I read my description for this blog and it has been Wayyyyyyyyyy Over 111 Days !!!!!! Wayyyyyy !!!! Over the 111 Days of Total Human Metamorphosis and Transformation !!!! it's been at least 1-2 yrs give or take 6 months or sooo !!! haaaa, Hey !!!!! it's All Good !!!!! Sooo hey let's do this !!!!!
Alright it's been a while since I wrote last here, so this is a quick update !!!! I'm finally out of my roommates place !!! July 18, 2012 Wed afternoon, as soon as I closed the door myself and my Spirit said at the same exact time, " This chapter has been officially closed !! Unto the next one !!!" Most likely I will never come back... Well, lets just say, I know I won't be back.... when you just absolutely positively know with out a doubt that-that chapter has been officially closed. I am very grateful for the time and the space that I had while I was with my roommate and the job I had only about 300 feet away... I lived in 4 Lakes Lisle, IL where they have a bar, pub, dance, band, dj, hotspot, ok, I'm going to try something here, I'm going to see if it works....

Well, I wanted to "Save and Copy" the whole FB Page w/ comments.... well let's just say this is my roommates new toy !!!!! it's a Blood Alcohol Content % Tracker !!!!! Yep !!!!! just to give you an idea on what kind of environment I was in.... Hey, don't get me wrong !!! no one forced a gun on me, but, I know myself that I need a whole environment change !!! I was working at the Lodge in Lisle, IL for almost a yr every Fri, Sat, Sun without a day off or break, and I think I know why !!! Universe wanted to make plant some seeds over there !!!! till this day, I have never been asked sooo many questions on "Why I'm Sooo Happy ???", and that, "I never met any bouncer who is sooo cool than you!!!", "I never met a bouncer like you before !!" I knew I was emitting massive light of there, and YES I had the Time of My Life There !!!! I wasn't refueling there, and it got to the point where I was on E !!! and didn't want to be, see, be seen, interact w/ the patrons anymore !!!! I was done !!!! Done-Done !!!! here I am on this Total Human Metamorphosis / Transformation to be what I've always wanted to become, to be on the Mind/Body/Spirit Transformation and you have at least 10 good/well intention friends/acquaintances that is offering beers, shots, and hard liquor drinks left and right and sometimes they are like those gnats, well, drunk ass gnats... I didn't know this guy but, he was totally blitzed drunk, put his arm around my shoulder and said, " Wanna Shot, Wanna Shot, Wanna Shot, Wanna Shot ???? " Holy Shot !!! Enough Already !!! That was my que that my time is done, my job was done, whatever that job physically and spiritually job that was, I knew I have been relieved from duty !!!! and guess what my Exit Strategy was Soooooo Perfect !!!! there was an Awesome Guy who I would see and he would always asked me if they needed any more bouncers, in a nutshell I came with him to talk with the manager and presto he was hired !!! on the spot.... It wasn't a total suprise, I did tell the manager that I needed a break.... a long undisclosed break.... but, I knew that I was never coming back... I don't want to be in that environment ever again... the people there are Absolutely Amazing it's just the environment, alcohol and cigarettes in your face and the behavior that people do and say when they were in the influenced both patrons and employees !!!! Haa, there was one female employee who wasn't working that night but, was ferociously drinking actually caused a fight, yeah, Roxy just shouldered a husbands wife while we were trying to escort a friend of theirs out because she was hitting on her friend (nothing overly too outstanding) it's a freaking bar/dance/meet people with alcohol enviornment and she really wanted us to kick this one particular guy out and honestly I don't believe he didn't anything that serious.....and another one who was actually working as a bartender gave the wrong change to a big black guy and wanted me to kick them out, they were freaking big !!! We finally found out what happened, Thanks Tony !!! that yes, indeed John gave the wrong change and I believe it was no more than an hour he passed out in the back room !!! Unfortunately and Fortunately he was let go on the spot and also when he woke up later the next day. I Was Done-Done !!!! I know I'm a different path !!! and I'm soooo glad and grateful that I had the opportunity to be an example on shedding the light and happiness to others !!!!! Thank You !!!!! Soooo glad I'm Done !!! Thank You !!!! Everyone !!!! Much Love Always !!!
Hey, what do you think of my Morning Pages !!!! good stuff hunh ??? well, right now, I do need some gas, so I'm going to be going to the Ministry in Downers Grove, IL to get some gas, !!! and then go to my storage in bollingbrook, IL to org and donate my misc to Goodwill and to org up everything into the car !!!! Here we go !!!! I placed the spare on top of the roof of the car !!! it looks like an offroad race car !!!! oh yeah, I took out the radio and the speakers yesterday, I just don't want the temptation of listening to commercials or news !!! I'm going Extreme Baby !!!! ok, let's do this !!!! Have an Amazing Day !!! much love, Oz / DWU
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