Saturday, March 9, 2013

I'm Excited !!!!!! I'm Ready !!!! and I'm Doin It !!!!!!!

Enthusiam = Enthuse I Am = Enthusiasm !!!!!!! 

Enthusiasm originally meant inspiration or possession by a divine afflatus or by the presence of a god. Johnson's Dictionary, the first comprehensive dictionary of the English language, defines enthusiasm as "a vain belief of private revelation; a vain confidence of divine favour or communication." In current English vernacular the word simply means intense enjoyment, interest, or approval.
Originally, an enthusiast was a person possessed by God. Applied by the Greeks to manifestations of divine possession.

the above I just highlighted and copied !!!   Enthusiasm is Theee Key !!!!!   for Success !!!!  Divine Possession !!!!  Possessed by God  !!!!   Ummmmm   YESSS !!!!  I'll Take Some of That !!!!  Divine Favor !!!  is a no brainer ???  Well, I'm here to say !!!!  That I'm Excited and Very Enthusiastic On What Is Happening and What Will Happen !!!!   Let's Have Fun !!!!  Let's Get Happy !!!!   Let's Live Our Lives Now !!!! To the Absolute Fullest !!!  Let's Create Our Lives in Full Detail !!!!  I came across a lady by the name of Mary Morrissey  and I was listening to her cd's and she mentioned and advised that we Must Write Out In Extreme Specific Detail like a Blue Print on How and What Kind of Life We Want to Live and to Live by the Laws of the Universe !!!   I really resonated with her teaching and from her experiences.  Ideas are God's / Universe's / Infinite Divine's Gifts !!!  and it's up to us to Take Action !!!!  " Wow, that's a Great Idea", I say to myself quite often.... and I know I haven't been taking any action toward that Idea, but, now I Am  !!!!! 

So, this Fitness Journey is only the beginning of my Overall Life Journey !!!!!  about 2 yrs ago while I was what might appear a notso good time in my life and I was at a McD's for the Free Internet, and I wrote out a Blue Print for my life !!  What Exactly Do I want to do, be, have, and to become.   I still have that original Blue Print... and now it's all coming into place.... and I know now that my Fitness Physical Body Journey is Only the Beginning.... So, thus this Extreme Enthusiasm that I"m Experiencing !!!!  Seems like that I'm being guided and led by the Supreme Master Infinite Creator and that I'm here to be the example, to Be the Change and to Inspire Others.  I'm doing the best that I can do and I know that I'm not perfect.  I just know that I've been receiving these "Miracles" which I believe they are the consequences of Extreme Blind Faith and just having a Positive and Happy Attitude "Regardless" of what happens.  I'm sooo glad that I'm here, writing in this unique blog of mine.  Oh, I did downloaded about 30-40 music cd's !!!  to add to my Work Out Music Collection !!!!   it's beyond like Donkey Kong !!!!!    

Aaaaaahhhhhhhh Well, I just word that Deva Premal is coming to Chicagoland !!!!!!    For my ending I would end this post with Deva Premal !!!!  so you can hear her !!! :   Deva Premal

Infinite Love & Gratitude,  Oscar Z

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