Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sun May 1st , 2011 is the "Last and Final" Official Start Date but, I might get an Early Start !!!!

Ahhhhh, where to begin on my Incredible and Ever So Adventuresome Life Journey of mine !!! ???

I don't know if I mentioned that I'll be receiving my monthly stipend of $240 on 4/28/11 Thurs which is tonight at 12am !!!   Right now, I've been the Glen Ellyn area sort of trapped because I have zero $$ and I have zero gas !!!  Therefore I'm trapped !!!!  Luckily I know how far the gas gauge stick can go before I really not drive, I'm just driving to the college and to my "night spot" and that's about it, about a block or 2 every day !!  Writing, writing on my book, resting, relaxing before the Metamorphosis start date... buuuuut, since I'm going to be withdrawing some $$, I can get some gas and I can be on my way to Morton Grove to my other "night spot" there !! and get my 2 cases of tuna and then get warmed up at Bally's Northshore !!  I sooo love that gym !!!  Love it !!! Absolutely Love it !!!  I kinda like a lil bit.... ,  then I'll be going to the Oneness Blessing Q & A at Unity Church on Thome, Wow, you're getting all the details today !!!  So, that'll be it for Thurs and then Friday I'm going to start up the Metamorphosis !!!!  Go to my DY  Dahn Yoga !!!!  and then Bally's until close !!!  Yep, I sooo cannot wait !!

Today at the McD's I spent my last dollar bill to get some coffee and been refilling since 11am today and it's now 8:25pm !!  I was writing and planning out my metamorphosis, writing in my morning/afternoon pages and drawing out my Blueprint for the Rest of My Life !!!!  Wow !!!  I finished it and it fitted on one side of an 8 1/2 x 11 blank piece of paper, I wrote some personal words to myself about my whole life plan, aka blueprint for the rest of my life !!! I absolutely couldn't believe it !!!  that it felt soooo good !!! that this is finally it !!! when I first started the blueprint I wrote on top of the page, 5 yr plan, and then once after I was done with the blueprint, I didn't care if it took me 15, 20, 25 years !!!!  To accomplish what I had on that one side of the piece of paper !!!  This blueprint is for my whole entire life !!!!!!  Wow !!!!!  I was absolutely grateful that it was not me but, the Infinite Divine assisting me and guiding me to write it all out !!  so I can see it, touch it, read it, feel it, and visualize every step of the way !!!!  every box !!  every arrow... Thank you !!  Thank YOu soooo very much... // got the Dinner crowd at McD's now !!  a lot of kiddies !!  // And the blueprint for my whole entire life starts with My Metamorphosis !!!!

Before I start on the blueprint I first must complete my Metamorphosis 1st !!!!  I have to change, transform and to metamorphosize into the Ultimate Being that I want to become and be !! 1st !!! I have to be that being 1st !!!  In order for me to complete and accomplish the rest of the blueprint, and it won't be just me, myself and I it'll be a team effort of myself, my Divine Self, Infinite Divine Universe and all of it's Source Energy Marines, Battalion's of them !!!  Working 24/7 on my behalf, working behind the scenes, making sure that whatever I say, envision, plan for, focus on, expect,  Will Come To Pass....Will Come To Pass, It Doesn't Matter How Humongous your Vision or Blue Print is, It Will Come To Pass... with me, it could take 50 years for me to accomplish my blueprint, but, you know what ??  I don't care, I know that I'll be the most happiest man on Earth just believing, living and experiencing the Journey !!!!  the Adventure of it all !!!  Thaaat my friend is the Purpose for living our unique and incredible lives!!!  So, here I am, "Trapped" just waiting to be UNLEASHED !!!!!!  In about 3 more Hours !!!!  I SHALL BE RELEASED and Will Be UNLEASHED to LIVE MY LIFE and to transform my life into the Ultimate Divine Being that the Infinite Divine Universe Sees Me As !!!!  That is what I'll be after My Metamorphosis !!!!  It'll be sooooo Incredibly ON !! It's Sooo ON !!!   What I mean by "On" is just that feeling of Immense Anticipation of Humongous Transformation !!!  The changes physical, mental and spiritual will be Sooo Incredibly Massive in Just Days !!!!  After I have been released from my handcuffs and shackles, that's how I felt since Sat !!!  zero $$ and zero gas and what do you do, luckily I had some Divine Intervention with the food dept. yeah, I won't go into details but, I had to do what I had to do to survive, let'as just say, I'm definitely in Neale Donald Walshs shoes when he was in mine right now !!! See, this is where the Living on the Absolute Extreme Leading Edge of Life !!!  Pure Absolute Blind Faith and Pure Absolute Adventure, this is where you and the Infinite Divine become One !!!  I have 100000% Absolute Blind Faith Trust that no matter what happens, no matter what situation arises, I'll be absolutely fine !!!  I might not have the comfy cushy comforts 24/7 but, that is why I was transformed into a U.S. Marine to help prepare for my Extreme Adventure with the Infinite Divine, it's not for the weak, timid, unsure, faithless, hey, on Jan 1, 2011 I let go of everything !!!  I mean Everything !!  I let the Solar Winds of the Universe Take Me where I needed to go, to the people I needed to connect with, the experiences and learning lessons that I needed to go through and learn, I was willing to go through it all !!!  and yes, I just about went through it all, yeah, but, you know what ??  It's Been Soooo Unbelievably Worth It !!!

So, here I am just hours before I'm going to be released and I'm just salivating, waiting to be UNLEASHED !!!!  and It Will Be Soooo Incredibly On !!!  I know for the month of May of 2011, I guarantee that this upcoming month will be the most transformational life DNA changing month in my Entire Life !!!!  I feel it !!  I feel that every cell in my body feels it coming !!!  oh yeah, every cell in my body knows exactly what to do and where to go and they feel it coming as much as I do !!! Oh yeah, they know exactly of what's about to happen and they are absolutely ready !!!!!  9:14pm now and less than 3 hrs !!!  I feel like I'm about to set free from my Life Sentence in cuffs and shackles!!!  Yeah, getting a bit emotional right now ya know, I've been through a lot, been through it all, and the only one whoever had my back was the Infinite Divine !!!  Friends, family, they say they care, but, I know that I had to do this on my own, even though I did ask for a month to get back on my feet, I was handed a "counter offer" May $250 (pay later), that hit me soooo incredibly hard, of course I played it off as if it didn't affect me.... I don't know, if you had a son, birth blood son, and you knew that he was living out of his car, in the cold Chgo weather, freezing at nights, not able to buy food, trying his best to provide for himself and to be on his own, and he asked you for at least one month to get back on my feet and after the month, that he's willing to pay some kind of rent and buy his own food, etc.  until he's on his own two feet again ??  Would you give your son at least a month to help him get back on his feet ??

I was handed a piece of paper that stated, " May $250 (pay later), June $300, July $350, Aug $400, Sept $450, Oct $500".... the other months I definitely agree with and totally understand but, it was the 1st month of May that had a huge impact on me.  Wow...She wouldn't give me a month to get back on my two feet again, knowing that I'm living out of my van and not having money to eat.   I absolutely felt that I was only just a dollar bill, that she didn't care about me at freaking all...  I couldn't believe it, yeah, as soon as she left to do her Sat things, I bailed out, knowing that I won't be back for a very very very long time.  And I used all of the gas that I had in the tank to go to visit her from Morton Grove, and that is why I'm "trapped" out here in Glen Ellyn, IL because I don't have any gas nor any $$ .  And decided right then and there I Have to Take My Metamorphosis Sooooooo Freaking SERIOUS !!!!  LIFE & DEATH !!!!!!    I will never feel like that ever again, Never !!! Never Again !!!  It's crazy how this was Exactly What I Needed to Catapult Me into the Heavens !!!  That Button Was Pushed and Was Exactly What I Needed !!!!  Oh Shit yeah !!! I needed that !!  to get some Jet Engine Torch Flames Coming out of me !!!!  Haa haaa, See, and the Infinite Divine knows that this is going to be the result of having my Button being pushed like that !!!

That is why !!!  I know for a Fact !!!  that from May 1, 2011 to Aug 19, 2011 it's totally mine, it's my life, my metamorphosis, my world, my Universe !!!  That I knew I Must Go Through the full entire 111 Days !!! of my Metamorphosis !!!  I must change NOW !!!!  Transform NOW !!!!!  The time is NOW !!!!  To Change My Life !!!  I'm done living like this, but, at the same time, I'm very grateful for everything !!!  that van is a Godsend !!!  saved my life !!!  Saved my limbs from getting frostbite !!!  Adventure !!  Journey !!  Life on the Extreme Leading Edge-Edge, Clif-Edge !!!  yeah, I let go fully and completely Jan 1, 2011 at the Bodhi Burning Bowl Ceremony.  I let go !!!  and now, almost 5 months later, I'm going to embark the most Life Changing DNA transforming and cell metamorphosizing experience in my Entire Life !!!!  My Metamorphosis to transform myself into the being that the Infinite Divine Source sees me as and to become one and intertwined with the Infinite Divine, to have instantaneous immediate communication, knowing, instructions, information, the Whole Sha-Bang !!!!!   To Do, Be and Become Whomever I Want and to Accomplish Anything I Want.... Wow !!!  That's Absolutely Amazing Isn't it ??  That life of Invincibility with Humbleness... To be the change that I would like to see in the world...  I'm ready, I Never Been Soooo Ready In My Entire Life !!!!! Thank You Source !!! Thank You Infinite Divine Great Creator,... Thank You...

Looks like we gotta long one here, hunh ??  Ahhhh, Almost 2 hrs to go ??  it's 9:52pm right this second !!  No you have a better understanding why it feels like I'm going to be Released and now you know why that I'm going to be "UNLEASHED" !!!!  oh yeah, watch out my friend, watch out !!  I'm going to be like a 100 T-Rex's all into 1 Body !!!!!  going to find a T-Rex pic real quick... brb...

1 comment:

  1. How did caterpillar become a T-Rex !!!!! ????? Infinite Divine definitely works in Mysterious Ways !!! I'm about to be UNLEASHED in approx. 1 hr and 10 min, it's 10:50pm now !!! 100 T-Rex's into 1 Body !!!! Absolute Immense Pure POWER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like Roaring inside the McD's Lobby right now !!!!! I will fully complete my Blueprint regardless how long it will take !!!!! It's Mine !!! It's my Life !!! My Future !!!! It's MINE !!! I"m in 1000% in Total Control of what I want to do or not do !!! I'm the Boss !!! I'm the King of Me !!!! I am the Master of my Mind, Body and Spirit !!! I Am One with the Infinite Divine who created Worlds and Galaxies !!!!!!!! 1 Trillion Sun's !!!!! All into 1 Human Body !!!!! that my friend is what I have inside just waiting patiently to be released and unleashed !!! Fuuuh, I'm about to pass out just trying to comprehend how much power we have... gotta go, lobby is about to get locked... bye.. Oz

    I'm Sooooo Ready for my Metamorphosis !!!


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