Sunday, October 7, 2012

SEALING OFF MY Divine Cocoon !!! Today, Right Here, Right Now !!!

ok, 1st thing is writing !!!!   had a great night last night !!! Wow !!!  I actually enjoy going  to Pads Shelter Sites !!! I feel like I'm a Celebrity !!!!!  No Joke !!! Everyone Knows and Says Hi To Me !!!!!   and I say hi to Everyone !!!!  I know I'm at least one of their Highlights of their day !!!!   I make them feel good and laugh !!!!  and just to acknowledge their existence !!!!  which I know says a lot !!!  Considering that their day most of society will shun them or give them a Wow !!  You're Homeless Hunh ??  Vibe !!!!  and their defensive tactic is to ignore eye contact and any type of communication !!! This is what I see most of !!!  Like the ones who are "Obviously" Homeless !! they got the Homeless Look !!!  multiple bags being carried, riding a bike with bags and while smoking !!! Haaa !!!!  let's just say he or she isn't biking for her overall health and well being !!!! unkept knotted hair, dirty, smelly, there is no excuse on having a dirty, smelly appearance, Pads provides Showers, Laundry and at the sites 75% has showers, laundry and clean clothes for free!!!   So, it's by choice if there is a Dirty, Smelly, Homeless Person. It's All Good !!!    I know I'm being used to shed some light and laughter to the homeless community !!!  Which is not what you truly think of !!! the majority of the homeless was not homeless, they were people with jobs, family, cars, homes, etc.... and the other either mental issues/ alcohol and drug abuse.  A few of them are long term homeless where they have been in Pads (Homeless Shelter Organization) for years, some come-leave for a few months and come back, or been in Pads, leave got a job and a place and few years later come back to Pads !!!   A trend that I've been seeing is Homeless Relationships !!!!  Yep !!!  and some homeless ladies became pregnant !!!  and still won't change their lifestyle !!  well, the big one is Smoking !!!  and I can't say for sure about the drinking of alcohol !!! Or maybe was drinking heavily before they knew that they were pregnant, which could be weeks or a couple months !!!  So, you tend to see and experience quite a bit !!!!   Yeah, there is this one homeless older guy who thinks his shit doesn't stink !!!   he boasts to everyone that he has ALL of his REAL TEETH !!!!!!  I literally call him "All Teeth" !!!! as his name  !!!  and tries to make himself better than the others by, making rude and negative comments about the others when "Smoke Break" is being called !!!   Like, "Hope You All  Die !!!!", Killing Break !!!!, Lung Cancer Patients Break !!!  you catch the drift !!!!  yeah, I was like, "All Teeth" !!!  chill brother !!!!   and inside my mind, I was thinking, You don't know the past history of why they turn to smoking !!!  and most of them lost all or quite a bit of their teeth !!!!!   and they still smoke !!!  See, I look at people another way now !!!!  See, I don't know the "Whole Story" !!!!!   of Why they are there !!!!  and why they behave the way they do !!! and it's Not My job to preach or to judge any of their actions !!! Like on Friday at the Wood Dale site, they were at least 3-4 heavily intoxicated homeless that came !!!  and I was cracking jokes, I said, "Wow !! I must of missed Happy Hour !!"  they were Happy Talkative Drunks !!!  which was alright !!!  because I knew that I was once a Happy Talkative Drunk many many times !!! So, for me to pass criticism  or judgement is definitely not my place nor my job !!!  just observe and have a great time with it !!  Like watching through a window at the Zoo !!!!  You never what you're going to see, hear, taste, smell next !!!!!!  I do my best !!!  especially in the bathrooms !!!  yeah, lets just say I need some not fresh non-polluted air !!! to do my night regime of brushing my teeth, flossing, with my rinses etc.... I tend to Dry Heave quite a bit at the Pads sites !!!!  So, I know it's only temporary and that I can do my regime at a later time, it's not the end of the world if I don't do my nightly regime!!!  Haaa, and last night !!!  Someone was farting some Huge Ass Farts !!!!  Holy Shit !!!  that shit was Packing a Huge Punch !!!  It woke me up !!! not by hearing it but, by Smelling It !!!!  Yess !!!  Everyone knows that you must have Ear Plugs to go to sleep in Pads !!!  if you don't you must be the one snoring or is intoxicated that is oblivious of the enviornment... 

I had to get up, and leave a for a few minutes, I went to brush my teeth, floss and rinse, so it all worked out, then again, I smelled a huge whiff and almost threw up, I had a can of Smell Good (Tag deodorant) and was spraying it all around me !!!  Yeah, it's the small things that tend to make me appreciate Fresh Outside Air !!!!!  So as of right now, I know that I must Temporary Leave from Pads Now !!!!  The time has come !!!  Today I Will write my As of Right This Second Game Plan !!!  Sunday Oct, 7th, 2012 11:00am,
Org up vehicle at my usual spot, go to Xsport Fitness to pay for my Oct.27/Nov27 Dues Work Out for a lil bit and take my much needed shower, didn't go to Bodhi today !!!  I just want to be alone today and to plan out my life a lil bit !!!  I must focus on me right now !!!  I'm good !! and mom knows that !!!

this is what I'm going to do today !!!  aahhhhh I can do some laundry !!!!   maybe later this evening !!  I know it's Sunday Laundry Day for a lot of beings !!!   I want my own special space while I do my laundry !!!  Better yet,  let's just create a list here on what my GP is !!! 
  1. Org & Clean out vehicle !!!  internal and external, 
  2. Go to Xsport Fitness Naperville,  Pay Dues for Oct.27-Nov 27 and get new  Group Exercise Schedule and take a much needed No Time Constraint Shower, Sauna, and Steam Room !!!
  3.  Do Laundry.
  4. Make some copies of Skeletal Worksheet
  5. Get Some Motivated Chow
  6. Study rewrite my notes into typed notes at the college
  7. Study, Study, practice and Study !!!  at the college
  8. Rest, Rejuvenate, Relax inside Spaceship aka "Car"
I think there is a shower at my Personal Training School !! So I can take my shower there !!!  but, I would rather work out at Xsport Fitness first and then shower up !!!  any choice is a great one !!! Time is now to do my GP Now !!!!  Cocoon Sealed, Xsport, Jakked Gym, Dahn Yoga, NPTI School aaand that's about it !!!!   oh yeah, in November I will get tested at UIC, at the Human Performance Lab I want the Works !!!!   All the tests !!!!   I want to know where I'm At, well, not necessarily know but, to have a starting point !!!!  of Where I'm At !!!!  We All have a starting point !!! and we're All about "Before & After" !!!!!!!  to actual see and have proof of our Change,  Transformation and our Long Term Metamorphosis !!!!  

I had my Pads lunch and after I went to through out the wrappings, I said to myself, "I'm Tired of My Own Bullshit !!!"  Wow !!! Where did that come from !!!   I'm tired of my own bullshit !!!!   Of not doing what I say that I'm going to do !!!!   I'm sick of it !!!  I'm Done with the Ego-Self Lies and Bullshit !!!!   I must take Massive Action NOW !!!!!!!  Not here typing about what I'm going to do !!!  Sooo, I'm going through some Personal Mind Bullshit Extraction !!! and I know why I didn't feel like seeing anyone today, just being alone with Infinite Divine !!! and the time is Now To Actualize Now !!!!!   I had a thought of getting some smokes and having some while I clean and org out my car, but, my body says I've already released them for you already !!! Why Go There !!  Wow !!! it is a Back-n-Forth Mental Conversation !!!!   I'm just fed up with all of the excuses and bullshit !!!!  that I say to myself for not Doing It Absolutely NOW !!!!!!!   I literally have everything I need and then some !!!!!   The Cocoon is SEALED NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!     Thank You !!!!!   let's do this Now !!!   you know what !!!/?????  it's All Good !!!!  it's my own journey, my personal learning curve !!!!!     I must learn on my own !!!!!    and the time is Now !!!!!  to fully seal the cocoon already !!!!  I do feel like burning some incense or smoke some smokes !!!!  ???    All I know is that all the misc. BS that I've been my spending my time on has to Cease Now !!!!!   We All Done It !!!  Just mindlessly browsing on YouTube on Facebook and other websites !!!!  I'm Done Done !!!!  it's 12:42pm now !!!  and will be going to get this Party Started !!!! inside the Cocoon !!!!   let's DO THIS NOW !!!!    Car, Laundry, Xsport, College to Study, Rest, Class, Beard Stripe !!!! oh yess, going to get my Beard Striped, this time the stripe going down from my mustache should be Platinum Blonde "White" and starting up another strip along the side of my face a straight and long one from ear to end of beard along the side of the cheek bone !!!!  and also growing out my sides and a mini Mohawk that's attached to the right side of my head....  Ahhhhh, Monday Afternoon I shall start my Mind-Body-Spirit-Infinite Divine Regime Bootcamp Cocoon Sealed off Metamorphosis !!!!!    till Nov 1, 2012 !!!!   a couple weeks !!!!  to get the beginning phase over with !!!  the toughest phase in getting into Divine Warrior Shape is the Beginning  !!!!    "Being Out of Breath" is going to be my Friend !!!!!!!!  So Group Excercises Galore and Jakked Gym and my Gym time at the National Personal Training Institute !!!!!  Wow !! Time Has Come !!!!  Must Go !!!!   Must Go Now !!!!!!   Must Get Familiar Now !!!  on my New Schedule, I'm catching myself spending time on misc. that's not in line of where and what want to be and to become !!! So, I'm going on a Hiatus from any Facebook and Ashtar Command Community !!! That is a very awesome community !!! Check it out !!!   Ashtar Command 

That's It for now !!!   Time for some Massive Action !!!!  and To Go Inside of Me !!!!  Sealing off the cocoon !!!!!  and Going Under the knife of the Infinite Divine Master Creator !!!!   Time is Now !!!   Thank You !!!!   I don't know when I'll be back here but, I'll be back !!!!!   could be weeks or months ???  All I know is that as of right this second and moment I'm done with my "Talk" Plans without any Action = Bullshit !!!!!  Haaa,,,, that is the truth !!!!  Plans with out any Action is Bull Freaking Shit !!!!!!   Nothing !!!  So there !!!  I already mentioned where I'll be for the time being !!!  and that is all my friend... going In and Going Under the Knife of Infinite Divine.... I'm sooo glad I don't have to be or go anywhere !! Wow !!! eg: if I had a family ??? or a wife or a serious GF ???  Whewwwww......  Nope, couldn't do it !!! and I 'm sooo glad I'm Going to Fully Seal off the cocoon !!!!  No reason for me to hang out at the college anymore !!!!   today is Sealing Off the Cocoon !!!!!  I just changed my heading title for this blog to Sealing Off My Divine Cocoon !!!  in the beginning it doesn't make sense from the words but now it does !!!  I'm listening to song called Ordinary World in Gregorian Chant !!!!   I'm going to post it up after this post !!!!  Wow !!!  It's Actually About To Happen !! Not going to Pads tonight !! Last night was it until further notice !!!   those Huge Ass Thick Nasty Deep Rooted Fart Clouds No More !!!!!!  Thank You !!!!!   it was a very thick cloud !!!  All fresh air from now on !!!!  Thank You !!!  any other last parting words here !!!!   All I know is that when I'll be back it'll be just to give an update !!!  maybe in a few months !!!!! maybe in a few years !!! ??? Who Knows ????   I Will NOT Check Facebook, or Emails, nada !!!   Going Inside the Cocoon, Sealing It Off & Going Under the Knife of the Infinite Divine Master Creator...  Wow !!!  I just created a Life Event !!!!!!!   on Facebook !!!  Looks like this is it Finally It !!!!!!  Be Back Soon !!!! 

I Have to do this !!! For Me !!!  If I Can Serve the Marine Corps for 4 1/2 years without any question !!!  Why can't I Serve ME !!!!! ????  Myself for 4 1/2 yrs !!! ????  Hunh ????  why does our society, friends, family sees it as notso good ????   I don't Comprehend That !!!!  I Need My Transformation and I Want It Now !!!!!!!    Thus I know what I need to do !!!   and it's starts right here and now !!!!!    It's My Turn !!!  It's MY LIFE !!!!!!!  I foreseeing being inside the cocoon for months, but, honestly !!!  I think it'll be at least 6 months to a year !!!!!!  I'll know when it's time !!!!!   for the revealing !!!!   of Divinitus Warrious Universalis......  I'm excited !!!!    I'm Thrilled !!!! let's do this !!!   I'm Ready !!!  I'm Ready !!!   I feel like I'm placing up the plywood over the windows, shutting up, closing down the Energy Plant, where the only thing that I have to focus on is me !!!!!  and Infinite Divine !!!!!  and that is all !!!   and let the Metamorphosis Begin !!!!!!!  Going on 3pm on Oct. 7, 2012 Sunday !!!   Ok, it's Time To Go Now !! I won't be back here at my usual pre-cocoon self spot anymore !!!!   This is it.... Going Inside Now !!!  Forever Infinite Love and Gratitude !!!!   I'm Ready-and My Time is Now !!!!  I'm sure you'll be just Perfect while I'm inside Infinite Divine's Cocoon !!!!!   Not to worry, All is Very Very Well !!!!  Going to do what I Said I was going to do !!!!  Right Now !!!  be back ... Infinite Love & Gratitude to the Whole Universe !!!!!!   thank you, Thank You, T'hank You !!! thank you !! Thank you, thank you !!! Thank You !!!  forever for eternity !!!!   And So It Is.....

Sincerely Ours, 
Oscar J. Zepeda / Divinitus W. Universalis

1 comment:

  1. This is finally it !!!! Hallelujah !!!! Let the Metamorphosis Begin !!!!! When It's Time YOU KNOW !!!!! and I know that it's time for me for my Metamorphosis !!!! going to be an Amazing Adventurous Life Altering Spiritual Journey !!!! I'm Ready !!!! I'm Ready !!! Thank You !!! Thank You !!!!! I Love You !!!! I Love Everyone !!! I Love My Life !!! I Love My World !!!! I Love My Universe !!!!! Thank You Forever for Eternity !!!!!!! Thank You !!! I cannot Say and Think Thank You Enough !!! If I can go through this Why Can't You ??? I'm seeking for some Super Extreme Hardcore Divine Warriors !!! to be like the Special Forces of the Infinite Divine Universe !!!! Ok, there you have it ..... Cocoon Metamorphosis Time !!!!! I love my Incredible, Supernatural, Amazing, Miraculous Life !!!!! Thank You !!! c u soon !!!! Infinite Love & Gratitude !!! Oscar Z / Divinitus U


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