Just 1 serving, I had all the  whole foods carbs and proteins with milk and a delicious salad  !!!   it was Amazing  !!!  how I woke up this morning I would consider some major contrast, apparently someone likes releasing toxic natural gas which I couldn't handle,  I was dry heaving and had to get out of the area asap  !!!  it was 4am, and I knew that I couldn't go back to sleep, for was very well rested !!!  so I left early warmed up the car and went on my way.... at the college now, enjoying some peace and quiet with fresher and cleaner air !!!  with my hot Nescafe !!! 

I uploaded some intense video clips on YouTube !!!!!   I have a new system now !!! usually I would upload through my laptop with the WiFi connection at the college, but, apparently it didn't like anything over 11min or so, I found out that it uploaded a video at 17 min !!!! Not through my laptop but, through the college computers !!!   and it took a lot less time !! to upload unto YouTube !!! So, I cleared out my Bloggie and it's ready for more pics and video clips, I want to get some good Personal Training Fitness Exercise Clips !!!!  the one's where I want to remember the exercise and the name for future reference  !!!!  there is quite a bit of them !!!  and this one in-particular one with the SB Stability Ball !!!  the Big Ball that you see in the gyms !! yeah those !!! there's a whole different vocabulary here in the Personal Training Institute !!!!  I'm going to pursue a Sports Performance Training Certificate through College of Dupage in Glen Ellyn, IL !!!!!  it'll be a great continuance of my immediate training of becoming a Personal Trainer !!!!   I'm soooo happy and thrilled about my mom's new chapter !!! with North Central College / University  !!!  it is a private 4 yr University !!! I'm excited !!!   and I know it was Absolutely Magic from the 1st moment that she arrived in the office for her interview !!! to the words, "Welcome Aboard"  !!!   YESSS !!!   Today, Thurs, after my MP's here, Going to go in early to class  so I can get showered up and then afterwards prep and org my misc. car, I was about to go to Xsport, but, I didn't have everything organized and I knew I needed my shampoo and conditioner which I couldn't find and I knew I had to "Empty Out" the Space Capsule in order for me to find it !!!  Space Capsule is the name of my Saturn Car  !!!  and it's about 28 degrees outside and I just didn't feel like the time or place do it right now, so I just went to the college to do some writing of my MP's !!!!   I think I should make a separate Page for my MP's !!!  and not on the Front Page of my blog !!!  I'm going to set that up after today's MP's  !!!   here !! well, just in case you don't know what MP's are, they are my Morning Pages !!!   from Julia's Cameron Artist's Way Book, she advised to write 3 pages of whatever  and not to read them until later,  6 months to a year later, it's your communication with God basically, it's releasing to what's been happening, what you want, what your plans are to the Universe, and just be grateful and appreciative for everything !!!   I know I am !!! I Truly Am !!!!!  I was just watching a few episodes of Oscar Zepeda Channel on YouTube !!!!!   I do crack myself up !!!!  and it's very inspirational as well !!!!  So, Today is going to be the Best Day of My Entire Life  !!!!!    It's on like Donkey Kong  !!!!!   Plan for today, finish up here with my MP's, go to school,  get ready for class, after class take care of my bills, well, some of them for now.... I want to work out like a Sasquatch Mode Today  !!!!  I have everything I need right now  !!! got the gear etc....... I want to work out at Jakked Gym !!!   Today  !!! I'm feeling it !!!  I don't care anymore !!!!   where I sleep !!! or aka rest my head anymore !!!  it's getting to that point now !!! which I know that I should be at !!!  I think I do !!!  I just have to appreciate and org a little bit more, so I can do the basic bodily functions with out messing up, well, at least #1, #2,  on the other hand,  I know I'm going to have to release it somewhere else, gas station, don't know and don't care anymore !! I'm just going to Do Now  !!!!!  Do Now !!! Do, Key words is DO NOW !!!!!!!      without any hesitation !!!   without thinking  !!!!   Do Now Without Hesitation With 1000% Absolute Pure Confidence !!!!!   DO NOW !!!!  Do what I need to do, no matter what it may appears to look like or appear to be !!!!   I do catch myself Hesitating some actions like "Trying to Find My Shampoo and Conditioner" inside the car !!  I don't want to "Empty Out" where people can see all my misc. !!!  ya know, I know that I have to have a "IDGaF" Attitude !!!!!  and Just DO !!!! JUST DO  !!! JUST GO !!!!!  JUST GO & DO !!!!!  Time is Now !!!  Place is Here !!!!  Just Go & Do !!!!  Time is Now !!!!  Place is Here !!!!!   GO  !!!!!  DO !!!!!!  NOW !!!!!    Without Hesitation !!!!!!!!!!!!  WITHOUT    HESITATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!   You're Co-Owner of our Amazing Planet Earth !!!!!   You're CO-OWNER !!!!!!!!!    Whatever You See,  Hear, Taste, Feel, You're a Part Of !!!!!!!   Same molecules, Same Ingredients !!!!!!!     YESSS !!!!!   Also, You have the Same Power that Creates Worlds, Galaxies  and Universes !!!!!!    All Good !!! going to clear up and org up car today after class !!!!!    So, that's about it for now  !!! Until next time !!!!!  going on 8am now  !!!!!  Thank You for everything !!!!  I love my life !!!!!  I'm About To Go Sasquatch !!!!!!!!    ON YO ASS !!!!   Let's Have the Best Day Of Our Entire Lives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Infinite Love & Gratitude !!!!!   Oz / Du

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