I, Oscar Zepeda will be embarking an Extreme Style of Human Metamorphosis. What I mean by that is I will release all that no longer served me and going to let the Solar Winds of the Universe take me to where I need to go and meet the people that I need to meet for my transformation into the Divine Blended Being that the Infinite Divine Universe Wants Me to Become. This is my Journey for at least 1,111 Days...or Indefinitely !!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
7 to 10 Days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's On Like Donkey Kong !!!!!!
T'hat's what the recording said, when I "Verified" with the VA, for me to receive my $1,500 + benefits !!!!!!!! YESSS !!! I still agree with my previous post of the 2 Days My Life Will Drastically Change !!!! I'll be receiving my monthly deal from the VA, which will keep me going, till the Mega-Millions Come In !!!!!
My I cannot wait !!!! Well, I just uploaded some recent videos of myself in the "Before" phase !!!! to my channel "TheOscarZepeda" it's sooo On !!! Well, tonight, it's official !!! I'm not going to be spending the night at Pads Anymore !!!! I'll be working out till I pass out !!!! everyday, and then after the 1st installment in 7-10 days, I'm going to get my Xsport Fitness Membership Active again... I'm going to have to start brand new... I guess, not being able to pay for the Personal Training Deal $250 per month, without a job/working didn't work out for Xsport and was dismissed aka cancelled membership... it's all good !!!!
I'm sooo looking forward for everything !!!! So, it's 5:35pm now, and I need to leave around 6pm..... for tonights last night at the Pads Site ..... I have planted the Happiness Seed To All That Was Open For It !!!!!
I'm Very Excited and Looking forward To Everything !!!!!! It's On Like Donkey Kong !!!! So, now, it's only a Warm Up for What is about to Come !!!!! Fitness !! Baby !!!! I love my life !!! Thank You !!!
I'm planning on taking some fitness classes at College of DuPage !!!! Thank You !!! So, I won't be "Here" (on laptop/internet) as much well, I'm thinking of just maybe a monthly update.... so you / I can see some Visual Changes !!! and Transformation !!!!! So, let the Transformation Begin !!!!! 61 Days of Buffer !!!!
Remember I started my Metamorphosis on Sept 6th, 2012 !!!! >???????? Hey !!! Rome Wasn't Built Overnight !!!!! These 61 Days Were the Buffer Time Needed For Long Term Permanent Change !!!!! So, this is it !!! I'm ready !!!! Nov, 1, 2012 !!!! My Birthday Month !!!! It's ALL ME !!!! MY LIFE !!!!! MY JOURNEY !!!! MY ADVENTURE !!!!! My GROWTH !!!! MY EXPANSION !!!!!!!! MY WORLD !!!! MY UNIVERSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I MUST DO WHAT "I" KNOW FOR ME TO DO !!!!! I KNOW !!!! FAITH----->BELIEF---->KNOWING !!!!! I KNOW NOW !!!! WHAT I MUST AND WILL DO !!!! Bye for now !!!!!! Nov 1st, tonight !!!! Thank You !!!!! I Love My Life, World, Universe Soooooo Very Very Very Very Much !!!! Thank You !!! it's On Like Donkey Kong !!!
This will be my last "Splurge" meaning misc. foods that no longer serves me !!!!! gotsa Rock n Roll Outa Here !!!! Oscar Z enjoy the Old School Remix !!! after this Post !!!!
My I cannot wait !!!! Well, I just uploaded some recent videos of myself in the "Before" phase !!!! to my channel "TheOscarZepeda" it's sooo On !!! Well, tonight, it's official !!! I'm not going to be spending the night at Pads Anymore !!!! I'll be working out till I pass out !!!! everyday, and then after the 1st installment in 7-10 days, I'm going to get my Xsport Fitness Membership Active again... I'm going to have to start brand new... I guess, not being able to pay for the Personal Training Deal $250 per month, without a job/working didn't work out for Xsport and was dismissed aka cancelled membership... it's all good !!!!
I'm sooo looking forward for everything !!!! So, it's 5:35pm now, and I need to leave around 6pm..... for tonights last night at the Pads Site ..... I have planted the Happiness Seed To All That Was Open For It !!!!!
I'm Very Excited and Looking forward To Everything !!!!!! It's On Like Donkey Kong !!!! So, now, it's only a Warm Up for What is about to Come !!!!! Fitness !! Baby !!!! I love my life !!! Thank You !!!
I'm planning on taking some fitness classes at College of DuPage !!!! Thank You !!! So, I won't be "Here" (on laptop/internet) as much well, I'm thinking of just maybe a monthly update.... so you / I can see some Visual Changes !!! and Transformation !!!!! So, let the Transformation Begin !!!!! 61 Days of Buffer !!!!
Remember I started my Metamorphosis on Sept 6th, 2012 !!!! >???????? Hey !!! Rome Wasn't Built Overnight !!!!! These 61 Days Were the Buffer Time Needed For Long Term Permanent Change !!!!! So, this is it !!! I'm ready !!!! Nov, 1, 2012 !!!! My Birthday Month !!!! It's ALL ME !!!! MY LIFE !!!!! MY JOURNEY !!!! MY ADVENTURE !!!!! My GROWTH !!!! MY EXPANSION !!!!!!!! MY WORLD !!!! MY UNIVERSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I MUST DO WHAT "I" KNOW FOR ME TO DO !!!!! I KNOW !!!! FAITH----->BELIEF---->KNOWING !!!!! I KNOW NOW !!!! WHAT I MUST AND WILL DO !!!! Bye for now !!!!!! Nov 1st, tonight !!!! Thank You !!!!! I Love My Life, World, Universe Soooooo Very Very Very Very Much !!!! Thank You !!! it's On Like Donkey Kong !!!
This will be my last "Splurge" meaning misc. foods that no longer serves me !!!!! gotsa Rock n Roll Outa Here !!!! Oscar Z enjoy the Old School Remix !!! after this Post !!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
In 2 Days My Life Will Drastically Change !!!!!!!!! 2 Days !!!!
Soooo looking forward for today !!!!! writing some words right now, well on 11/1/12 I'll be receiving what will be for me like Winning The Mega-Millions !!!!!!! My I'm Soooo looking forward on being able to breathe again !!!!! Wow !!! I'm just looking forward for Everything !!!! It's Sooooo On !!!!!
Bottom line is My Physical Body and My Fitness !!!!!!! I gotsa go now !!! need my shower !!!!
be back this afternoon !!!! // 3:53pm (I'm Back !!!!) I love my School and my Classmates !!!!! Had one of the seniors told me that, "I don't know what this class would be like without you !!" note that this senior student was a guy/straight..... I absolutely love it !!! Today we worked out Chest / Triceps and we learned about Levers 1, 2. 3, about our bodies and how they work.. with the joints / Pivot Points... and the muscles !!!! Honestly I know I can be my own trainer !!! but, it's always good to have someone pushing you and supporting you !!!!!!
Ok, well, I think it may take a few days after the 1st for me to receive my overflow !!! I have to "Verify" on the 31st tomorrow, once that is done, it usually takes about a week !!! Soooo, it won't be exactly the 1st !!! I don't care, I know it's "On The Way" !!!!!! I'll be able to go get some gas and be able to work out at the gym on a monthly basis... it's on !!!! I'm ready for my New Life !!!!! My New Body !!!! Yes, it's All me !!! I'm Responsible For My Life and My Body !!!!!!! Sooo, let's see...... bottom line, I'll be working out at Jakked starting Nov 1st, 2012 !!!! I'll do the monthly deal until I get paid, and do the yearly deal !!! and also prepare for Xsport as soon as they offer the buy 1 yr get one yr, you know what fuck that !!! That's Lack Based Thinking !!!! Let's do it all !!!!! Jakked Gym & Xsport Fitness & Dahn Yoga & of Course NPTI my School !!!! National Personal Training Institute !!!!!
It's sooo on baby !!!! I'm sooo looking forward To Everything !!!!! Hurry 1st !!!!!!! haaa, it's All Good !!! oh yeah, just an FYI, I won't be with DuPage Pads until further notice after the 1st... I remember when I was in Morton Grove, IL Bally Total Fitness, I walked in the Forest Preserves and worked out till close almost every night !!!! I was very very chizzled at that time !!! this time will be even Better !!!! For I Know !!!! and Knowing is Half The Battle !!!!! I'm Soooo Looking forward to Everything !!!! I love my life !!! I love my life !!! Soooo Very Much !!!!! it's Soooo On !!!!ok, it's almost about that time !!! for me to see my Homely's !!!!! My Absolute Freedom Family !!!! One's Who "Say" That they're homeless !!!! Hogwash !!!!! I call it Absolute Freedom !!!!
ok, for the record, there was someone who is considered to very spiritual.... I just feel that I should let this out.... ok, here we go, at the same time I have to leave in 5 min !!!! Well, this individual / s hosts spiritual / dance related gatherings at their home/place since ???? I don't know... I'm guessing many years.... well, someone bought it from the owner and now their place is at "Risk"..... me ??? Nothing in this Universe is at Risk !!!!!!! Whatever Happens Is Perfect !!! When I first heard this I knew that there is some disconnection... I'm not doubting nor criticizing his/her spirituality and/or faith with their Divine.... I just immediatlely felt that he/she was "Lack Based" or Scarcity Based Thinking.... then again I don't know the full story... All I know is that Infinite Divine Loves Growth and Change !!!! Being in the same spot doing the same things for years, I sense that there might be some repetition going on..... Infinite Divine and Our Brains Love NEW !!!! New Environements, New Experiences, I sense that they are too comfortable and guess what ???? it's time to Grow !!!! He/She are recruiting and posting to the new owner for them to stay.. I sense Fear All Over Them, He/She asked us (Friends on Facebook) for us to send a text, call, write a positive comment on the website, etc.... and this was the Kicker !!!! You know how people usually say, I'll be their in Spirit ??? Well, he/she was asking for support "Not Just In Spirit"......in going to their functions and gatherings!!!!!! Yeah.... I just felt Wow !!!!! so my Spirit doesn't count, I already know what's going to happen !!!! Crazy but, True !!! I felt Fear.... God Loves Change !!! If you don't Change He'll Change It For You !!!! and this is what's happening with this individual / s...... that's it for now... gotta go !!!!
Infinite Love and Gratitude, Oscar Z To the Absolute Fullest !!!!
Bottom line is My Physical Body and My Fitness !!!!!!! I gotsa go now !!! need my shower !!!!
be back this afternoon !!!! // 3:53pm (I'm Back !!!!) I love my School and my Classmates !!!!! Had one of the seniors told me that, "I don't know what this class would be like without you !!" note that this senior student was a guy/straight..... I absolutely love it !!! Today we worked out Chest / Triceps and we learned about Levers 1, 2. 3, about our bodies and how they work.. with the joints / Pivot Points... and the muscles !!!! Honestly I know I can be my own trainer !!! but, it's always good to have someone pushing you and supporting you !!!!!!
Ok, well, I think it may take a few days after the 1st for me to receive my overflow !!! I have to "Verify" on the 31st tomorrow, once that is done, it usually takes about a week !!! Soooo, it won't be exactly the 1st !!! I don't care, I know it's "On The Way" !!!!!! I'll be able to go get some gas and be able to work out at the gym on a monthly basis... it's on !!!! I'm ready for my New Life !!!!! My New Body !!!! Yes, it's All me !!! I'm Responsible For My Life and My Body !!!!!!! Sooo, let's see...... bottom line, I'll be working out at Jakked starting Nov 1st, 2012 !!!! I'll do the monthly deal until I get paid, and do the yearly deal !!! and also prepare for Xsport as soon as they offer the buy 1 yr get one yr, you know what fuck that !!! That's Lack Based Thinking !!!! Let's do it all !!!!! Jakked Gym & Xsport Fitness & Dahn Yoga & of Course NPTI my School !!!! National Personal Training Institute !!!!!
It's sooo on baby !!!! I'm sooo looking forward To Everything !!!!! Hurry 1st !!!!!!! haaa, it's All Good !!! oh yeah, just an FYI, I won't be with DuPage Pads until further notice after the 1st... I remember when I was in Morton Grove, IL Bally Total Fitness, I walked in the Forest Preserves and worked out till close almost every night !!!! I was very very chizzled at that time !!! this time will be even Better !!!! For I Know !!!! and Knowing is Half The Battle !!!!! I'm Soooo Looking forward to Everything !!!! I love my life !!! I love my life !!! Soooo Very Much !!!!! it's Soooo On !!!!ok, it's almost about that time !!! for me to see my Homely's !!!!! My Absolute Freedom Family !!!! One's Who "Say" That they're homeless !!!! Hogwash !!!!! I call it Absolute Freedom !!!!
ok, for the record, there was someone who is considered to very spiritual.... I just feel that I should let this out.... ok, here we go, at the same time I have to leave in 5 min !!!! Well, this individual / s hosts spiritual / dance related gatherings at their home/place since ???? I don't know... I'm guessing many years.... well, someone bought it from the owner and now their place is at "Risk"..... me ??? Nothing in this Universe is at Risk !!!!!!! Whatever Happens Is Perfect !!! When I first heard this I knew that there is some disconnection... I'm not doubting nor criticizing his/her spirituality and/or faith with their Divine.... I just immediatlely felt that he/she was "Lack Based" or Scarcity Based Thinking.... then again I don't know the full story... All I know is that Infinite Divine Loves Growth and Change !!!! Being in the same spot doing the same things for years, I sense that there might be some repetition going on..... Infinite Divine and Our Brains Love NEW !!!! New Environements, New Experiences, I sense that they are too comfortable and guess what ???? it's time to Grow !!!! He/She are recruiting and posting to the new owner for them to stay.. I sense Fear All Over Them, He/She asked us (Friends on Facebook) for us to send a text, call, write a positive comment on the website, etc.... and this was the Kicker !!!! You know how people usually say, I'll be their in Spirit ??? Well, he/she was asking for support "Not Just In Spirit"......in going to their functions and gatherings!!!!!! Yeah.... I just felt Wow !!!!! so my Spirit doesn't count, I already know what's going to happen !!!! Crazy but, True !!! I felt Fear.... God Loves Change !!! If you don't Change He'll Change It For You !!!! and this is what's happening with this individual / s...... that's it for now... gotta go !!!!
Infinite Love and Gratitude, Oscar Z To the Absolute Fullest !!!!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
MP's aka Morning Pages in the Afternoon !!!!!!!
had my 2nd Test Today !!!!! Ahhhhh, again I know I could've done better !!!! Hey, it's all good !!!!!! that's the last of my misc. !!!!! just an FYI, I might have some health / personal training related misc. here, I love to type out my notes so, what better way for me to help study and remember them and also to Spread Some Knowledge !!!!!! here at the same time !!!!!! Ya know !!!! you know what I think I just might do that !!!! Type up my notes and handouts !!!! that I get from class. !!!! Well, I know for a fact that I didn't get this question right ... here it is...
#1. Before client is 20% Body Fat at 180 lbs After Your Personal Training Skills Client is now 15% Body Fat at 165 lbs. What is the Lean Body Mass Difference ??
Answer: Ok, you multiply the 1st Weight of 180 lbs by the difference of 20% Body Fat which is 80%.
So, 180 x .80 = 144 You do the same for the AFTER Body Fat % and Weight.... 165 lbs x (100%-15%) is 165 x .85 = 140.25 So the Answer is / difference is 144 - 140.25 = -3.75 lbs.
#2. 32 yr old client has a 78 BPM (Blood Pressure Beats) at 70% Maximum Effort. What is his BPM when at 100 % Maximum Effort ??
This is sooo such an Algebra problem !!!! It seemed sooo easy !!!! Well, I'm going to have to get back to you on this problem, unless you know how to solve this one....
Yes, this is only a grain of sand that I'm learning !!! Wow !!! I do love my school / Institute !!!!! Not only we get to learn but, we get to work out with Beautiful and Gorgeous Females Sweatin it up !!!!! Daaaaaaang !!!! Today !!! I realized How Amazing and Beautiful My Life Truly Is !!!!!! Wow !!!! I Love My Life !!!!! last Tues or Wed. there's a beautiful wife/mother/ student that we sort of have the same Wave Length and I was pretty shocked when she told me that she is sooo grateful that I'm in her class !!!! and something like " I look forward going to class because of you"... something like that !!!! I was definitely taken aback when I heard that, I said, "Awwwwwwwww'...... I'm glad you're in my class too !!!! I don't know what to make of this !!! Ummmmmm she drops the " Husband" Bomb quite often and her child, so I just took as "Like Minded and Same Spiritual Wave Length" !!!! even there there might be some attraction with the other female students I know not to pursue until "After Graduation" !!!! it's Only 6 months !!!!! I feel my role and place is more Universal & Spiritual. and I guess I have been a "Breath of Fresh Newbie Air" in the walls of NPTI !!!!!! I knew I was Meant and Supposed To Be There !!!! To Jump Start My Transformation / Metamorphosis !!! and to Be An Example !!! and To Learn How I Should Live !!!! How I should Eat !!!!!!! Exercise !!!!!! the Whole Shabang !!!!!!!! here's an Example !!!!
And the Paleo Lifestyle !!!

I Never Even Heard Of This Before !!!!! Don't Get Me Wrong I Do Absolutely Love My Old School Mixes and Remixes!!!!!!! But this is Old School To the Millionth Power !!!!!!!!!! Yeahhhhh Buddy !!!!!!! We're Taken It Back To The Super Old School !!!!!! I just had to post this pic (Strong Girl Pic)!! Daaaaaaaaang She is Soooo Bad Ass !!! !YESSS !!!!! I Soooo Love Being Human !!!!! just a note: I got these pics from my Instructors Fitness Blog !!!!! He's in the Trenches Baby !!!!!
Whewwwwwww !!!!!! I Think I'm in the Right Industry !!!!!!! Yeahhhhh Buddy !!!! and last night I requested a bag so I can bag up some broccoli, mini carrots, grabbed about 4 apples and bananas !!!
Sooooo, This coming November !!!!!!! ok, well I was writing and beefing up my Divinitus Universalis Pics and Notes...... aaand I gosta go now !!!!!! West Chicago Site Tonight !!!!!!!! Dammmmmmmmm She is Very Very Extremely Bad Ass !!!! She's Definitely a Spartan Divine Warrior !!!! Wow !!! Whoa !!! Let's Do This !!!! I love my Life !!!!!!! Thank You Soooo Very Very Much !!!!!!
#1. Before client is 20% Body Fat at 180 lbs After Your Personal Training Skills Client is now 15% Body Fat at 165 lbs. What is the Lean Body Mass Difference ??
Answer: Ok, you multiply the 1st Weight of 180 lbs by the difference of 20% Body Fat which is 80%.
So, 180 x .80 = 144 You do the same for the AFTER Body Fat % and Weight.... 165 lbs x (100%-15%) is 165 x .85 = 140.25 So the Answer is / difference is 144 - 140.25 = -3.75 lbs.
#2. 32 yr old client has a 78 BPM (Blood Pressure Beats) at 70% Maximum Effort. What is his BPM when at 100 % Maximum Effort ??
This is sooo such an Algebra problem !!!! It seemed sooo easy !!!! Well, I'm going to have to get back to you on this problem, unless you know how to solve this one....
Yes, this is only a grain of sand that I'm learning !!! Wow !!! I do love my school / Institute !!!!! Not only we get to learn but, we get to work out with Beautiful and Gorgeous Females Sweatin it up !!!!! Daaaaaaang !!!! Today !!! I realized How Amazing and Beautiful My Life Truly Is !!!!!! Wow !!!! I Love My Life !!!!! last Tues or Wed. there's a beautiful wife/mother/ student that we sort of have the same Wave Length and I was pretty shocked when she told me that she is sooo grateful that I'm in her class !!!! and something like " I look forward going to class because of you"... something like that !!!! I was definitely taken aback when I heard that, I said, "Awwwwwwwww'...... I'm glad you're in my class too !!!! I don't know what to make of this !!! Ummmmmm she drops the " Husband" Bomb quite often and her child, so I just took as "Like Minded and Same Spiritual Wave Length" !!!! even there there might be some attraction with the other female students I know not to pursue until "After Graduation" !!!! it's Only 6 months !!!!! I feel my role and place is more Universal & Spiritual. and I guess I have been a "Breath of Fresh Newbie Air" in the walls of NPTI !!!!!! I knew I was Meant and Supposed To Be There !!!! To Jump Start My Transformation / Metamorphosis !!! and to Be An Example !!! and To Learn How I Should Live !!!! How I should Eat !!!!!!! Exercise !!!!!! the Whole Shabang !!!!!!!! here's an Example !!!!
And the Paleo Lifestyle !!!
Whewwwwwww !!!!!! I Think I'm in the Right Industry !!!!!!! Yeahhhhh Buddy !!!! and last night I requested a bag so I can bag up some broccoli, mini carrots, grabbed about 4 apples and bananas !!!
Sooooo, This coming November !!!!!!! ok, well I was writing and beefing up my Divinitus Universalis Pics and Notes...... aaand I gosta go now !!!!!! West Chicago Site Tonight !!!!!!!! Dammmmmmmmm She is Very Very Extremely Bad Ass !!!! She's Definitely a Spartan Divine Warrior !!!! Wow !!! Whoa !!! Let's Do This !!!! I love my Life !!!!!!! Thank You Soooo Very Very Much !!!!!!
nonstop rap hiphop remixed
This is what I'm listening to while I write my MP's !!!!!!!!! Yeahhhhhhhh Buddy !!!!!!
I Love My Life !!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
I"M EXCITED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Happy !!!!!!! It's ON Like Donkey Kong !!!!!!!
Feels like an Infusion of Pure Absolute Happiness !!!!!! Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh Buddy !!!!!!!! Well, all is well right now, it has and always will be Very Very Well !!!!! it's Soooo On !!!! i'm excited !!!!!! Life is Soooo Awesome !!!! Sooo, looking forward for today !!!!!! and Nov 1st !!!! where I'm about to get an Infusion of $$$$ !!!!!!!! it'll sooooo seem that' I have won the lottery !!!!! well, 1st thing I'm going to do is Tithes 10%.... then we'll play it by ear and feel.... All I know is that I'm going to Save most likely All of It !!!! I do want to have a place where I can write and do some artwork..... we'll see, I want to hold off right now..... I want to get my memberships at Jakked Gym 1st !!!!! and focus on my studies !!!!!
I love my life !!!! Yesss !!!!! Yess !!! thank you !!!! I did got some very good rest yesterday !!! I totally forgot about my appt. with my dentist yesterday !!!! Called her up and greatly apologized !!!! luckily there's an opening today at 5pm !!!!! Ok, it's time for me to go, shower up and go to class !!!!! I love my life !!!!!! Soooo Very Very Much !!!!!! Thank you !!! it's Soooo On Like Donkey Kong !!!!!!! today will be a shorts day, going to be around 70 something today !!!!!!
It's soooooo On like Donkey Kong !!!! I love my life !!!!! Bia !!!! Bia !!!!! Gotta Rock n Roll Outa Here Now !!!!! Infinite Love and Gratitude !!!!!
I love my life !!!! Yesss !!!!! Yess !!! thank you !!!! I did got some very good rest yesterday !!! I totally forgot about my appt. with my dentist yesterday !!!! Called her up and greatly apologized !!!! luckily there's an opening today at 5pm !!!!! Ok, it's time for me to go, shower up and go to class !!!!! I love my life !!!!!! Soooo Very Very Much !!!!!! Thank you !!! it's Soooo On Like Donkey Kong !!!!!!! today will be a shorts day, going to be around 70 something today !!!!!!
It's soooooo On like Donkey Kong !!!! I love my life !!!!! Bia !!!! Bia !!!!! Gotta Rock n Roll Outa Here Now !!!!! Infinite Love and Gratitude !!!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
How to Start a Personal Training and Fitness Career | Questions answers ...
This is Sooooooo Much Much More Than "question & answers" Wow !!! I was absolutely shocked !!! it's Soooo Much More than Fitness Careers / Personal Trainer !!! it's Life, Your Environment, do's and don'ts, what to do, about life, his philosophy on Finding out the Final Outcome with Extreme Detail and step back to where you are now !!! Whoa !!! I was Absolutely Amazed !!!!! Infinite Love and Gratitude, !!!!! Oscar Z
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Let's Do This !!!!!
Wow !!! I"m getting even more Inspired and Motivated Every Day !!!!! I Love My School NPTI (National Personal Training Institute and My Instructor !!!!and My Classmates !!!! YES ! !!!! I'm Sooo Looking forward To Everything !!!! I thought about getting an office room or something !!! where I can downsize all the misc. that's inside my ride. Where I don't have to worry about a lease/rent etc... ya know ??? I know I need to down size....... all the misc. that's inside my ride...I just want the absolute bare necessities !!!!! Me, My Workout Gear, That's It !!!! The books and extra misc.that I have, I don't know what I'm going to do with them !!!! I thought about Typing out the books !!! put them online on a separate page or something, that would be Very Time Consuming !!!!! or better yet, just taking a picture of them and get rid of them, or hide them in mom's place.... ?? I don't know, all I know is that I know that I'm going to have to get rid of them this weekend..... and to clean up shop !!!! it's on Fri / Sat and Sun !!!! I'm going to work out at Jakked Gym this weekend !!!!! and so now I'm writing some final words before I go and start accomplishing my goals !!!! Which I listed in the prior post..... it's all tentative !!! So tonight will Officially Be My Last Night with Pads !!!! For Freakin Realz !!!!! This Time !!!!! I know I've said this about 10 times already !!! I guess the comfort and the social aspect, I know I said this before, I absolutely Have a Blast Hangin Out With My Homely's !!!!! aka My Homeless Homey's !!!!! We have a Blast Believe It or Not !!!! I act a lot crazy and my purpose of me being there is to laugh and to make my homely's laugh !!!! last night was a classic, where there was a somewhat to very Obese Lady from Haiti, eating at the table where they serve out, no one was there yet, but, they did have the deserts, so she was standing up next to the table eating the deserts !!! I walked passed by her and said, "How You Doin My Haitian Queen ??" Hiya doin girl ??? I made this one lady laugh soooo hard!!!! I was laughing too !!! I got my Homely Swag !!!! Flirting with the Homely Ladies !!! and just over all making everyone laugh.
There is this one older gentleman who goes to the shelter sites and display his wares (Free to the Homeless) there was this Fur Fedora that I tried on and was acting like a Pimp walking with major swag, pretending that I had a cane walking !!!! Oh Snap !!! it was Hilarious !!!!! had all the Homely's Laughing !!!!! Change of Location Tonight !!!! I'm going to the West Chicago Pads Site Tonight !!!! vs the Naperville site !!! My last one, one of my Homely's told me that I would love going to this Pads site tonight.... since I'm done typing here in McD's. and ass is a bit raw from sitting almost all day, I want to see new things ya know before I go !!! I do have time to drive there for my Last Homely Hooorah !!!!! I heard nothing but good things there !!! So, I'm on my way there !!!!
Just an FYI !!! I'm going to focus on my studies, we received a lot of information this week !!!! and I want to retain it !!! we have a test next Thurs !!!!
Ok, banio and go !!!! peace !!!!! I love my life !!!! I love my life Sooooo Very Much !!!! It's Beyond Amazing and Awesome !!! I love it !!!! Thank You !!!!! ok,..... Infinite Love and Gratitude !!!! Oscar Z / Divinitus U....
There is this one older gentleman who goes to the shelter sites and display his wares (Free to the Homeless) there was this Fur Fedora that I tried on and was acting like a Pimp walking with major swag, pretending that I had a cane walking !!!! Oh Snap !!! it was Hilarious !!!!! had all the Homely's Laughing !!!!! Change of Location Tonight !!!! I'm going to the West Chicago Pads Site Tonight !!!! vs the Naperville site !!! My last one, one of my Homely's told me that I would love going to this Pads site tonight.... since I'm done typing here in McD's. and ass is a bit raw from sitting almost all day, I want to see new things ya know before I go !!! I do have time to drive there for my Last Homely Hooorah !!!!! I heard nothing but good things there !!! So, I'm on my way there !!!!
Just an FYI !!! I'm going to focus on my studies, we received a lot of information this week !!!! and I want to retain it !!! we have a test next Thurs !!!!
Ok, banio and go !!!! peace !!!!! I love my life !!!! I love my life Sooooo Very Much !!!! It's Beyond Amazing and Awesome !!! I love it !!!! Thank You !!!!! ok,..... Infinite Love and Gratitude !!!! Oscar Z / Divinitus U....
Oscar Zepeda Welcome to my Mind, Body, Spirit Transformation / Metamorph...
Good Morning !!!! it's 7:30am now, and for some reason it seems like a lot longer since my 1st Video Blog/Clip on 10/18/2010 !!! 2010 !!! it's been definitely an Adventure, and it still is !!!!! I'm just soooo grateful and thankful for everything !!!!!! Today is where I continue !!!! The last past 2 years has been Self Knowing !!! Knowing Myself !!! Absolutely Amazing Journey of Self Knowing and Learning.
Today is the 2nd Year of my Transformation / Metamorphosis !!!!!!!! it soooo seemed a lot longer !!!! The changes physically, mentally and my environment has been Extreme and Drastic !!!!! The place here was my Chicago Artist Loft !!!!! I Absolutely Loved It !!!!!! Well, today has been 2 years since I first Started My Metamorphosis !!!! Two Years !!!!!!! Rome wasn't built overnight !!!!! So, today, right now, I'm going to give myself some Short Term Goals and some Long Term Goals !!!! I think I should Master My Short Term Goals 1st !!!!!
Short Term: 30 Days Goals
- Physical Activity: either at NPTI Gym, Jakked Gym, Xsport Fitness, Dahn Yoga, Daily:
- Create a Painting Every Week.
- Consume Whole Foods/ Processed and Package/Wrapper Free !!!! Pro-Water
- Study Well for my Tests and Learn and Master my Body for Myself and for my Personal Training NASM Certification.
- Write my MP's (Morning Pages) Every Morning.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
PBBF into Direct Faith !!!!!!! My Sick Out of this Universe Goals !!!!
This past Sunday, I had the pleasure of seeing Edwene Gaines from Alabama speak at the Bodhi Spiritual Center 1st in the Main Service and 2nd after service at her workshop !!!! I'm sooooo glad I was able to go and spend some incredible time with her !!! She is Absolutely Powerful !!!! Everybody was touched and inspired and motivated !!!! 4 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity ..... 1st it's giving 10% of your gross anything/income to person, place, institution who gives you your Spiritual Food, 2nd. Make Your Own Big-Bodacious Only Universe Could Give You Goals !!!!! 3rd and 4th Law I'll let you know later or better yet find out for yourself !!!!! All I know is that right now I must create some Beyond Bodacious Goals !!!!! and To Start Going After Them !!!!!! Infinite Divine Universe will lead, guide, show me what I got to do next in Perfect Precision Timing !!!! Must create Goals Big Enough Where You know for a flying Fact that Infinite Divine Universe Had The Only Hand In Making It Into Fruition !!!! So, with that in mind !!!!! I"m going to create some Out of this Universe Goals !!! and just start going after them !!!!!! Don't Worry about the How Just Start !!!!! Just Start !!! What can you do right now with what you have !!!! and go !!!! Use Directed Faith !!!! I went from PBBF (Pitch Black Blind Faith) to Directed Faith !!!!! I believe I mastered the PBBF !!!!! and now it's time to use my Faith Muscle to use it to Accomplish My Goals !!!!! My Dreams
That's my game plan !!! Sooo, when I get back from class I'm going to come back to write out my Sick-Beyond-Bodacious Goals !!!!!!!!
F it lets do It now !!! I got a lil bit of time !!!!!
My Goals
That's my game plan !!! Sooo, when I get back from class I'm going to come back to write out my Sick-Beyond-Bodacious Goals !!!!!!!!
F it lets do It now !!! I got a lil bit of time !!!!!
My Goals
1. NPC Midwest Metropolitan, mens physique division. 1st place
in my class (Class-C, tall class), then I went on to win the overalls
beating both the winners of the A and B class (Jonathan Cooper and Kevin
Fabian). I will continue to go on and train till I obtain a Pro-card in
the NPC mens physique division.= Date= 10/16/2016 = 4 yrs
2. Oscar Zepeda / Oz LLC. = $1 M= NET Per Year = 10/16/16
3. White on White on White on White with tinted windows Lamborghini Aventador
Let's Do It !!! Starting Today !!!!!! Bottom Line is that I / You START !!!! and Keep ON ONIN !!!! until fruition !!!!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Oscar Z / Divinitus U Served 4 1/2 yrs in the USMC, Why Can't He Serv...
Saying Yes To Yourself !!!!! Right now I'm just in my Personal Infinite Divine Cocoon !!!! Just typing some words here !!!!! Brainstorming !!! I'm at the Brink Right Now !!!!! I just want to find exactly what I want !!!! Wow !!! Still hunh ??? I still don't know Exactly what I want !!!! ???/ I have an Idea ??? but, not in Extreme Absolute Detail !!!!! So, today I'm going to focus on Me right now !!! Finding out exactly what I want !!!!
Right now I just invite the Master Creator, the Infinite Divine who Created All to Come Right Now !!! As of right this second this is What I Want !!!!!!
- Divinitus Warrious Universalis = Divine Warrior of the Universe, Metamorphosize into the Mind-Body-Spirit-Divine Warrior that I Am Here to Be & Become. To Master My Mind-Body-Spirit-Divine Absolute True Self. 24/7 = Practice Mind-Body-Spirit-Infinite Divine Practices and Exercises. Everything that will fuel the fire of Divinitus Universalis that will go Above and Beyond. I feel now that I should Create/Write a Covenant to My Divine Self and to the Master Creator Infinite Divine. I know that I cannot do it alone, with my Transformation and my Metamorphosis. I know I need some time alone with Infinite Divine... and to clear out what I do not need.... I want to clear out what I do not need anymore !!! All I know is that This Moment that I Must Focus on My Schooling My Education in Becoming a Personal Trainer !!!! I Want To BE the Change !!!! I want to Transform Myself 1st !!!!! So, that's my Focus Right Now !!!! My PT Certification Class and ME, Mind-Body-Spirit-Infinite Divine !!!!! I want to focus on me, my transformation and my metamorphosis !!!
Right Now I just created a Video Clip.... Here it is !!!!! I'm not going to be here for a while .....
BetterYet.... I'll just "Share It" after this post !!!! Infinite Love and Gratitude, Oscar Z / Divinitus U
2012 Wisdom of The Elohim — Part 3/12: Survival Awareness
I sooo needed to Hear This !!!! on Taking Responsibility for Ourselves and Others As Agreed !!!! Feel free to see the rest of the video clips, This video definitely resonated with Me !!!!! Divinitus / Oscar
Friday, October 12, 2012
Heyyyyy what do you know it's 4:44pm now !!!!
I just seen a couple of video's documentaries about our world !!! Which to me was all hoopla !!!! but, the evidence just keeps on coming and coming in !!!! from the 9/11 deal, Nibiru deal, and the UFO ET related misc. Hey, just like you, I don't focus on the Media coverage or hearsay, but, it does make you think a little longer on all of what we've been hearing, seeing, and talking about.
Wow !!!! I was actually very shocked and is still in awe with Susan Lindauer the Whistleblower from the CIA !!!!! I would see something about the 9/11 Conspiracy deal,and I would always dismiss it as junk !!!! people who have a lot of time on their hands !!! and then something told me to watch some of the "Real" Documentary and Evidence of the whole story !!! I was actually shocked !!! well, because, I was a part of the war, after 9/11 !!!!! I was in Perth, Australia working with the Australian Army, practicing some live fire missions together !!! and then BAM !!! the whole city was closed ordering us to get back to the ship, we're in a state of war now !!!!! I was also one of the 1st ones to go to Pakistan in which we were allies and into Afghanistan Camp Rhino, Afghanistan !!! on my birthday on November, 25, 2001 !!!!
So, to say that our country and it's Dept's had something to do with the World Trade Center was ludicrous !!!! but, after hearing what Susan Lindauer had to say really opened up my eyes !!!! I would recommend to do your own research and conclusion... This blog is about Transformation and Metamorphosis not Conspiracy and Heresay But, I would do my due diligence and to have an open mind !!!!! The two videos before this post, I thought was really eye opening and all of our Earth Citizens Should Know and to Be Aware on What's Happening with our world and the Universe other than the NFL and Baseball !!!! and who's dancing with whom on Dancing With the Stars !!!! I think we're all slowly but surely are getting the picture, of what TV, News Media, Shows, Games is all about !!!!??? To distract us from the truth and to keep up us busy from not seeking the truth !!! Thus I said this before, that I choose not to listen, see, hear,watch any form's of TV or now Cable !!! Radio, Newspapers, etc..... well not because of the Pro-Drug Commericials being played over and over and over and over again !!!!
What really caught my attention with Marshall's Video Clip was that in the end, that in order for us to go through this, that we would have to have an "Intention Based Positive Outcome" that we would all have to come together as One to go through what is about to happen !!! I'm definitely intrigued about this now !!!!
Reason being, because we are all coming together with all of our knowledge from the Mind-Body-Spirit Researchers and Scientists !!!! For example in the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know" ???? if you haven't seen this movie, See It Now !!!! it's a Prerequisite to a lot of Mind-Body-Spirit related knowledge and information.... that movie awakened me up quite a bit, that the MIT and Harvard Scientists are on board with our Mind, Thoughts, Intentions, Belief, Spiritual Practice, Meditation, etc..... the whole Mind-Body-Spirit Environment !!!!! I think it'll come like a huge Puzzle !!!! that every piece has a position in the puzzle !!!! So, this is what I'm feeling that will happen, that whatever is going to happen in order to survive and flourish we would have to come together as One !!!!!!! This is my take as of right this second, note that anything could alter that notion and theory !!! So, back to my Metamorphosis !!!!
I have decided that I have to take my Metamorphosis Absolutely Seriously !!!!!!! and to see on my Calendar that I had started my Metamorphosis on Sept. 6th, 2012 !!!!!!! hey now !!! where am I going with that ????? I know-I know !!!! I know that this will be it now !!!! my last night at the shelter !!! in Wood Dale, IL !!! You might think that this is Absolutely Crazy !!! But, I love Going To See My Fellow Absolute Freedomers (homeless) at the shelter sites !!! I kid you not, I feel like a Celebrity !!!!!! when I arrive to the site !!! No Joke !!!! Honestly !!! I say Hi to Everyone by their Name !!!! and of course crack some homeless jokes !!!! Hey, I Can !! Ok ??!!!!!! I'm also getting instructions and directions that my role/job is done now !!!! just like how I knew my time, my job was done when I was with the Lodge in Lisle, IL !!!! My job is done now !!!! it's 2 weeks into my Schooling into becoming a Personal Trainer !!!!! and I know that it's time for me to take my Transformation and Metamorphosis Extremely Seriously !!!!! I know what's best for me now !!!!!! I'm going to continue in the morning !!!!! I'm going to plan out my Now Plan !!!! What I'm Going to Do Now !!!!!! until Nov 1, 2012, where I will experience a wind of support and blessing !!!!! I must Go Within Now !!!! I Must Go Within and Start the Motor !!! With my physical body !!! Get the Motor Running and Warmed Up !!!!!! for my Metamorphosis !!!!
I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!!!!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!!!!! I know why my Metamorphosis Dates was considerable high !!!! like a yr and half !!! Rome Wasn't Built Overnight and the Same Goes for Our Brain to Our New Life !!!! Infinite Love and Gratitude, !!! hey !!! it's 5:55pm Now !!!!
Wow !!!! I was actually very shocked and is still in awe with Susan Lindauer the Whistleblower from the CIA !!!!! I would see something about the 9/11 Conspiracy deal,and I would always dismiss it as junk !!!! people who have a lot of time on their hands !!! and then something told me to watch some of the "Real" Documentary and Evidence of the whole story !!! I was actually shocked !!! well, because, I was a part of the war, after 9/11 !!!!! I was in Perth, Australia working with the Australian Army, practicing some live fire missions together !!! and then BAM !!! the whole city was closed ordering us to get back to the ship, we're in a state of war now !!!!! I was also one of the 1st ones to go to Pakistan in which we were allies and into Afghanistan Camp Rhino, Afghanistan !!! on my birthday on November, 25, 2001 !!!!
So, to say that our country and it's Dept's had something to do with the World Trade Center was ludicrous !!!! but, after hearing what Susan Lindauer had to say really opened up my eyes !!!! I would recommend to do your own research and conclusion... This blog is about Transformation and Metamorphosis not Conspiracy and Heresay But, I would do my due diligence and to have an open mind !!!!! The two videos before this post, I thought was really eye opening and all of our Earth Citizens Should Know and to Be Aware on What's Happening with our world and the Universe other than the NFL and Baseball !!!! and who's dancing with whom on Dancing With the Stars !!!! I think we're all slowly but surely are getting the picture, of what TV, News Media, Shows, Games is all about !!!!??? To distract us from the truth and to keep up us busy from not seeking the truth !!! Thus I said this before, that I choose not to listen, see, hear,watch any form's of TV or now Cable !!! Radio, Newspapers, etc..... well not because of the Pro-Drug Commericials being played over and over and over and over again !!!!
What really caught my attention with Marshall's Video Clip was that in the end, that in order for us to go through this, that we would have to have an "Intention Based Positive Outcome" that we would all have to come together as One to go through what is about to happen !!! I'm definitely intrigued about this now !!!!
Reason being, because we are all coming together with all of our knowledge from the Mind-Body-Spirit Researchers and Scientists !!!! For example in the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know" ???? if you haven't seen this movie, See It Now !!!! it's a Prerequisite to a lot of Mind-Body-Spirit related knowledge and information.... that movie awakened me up quite a bit, that the MIT and Harvard Scientists are on board with our Mind, Thoughts, Intentions, Belief, Spiritual Practice, Meditation, etc..... the whole Mind-Body-Spirit Environment !!!!! I think it'll come like a huge Puzzle !!!! that every piece has a position in the puzzle !!!! So, this is what I'm feeling that will happen, that whatever is going to happen in order to survive and flourish we would have to come together as One !!!!!!! This is my take as of right this second, note that anything could alter that notion and theory !!! So, back to my Metamorphosis !!!!
I have decided that I have to take my Metamorphosis Absolutely Seriously !!!!!!! and to see on my Calendar that I had started my Metamorphosis on Sept. 6th, 2012 !!!!!!! hey now !!! where am I going with that ????? I know-I know !!!! I know that this will be it now !!!! my last night at the shelter !!! in Wood Dale, IL !!! You might think that this is Absolutely Crazy !!! But, I love Going To See My Fellow Absolute Freedomers (homeless) at the shelter sites !!! I kid you not, I feel like a Celebrity !!!!!! when I arrive to the site !!! No Joke !!!! Honestly !!! I say Hi to Everyone by their Name !!!! and of course crack some homeless jokes !!!! Hey, I Can !! Ok ??!!!!!! I'm also getting instructions and directions that my role/job is done now !!!! just like how I knew my time, my job was done when I was with the Lodge in Lisle, IL !!!! My job is done now !!!! it's 2 weeks into my Schooling into becoming a Personal Trainer !!!!! and I know that it's time for me to take my Transformation and Metamorphosis Extremely Seriously !!!!! I know what's best for me now !!!!!! I'm going to continue in the morning !!!!! I'm going to plan out my Now Plan !!!! What I'm Going to Do Now !!!!!! until Nov 1, 2012, where I will experience a wind of support and blessing !!!!! I must Go Within Now !!!! I Must Go Within and Start the Motor !!! With my physical body !!! Get the Motor Running and Warmed Up !!!!!! for my Metamorphosis !!!!
I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!!!!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!! I Must Do What I Say Now !!!!!!!!! I know why my Metamorphosis Dates was considerable high !!!! like a yr and half !!! Rome Wasn't Built Overnight and the Same Goes for Our Brain to Our New Life !!!! Infinite Love and Gratitude, !!! hey !!! it's 5:55pm Now !!!!
December 21, 2012 - Two Suns in the Sky
Just finished watching this !!!! I'm in pure utterly speechless !!!! Divinitus / Oscar
Wow !!! Whoa !!! it is quite unbelievable !!!! more like Very Unbelievable !!!! just what I was asking and seeking for !!! to find out what all the 2012 Hoopla is all about !!!! This video clip definitely cleared up all the misc. that I was mentally asking and seeking for !!! Thank You Universe !!!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
2nd Week Down !!!!!! Let's Do This Now !!!!!! ARE U SERIOUS!!!!
2nd Week Down of my NPTI National Personal Training Institute !!!! and we just had our Test !!!!! every two weeks we have a test !!!! I'm just going to say this once, that I could've done a lot better !!!! I know I at least Passed !!!! but, with me I don't just want to barely make it !!! I want to a Master My Body !!!!! We getting to know our classmates a little better !!! Notso Awkward Now !!! We getting to know each other a little more which is Awesome !!! I love our Classmates !!! Super Cool !!! and they are into Fitness !!!! and I must admit they are Very Beautiful !!! Beautiful Gorgeous Ladies from the Universe!!! Woop Woop Whaaat !?????/ I'm sooo not there to "Hook UP" or go out with any of them at all !!!! NOpe !!!!
Ok, let's look towards the future now !!!! Week 2 !!!! Week 1 is to see whether or not you're serious !!!! or not !!!!
the question that I just asked myself is that if "I was Serious" !!!!!! If I was serious about my life, my course, my school, my study habits, my Work Outs !!!! My Lifestyle aka what I'm eating !!!! and drinking !!! I decided not to drink anymore "Hard Stuff" aka alcohol including Beer.....since Sept 6, 2012, I haven't had a drink at least a few months prior, or maybe once !!! hey, it's all good !!! I just wanted a date !!!! that I can have of my own !!! I asked myself that question, to see if I was serious enough???? WTF !!!! My Absolute True Self is Telling For Me to GO BALLS OUT !!!!! GO ALL OUT !!!!!!!! Already !!!! Enough Bullshit Already !!!!! Wow !!! My True Self Called Me Out On This !!!!
Enough Bullshit Already !!!! EBA !!!!!!! EBA !!!! This is what I'm talking about, This is My Last Night at the shelter!!! This is my last cigarette, This is My last coffee, My Last "Junk Food", My Last swipe of butter !!!!!!!! My Last Whatever !!!!!!!!! ENOUGH !!!!!!!!! ALREADY !!!!! Yep !!!! My Divine Self Had Enough of the BULL SHIT !!!!!!! ok, gotta roll out now, be back in the mornin !!!!!!
Ok, let's look towards the future now !!!! Week 2 !!!! Week 1 is to see whether or not you're serious !!!! or not !!!!
the question that I just asked myself is that if "I was Serious" !!!!!! If I was serious about my life, my course, my school, my study habits, my Work Outs !!!! My Lifestyle aka what I'm eating !!!! and drinking !!! I decided not to drink anymore "Hard Stuff" aka alcohol including Beer.....since Sept 6, 2012, I haven't had a drink at least a few months prior, or maybe once !!! hey, it's all good !!! I just wanted a date !!!! that I can have of my own !!! I asked myself that question, to see if I was serious enough???? WTF !!!! My Absolute True Self is Telling For Me to GO BALLS OUT !!!!! GO ALL OUT !!!!!!!! Already !!!! Enough Bullshit Already !!!!! Wow !!! My True Self Called Me Out On This !!!!
Enough Bullshit Already !!!! EBA !!!!!!! EBA !!!! This is what I'm talking about, This is My Last Night at the shelter!!! This is my last cigarette, This is My last coffee, My Last "Junk Food", My Last swipe of butter !!!!!!!! My Last Whatever !!!!!!!!! ENOUGH !!!!!!!!! ALREADY !!!!! Yep !!!! My Divine Self Had Enough of the BULL SHIT !!!!!!! ok, gotta roll out now, be back in the mornin !!!!!!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Here We Go !!!!! Suggest That You Put On Your Seatbelts !!! just sayin !!!
It has officially started !!!! Cocoon time !!!! it's off to a Roller Coaster of a ride already !!!! I woke up at 3am today and left the Pads site at 3:15am, organized or basically prepped my work out clothes for the day, and went to Xsport Fitness well, bottom line I went to Xsport so I could get a hot warm shower !!! I've been fermenting a few days !!!! Wow !!! It felt sooo Amazing !!! See, you get to appreciate the small things like a hot shower if you're not able to shower. I washed and conditioned my whole body 2-3 times !!! it was Heavenly !!! Wow !!! never thought you'd hear anything so Thankful and Appreciative just for a hot shower hunh ??? It's the small things that we take for granted !!! a shower, a bathroom, number one I can handle with but, for number 2, yeah, requires some ingenuity and your own personal TP.... luckily I could sense ahead of time and be able to go somewhere to take care of that deal... Didn't know how we got into this subject !!!! I'm just writing right now !!! just free flowing !!! Well, I found out that my Membership was cancelled !!! from Xsport, I thought my membership was good until Oct.26, but, I guess since I signed up for some Personal Training for 6 months, the credit card/debit card when they tried to deduct money from there it didn't go through !!! I wonder why ???? Hmmmmmm !!!! Yep, as soon as I get any $$ electronically I immediately withdraw as much as I can, ATM disperses only in $20's.... I talked with Phil, and we looked at my account. I definitely saw some big numbers as far as how much I owed for PT, Wow !!! Yep, !!! I told him that I thought my membership was good until Oct. 26, but, I guess it goes hand in hand, and he said, that my membership has been canceled and I would have to pay the 1st and last months membership dues.... Hey.... All good !!! I was just glad, happy, relieved, refreshed, that I was able to take a beautiful shower !!!! Well, worth it !!! Better than the Spa at the Ritz !!!! Wow !!! hunh ??? So, later this afternoon, I'm going to give Hennessey a call, to find out what happened and how can we fix this ?? with where I'm at here.... I'm thinking just holding off until I get paid from the VA my education pay and to do the buy 1 yr and get 1 yr free deal !!!! I'm going to talk with Henessey about that.... since I'm going to have to Start All Over Again and Pay for the 1st & Last Months already ??? Right ??? In the meantime, I'm thinking Jakked Gym !!!! $35 a month which does a shower or at my school !!! I'm thinking Jakked Gym, since I'll be working out there !!! and afterwards I can take a shower and get my rest on !!!! See, we have to be fluid !!!! like water !!! like a stream of water, if there is a boulder right in the middle of the creek, what does the water do ??? it goes around it !!! without hesitation or complaint !!!
Today, in line to get signed in to get our Pads for the night, there was a guy who, I stuck up for him in the past, where I almost got into a fight, well, not really, I was just raising my voice a bit, because a guy was bitchin and crying because someone took his seat, there was no indication that the seat was taken or reserved, usually we place something ?? a cup, a coffee, drink, or to prop up the chair... when this guy came back he was crying and bitching, and was making a hissy fit, kicking the chair, throwing his bag around, and I just said, Hey !!!! He didn't know that this was your seat !!!!! You didn't leave any indication that it was yours !!! I just snapped a bit and used my Man Voice, and apparently he got scared and ran to one of the site managers to tell on me !!! Haaa, yeah !!! what a scarred cry baby !!! well, anyways, the guy that I stuck up for was in the hallway with me and he was on repeat or the cd was skipping of pure complaining, Why did we all come in this hallway for?? She doesn't know what she's doing ?? I bet we're over capacity ??? Fuuuuuuuk dude !!! Enough !!!! I couldn't take it anymore !!! So, I asked him to please not to complain anymore, I can't take it anymore, he looked at me and I was serious, I think he knew that I meant it, and he stopped and turned around.... Ahhhhhh Relief !!!!!!! yes, I knew my time was up !!! I can only spread the love so much, and I knew that it was time now ..... to fully seal up the cocoon !!! and to focus on me now...... and woke up on my own at 3am, I had requested a wake up call at 3:30am but, didn't need to use my wake up call. Felt good waking up early !!! knowing that I'm on my way for my transformation !!! I'm glad I know where I'm at with Xsport, and sooo glad it was early in the morning while no one was around to make a scene... I'm glad I'm here, thank you.... and so, I'm here writing my Morning Pages !!! Hey, it's Morning !!!!!! going to 7am now !! So, I'm going to study my notes and the skeletal, muscles groups, planes of movement, etc..... we have a test on Thurs.... and I will do very very well !!! Thank You !!!! for my life !!!! ok, let's do this.... later on today, after my class, going to get my Beard Striped even lighter, goal is Platinum Blond and the side burn stripe, get that one started !!! Wow !!! it's been at least 2 months since I first got it highlighted !! I had it when I left on my mini road trip to Fairfield, IA and to Missouri !!! Rome Wasn't Built Overnight My Friend !!!! Me, I want to have it done Immediately !!!!! and the 2nd time I had it done, the end of the mustache stripe was dyed purple !!! too much purple to extract the orangeness color out of the hair follicle, no biggie, the purple is out now !!! and I have a lil bit of $$ to get it highlighted again.... the end of the mustache will be lighter, hopefully whiter, and the side burn stripe will be orange/brownish and wait a few more weeks to have it highlighted again, till the final shade of color, which is Platinum Blond White !!! After my Striping this afternoon, going to go to Jakked Gym in Montgomery, IL to take care of my dues !!! and work out !!! Most likely I'm just going to familiar myself to the gym, weights, equipment, etc...... and to practice my Horizontal/Vertical Adduction or Abduction on the Transverse/Frontal/Sagital Planes !!!! just a lil bit of Personal Training jargon !!!!
So, that's about it for now and / or until further notice..... going to org up my notes and make some copies.... and watch some YouTube Clips... Arash Baboo with Strength Project it's an Awesome Resource.... here's a little taste of what I'm learning !!!! Very Enlightening !!!! Planes of Movement !!! Arash made an appearance on Ellen Degenerous Show !!! alright, got to cracka lackin with my studies now !!!! I'm going to have the Best Day of My Entire Life Today !!!!!! I sooo cannot wait till Class, my beard stripe, my Jakked Gym Membership & Workout & My Shower !!!! and My REST !!!! It's On Like Donkey Kong !!!! Thank You !!! Infinite Love & Gratitude !!! Oscar Z / Divinitus U
In conclusion here's a taste of what I'm learning about with the Planes of Movement/Motion there is sooo much that I'm already learning !!! Wow !!!
Have The Best Day Of Your Life Today !!!!!!
Today, in line to get signed in to get our Pads for the night, there was a guy who, I stuck up for him in the past, where I almost got into a fight, well, not really, I was just raising my voice a bit, because a guy was bitchin and crying because someone took his seat, there was no indication that the seat was taken or reserved, usually we place something ?? a cup, a coffee, drink, or to prop up the chair... when this guy came back he was crying and bitching, and was making a hissy fit, kicking the chair, throwing his bag around, and I just said, Hey !!!! He didn't know that this was your seat !!!!! You didn't leave any indication that it was yours !!! I just snapped a bit and used my Man Voice, and apparently he got scared and ran to one of the site managers to tell on me !!! Haaa, yeah !!! what a scarred cry baby !!! well, anyways, the guy that I stuck up for was in the hallway with me and he was on repeat or the cd was skipping of pure complaining, Why did we all come in this hallway for?? She doesn't know what she's doing ?? I bet we're over capacity ??? Fuuuuuuuk dude !!! Enough !!!! I couldn't take it anymore !!! So, I asked him to please not to complain anymore, I can't take it anymore, he looked at me and I was serious, I think he knew that I meant it, and he stopped and turned around.... Ahhhhhh Relief !!!!!!! yes, I knew my time was up !!! I can only spread the love so much, and I knew that it was time now ..... to fully seal up the cocoon !!! and to focus on me now...... and woke up on my own at 3am, I had requested a wake up call at 3:30am but, didn't need to use my wake up call. Felt good waking up early !!! knowing that I'm on my way for my transformation !!! I'm glad I know where I'm at with Xsport, and sooo glad it was early in the morning while no one was around to make a scene... I'm glad I'm here, thank you.... and so, I'm here writing my Morning Pages !!! Hey, it's Morning !!!!!! going to 7am now !! So, I'm going to study my notes and the skeletal, muscles groups, planes of movement, etc..... we have a test on Thurs.... and I will do very very well !!! Thank You !!!! for my life !!!! ok, let's do this.... later on today, after my class, going to get my Beard Striped even lighter, goal is Platinum Blond and the side burn stripe, get that one started !!! Wow !!! it's been at least 2 months since I first got it highlighted !! I had it when I left on my mini road trip to Fairfield, IA and to Missouri !!! Rome Wasn't Built Overnight My Friend !!!! Me, I want to have it done Immediately !!!!! and the 2nd time I had it done, the end of the mustache stripe was dyed purple !!! too much purple to extract the orangeness color out of the hair follicle, no biggie, the purple is out now !!! and I have a lil bit of $$ to get it highlighted again.... the end of the mustache will be lighter, hopefully whiter, and the side burn stripe will be orange/brownish and wait a few more weeks to have it highlighted again, till the final shade of color, which is Platinum Blond White !!! After my Striping this afternoon, going to go to Jakked Gym in Montgomery, IL to take care of my dues !!! and work out !!! Most likely I'm just going to familiar myself to the gym, weights, equipment, etc...... and to practice my Horizontal/Vertical Adduction or Abduction on the Transverse/Frontal/Sagital Planes !!!! just a lil bit of Personal Training jargon !!!!
So, that's about it for now and / or until further notice..... going to org up my notes and make some copies.... and watch some YouTube Clips... Arash Baboo with Strength Project it's an Awesome Resource.... here's a little taste of what I'm learning !!!! Very Enlightening !!!! Planes of Movement !!! Arash made an appearance on Ellen Degenerous Show !!! alright, got to cracka lackin with my studies now !!!! I'm going to have the Best Day of My Entire Life Today !!!!!! I sooo cannot wait till Class, my beard stripe, my Jakked Gym Membership & Workout & My Shower !!!! and My REST !!!! It's On Like Donkey Kong !!!! Thank You !!! Infinite Love & Gratitude !!! Oscar Z / Divinitus U
In conclusion here's a taste of what I'm learning about with the Planes of Movement/Motion there is sooo much that I'm already learning !!! Wow !!!
Have The Best Day Of Your Life Today !!!!!!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
SEALING OFF MY Divine Cocoon !!! Today, Right Here, Right Now !!!
ok, 1st thing is writing !!!! had a great night last night !!! Wow !!! I actually enjoy going to Pads Shelter Sites !!! I feel like I'm a Celebrity !!!!! No Joke !!! Everyone Knows and Says Hi To Me !!!!! and I say hi to Everyone !!!! I know I'm at least one of their Highlights of their day !!!! I make them feel good and laugh !!!! and just to acknowledge their existence !!!! which I know says a lot !!! Considering that their day most of society will shun them or give them a Wow !! You're Homeless Hunh ?? Vibe !!!! and their defensive tactic is to ignore eye contact and any type of communication !!! This is what I see most of !!! Like the ones who are "Obviously" Homeless !! they got the Homeless Look !!! multiple bags being carried, riding a bike with bags and while smoking !!! Haaa !!!! let's just say he or she isn't biking for her overall health and well being !!!! unkept knotted hair, dirty, smelly, there is no excuse on having a dirty, smelly appearance, Pads provides Showers, Laundry and at the sites 75% has showers, laundry and clean clothes for free!!! So, it's by choice if there is a Dirty, Smelly, Homeless Person. It's All Good !!! I know I'm being used to shed some light and laughter to the homeless community !!! Which is not what you truly think of !!! the majority of the homeless was not homeless, they were people with jobs, family, cars, homes, etc.... and the other either mental issues/ alcohol and drug abuse. A few of them are long term homeless where they have been in Pads (Homeless Shelter Organization) for years, some come-leave for a few months and come back, or been in Pads, leave got a job and a place and few years later come back to Pads !!! A trend that I've been seeing is Homeless Relationships !!!! Yep !!! and some homeless ladies became pregnant !!! and still won't change their lifestyle !! well, the big one is Smoking !!! and I can't say for sure about the drinking of alcohol !!! Or maybe was drinking heavily before they knew that they were pregnant, which could be weeks or a couple months !!! So, you tend to see and experience quite a bit !!!! Yeah, there is this one homeless older guy who thinks his shit doesn't stink !!! he boasts to everyone that he has ALL of his REAL TEETH !!!!!! I literally call him "All Teeth" !!!! as his name !!! and tries to make himself better than the others by, making rude and negative comments about the others when "Smoke Break" is being called !!! Like, "Hope You All Die !!!!", Killing Break !!!!, Lung Cancer Patients Break !!! you catch the drift !!!! yeah, I was like, "All Teeth" !!! chill brother !!!! and inside my mind, I was thinking, You don't know the past history of why they turn to smoking !!! and most of them lost all or quite a bit of their teeth !!!!! and they still smoke !!! See, I look at people another way now !!!! See, I don't know the "Whole Story" !!!!! of Why they are there !!!! and why they behave the way they do !!! and it's Not My job to preach or to judge any of their actions !!! Like on Friday at the Wood Dale site, they were at least 3-4 heavily intoxicated homeless that came !!! and I was cracking jokes, I said, "Wow !! I must of missed Happy Hour !!" they were Happy Talkative Drunks !!! which was alright !!! because I knew that I was once a Happy Talkative Drunk many many times !!! So, for me to pass criticism or judgement is definitely not my place nor my job !!! just observe and have a great time with it !! Like watching through a window at the Zoo !!!! You never what you're going to see, hear, taste, smell next !!!!!! I do my best !!! especially in the bathrooms !!! yeah, lets just say I need some not fresh non-polluted air !!! to do my night regime of brushing my teeth, flossing, with my rinses etc.... I tend to Dry Heave quite a bit at the Pads sites !!!! So, I know it's only temporary and that I can do my regime at a later time, it's not the end of the world if I don't do my nightly regime!!! Haaa, and last night !!! Someone was farting some Huge Ass Farts !!!! Holy Shit !!! that shit was Packing a Huge Punch !!! It woke me up !!! not by hearing it but, by Smelling It !!!! Yess !!! Everyone knows that you must have Ear Plugs to go to sleep in Pads !!! if you don't you must be the one snoring or is intoxicated that is oblivious of the enviornment...
I had to get up, and leave a for a few minutes, I went to brush my teeth, floss and rinse, so it all worked out, then again, I smelled a huge whiff and almost threw up, I had a can of Smell Good (Tag deodorant) and was spraying it all around me !!! Yeah, it's the small things that tend to make me appreciate Fresh Outside Air !!!!! So as of right now, I know that I must Temporary Leave from Pads Now !!!! The time has come !!! Today I Will write my As of Right This Second Game Plan !!! Sunday Oct, 7th, 2012 11:00am,
Org up vehicle at my usual spot, go to Xsport Fitness to pay for my Oct.27/Nov27 Dues Work Out for a lil bit and take my much needed shower, didn't go to Bodhi today !!! I just want to be alone today and to plan out my life a lil bit !!! I must focus on me right now !!! I'm good !! and mom knows that !!!
this is what I'm going to do today !!! aahhhhh I can do some laundry !!!! maybe later this evening !! I know it's Sunday Laundry Day for a lot of beings !!! I want my own special space while I do my laundry !!! Better yet, let's just create a list here on what my GP is !!!
- Org & Clean out vehicle !!! internal and external,
- Go to Xsport Fitness Naperville, Pay Dues for Oct.27-Nov 27 and get new Group Exercise Schedule and take a much needed No Time Constraint Shower, Sauna, and Steam Room !!!
- Do Laundry.
- Make some copies of Skeletal Worksheet
- Get Some Motivated Chow
- Study rewrite my notes into typed notes at the college
- Study, Study, practice and Study !!! at the college
- Rest, Rejuvenate, Relax inside Spaceship aka "Car"
I had my Pads lunch and after I went to through out the wrappings, I said to myself, "I'm Tired of My Own Bullshit !!!" Wow !!! Where did that come from !!! I'm tired of my own bullshit !!!! Of not doing what I say that I'm going to do !!!! I'm sick of it !!! I'm Done with the Ego-Self Lies and Bullshit !!!! I must take Massive Action NOW !!!!!!! Not here typing about what I'm going to do !!! Sooo, I'm going through some Personal Mind Bullshit Extraction !!! and I know why I didn't feel like seeing anyone today, just being alone with Infinite Divine !!! and the time is Now To Actualize Now !!!!! I had a thought of getting some smokes and having some while I clean and org out my car, but, my body says I've already released them for you already !!! Why Go There !! Wow !!! it is a Back-n-Forth Mental Conversation !!!! I'm just fed up with all of the excuses and bullshit !!!! that I say to myself for not Doing It Absolutely NOW !!!!!!! I literally have everything I need and then some !!!!! The Cocoon is SEALED NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You !!!!! let's do this Now !!! you know what !!!/????? it's All Good !!!! it's my own journey, my personal learning curve !!!!! I must learn on my own !!!!! and the time is Now !!!!! to fully seal the cocoon already !!!! I do feel like burning some incense or smoke some smokes !!!! ??? All I know is that all the misc. BS that I've been my spending my time on has to Cease Now !!!!! We All Done It !!! Just mindlessly browsing on YouTube on Facebook and other websites !!!! I'm Done Done !!!! it's 12:42pm now !!! and will be going to get this Party Started !!!! inside the Cocoon !!!! let's DO THIS NOW !!!! Car, Laundry, Xsport, College to Study, Rest, Class, Beard Stripe !!!! oh yess, going to get my Beard Striped, this time the stripe going down from my mustache should be Platinum Blonde "White" and starting up another strip along the side of my face a straight and long one from ear to end of beard along the side of the cheek bone !!!! and also growing out my sides and a mini Mohawk that's attached to the right side of my head.... Ahhhhh, Monday Afternoon I shall start my Mind-Body-Spirit-Infinite Divine Regime Bootcamp Cocoon Sealed off Metamorphosis !!!!! till Nov 1, 2012 !!!! a couple weeks !!!! to get the beginning phase over with !!! the toughest phase in getting into Divine Warrior Shape is the Beginning !!!! "Being Out of Breath" is going to be my Friend !!!!!!!! So Group Excercises Galore and Jakked Gym and my Gym time at the National Personal Training Institute !!!!! Wow !! Time Has Come !!!! Must Go !!!! Must Go Now !!!!!! Must Get Familiar Now !!! on my New Schedule, I'm catching myself spending time on misc. that's not in line of where and what want to be and to become !!! So, I'm going on a Hiatus from any Facebook and Ashtar Command Community !!! That is a very awesome community !!! Check it out !!! Ashtar Command
That's It for now !!! Time for some Massive Action !!!! and To Go Inside of Me !!!! Sealing off the cocoon !!!!! and Going Under the knife of the Infinite Divine Master Creator !!!! Time is Now !!! Thank You !!!! I don't know when I'll be back here but, I'll be back !!!!! could be weeks or months ??? All I know is that as of right this second and moment I'm done with my "Talk" Plans without any Action = Bullshit !!!!! Haaa,,,, that is the truth !!!! Plans with out any Action is Bull Freaking Shit !!!!!! Nothing !!! So there !!! I already mentioned where I'll be for the time being !!! and that is all my friend... going In and Going Under the Knife of Infinite Divine.... I'm sooo glad I don't have to be or go anywhere !! Wow !!! eg: if I had a family ??? or a wife or a serious GF ??? Whewwwww...... Nope, couldn't do it !!! and I 'm sooo glad I'm Going to Fully Seal off the cocoon !!!! No reason for me to hang out at the college anymore !!!! today is Sealing Off the Cocoon !!!!! I just changed my heading title for this blog to Sealing Off My Divine Cocoon !!! in the beginning it doesn't make sense from the words but now it does !!! I'm listening to song called Ordinary World in Gregorian Chant !!!! I'm going to post it up after this post !!!! Wow !!! It's Actually About To Happen !! Not going to Pads tonight !! Last night was it until further notice !!! those Huge Ass Thick Nasty Deep Rooted Fart Clouds No More !!!!!! Thank You !!!!! it was a very thick cloud !!! All fresh air from now on !!!! Thank You !!! any other last parting words here !!!! All I know is that when I'll be back it'll be just to give an update !!! maybe in a few months !!!!! maybe in a few years !!! ??? Who Knows ???? I Will NOT Check Facebook, or Emails, nada !!! Going Inside the Cocoon, Sealing It Off & Going Under the Knife of the Infinite Divine Master Creator... Wow !!! I just created a Life Event !!!!!!! on Facebook !!! Looks like this is it Finally It !!!!!! Be Back Soon !!!!
I Have to do this !!! For Me !!! If I Can Serve the Marine Corps for 4 1/2 years without any question !!! Why can't I Serve ME !!!!! ???? Myself for 4 1/2 yrs !!! ???? Hunh ???? why does our society, friends, family sees it as notso good ???? I don't Comprehend That !!!! I Need My Transformation and I Want It Now !!!!!!! Thus I know what I need to do !!! and it's starts right here and now !!!!! It's My Turn !!! It's MY LIFE !!!!!!! I foreseeing being inside the cocoon for months, but, honestly !!! I think it'll be at least 6 months to a year !!!!!! I'll know when it's time !!!!! for the revealing !!!! of Divinitus Warrious Universalis...... I'm excited !!!! I'm Thrilled !!!! let's do this !!! I'm Ready !!! I'm Ready !!! I feel like I'm placing up the plywood over the windows, shutting up, closing down the Energy Plant, where the only thing that I have to focus on is me !!!!! and Infinite Divine !!!!! and that is all !!! and let the Metamorphosis Begin !!!!!!! Going on 3pm on Oct. 7, 2012 Sunday !!! Ok, it's Time To Go Now !! I won't be back here at my usual pre-cocoon self spot anymore !!!! This is it.... Going Inside Now !!! Forever Infinite Love and Gratitude !!!! I'm Ready-and My Time is Now !!!! I'm sure you'll be just Perfect while I'm inside Infinite Divine's Cocoon !!!!! Not to worry, All is Very Very Well !!!! Going to do what I Said I was going to do !!!! Right Now !!! be back ... Infinite Love & Gratitude to the Whole Universe !!!!!! thank you, Thank You, T'hank You !!! thank you !! Thank you, thank you !!! Thank You !!! forever for eternity !!!! And So It Is.....
Sincerely Ours,
Oscar J. Zepeda / Divinitus W. Universalis
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Rome Was Not Built Over Night !!!!!!!
Ok, I'm just going to write some inspired "flowing" words, whatever I write, whatever I'm feeling, thinking, everytlhing, my Morning Pages !!! hey, it's Morning Still !!! I know that I have to live, breathe, success !!! One of the video's that I posted, with Eric Thomas the Hip Hop Preacher, stated or the other one after that one ??? well, anyways, that you must have the rest of your life in check not only what you do in the gym or work ??? like your car or your home,,, is your home is a mess, mostly likely your life is a mess !!! ??? same with the car !!! I want to master my life !!! and I know that I must master the small steps first !!!! like having my car clean and organized, having it look nice, neat and clean, at least !!! Today, I'm going to pay for my Oct/Nov Membership Dues at Xsport Naperville, IL and at Jakked Hardcore Gym !!! the time is now !!! to seal up the cocoon and to become the true absolute me !!!! That's all !!! Wow !!!! Yesterday !! I just gotta let you in on this !!! Well, I had "Deactivated" my Old Self Facebook page, well, just out of curiosity to make sure that I still had it and with all of my "Friends" !!! See, I know that I had cross paths with those particular people for a reason and purpose !!! even though right now, I know that I must start over with my new life !!! Wow !!! I haven't checked my Old Self Facebook for at least a month, I would guess !!! Since I've been adding and requesting New Mind-Body-Spirit-Infinite Divine Friendships that are in my best interest and highest good !!! I was shocked but, not surprised !!!!
It's like visiting your old stomping grounds, and saying Same Ol" Same Ol' !!!!! Wow, but, in this case, I noticed that not only that it was Same Ol-Same Ol ?? but, it was like the same shit drama bullshit as before except it has been multiplied !!!!!! My former roommate !!!! Yesss !!!! let's just say he's in court battling it out with the mother of his son !!!! and he was asking on Facebook, asking if you remember anything about his ex that would make her a "bad mother" or question her fitness to be a mother to let him know, I was like Wow !!! and he would let everyone know the down and dirty !!! of court, not having money for a lawyer the whole 9 yards !!! I was like Whoa !!!! Now I know why I had to go !!! I don't think I was ever supposed to be his roommate but, it happened and that chapter of my life is closed !!! Same People are still going to get stupid drunk at the Lodge, going to the same bands, drinking the same alcohol and smoking the same misc !!! I was like Wow !! Whoa !!! thank You !!!! Same bands come !!! with the same people who love to get wasted drunk !!!! thank you !!! for the wisdom of knowing now.... I knew it wasn't healthy for my overall well being working there, being surrounded by alcohol, smoking, drunk people, drunk "friends" who just hands you shots and glasses of alcohol !!! Sooo, glad I had released that former life that I had experienced !!! and to see how much everything has compounded was like Wow !!! and at the same time, Not Suprised !!! well, former roommate 24/7 was having Beyond Baby Momma Drama and money problems, just like a Super Electro Drama & Money Problems Magnet !!!!! I knew when I had shut the door to his place, I knew that-that was the last time I was going to be there !!!! There was also some ladies that I would love to keep in touch with but, I think right now, now is not the time for ladies !!! Nope, Not Now & Not Yet Anyways !!!! it's my schooling !!!!! becoming a Personal Trainer !!!! Transforming and Metamorphosizing My Own Life !!!!! and I hope to Inspire and Motivate Others !!! by "Being" The Change I Want To See In the World !!!!!!
So, that's it right now !!! today is Sat, Oct, 6, 2012, 10:51am, College of DuPage, Lounge, I had a great night sleep and rest !!! and now, today, get the car organized, washed and cleaned !!! Getting Ready for my New Schedule !!!! NPTI, Xsport Fitness & Jakked Hardcore Gym and Dahn Yoga !!!! I Must Take Care of Myself !!!! Now !!!! Tomorrow ??? I would love to see my nephews play some football and baseball !!! I do want to take care of myself !!! We'll see, I know that I must take care and focus on me !!!! I'm in school now !!!! I just shared a video clip from CNN !!! About UFO's and Aliens !!! I believe it was aired Sept. 2012 would need to review it again !! This is what's about to happen !!! That We're about to be notified that there ARE LIFE Outside Our Planet Earth !!!!! Intelligent Life !!!! Sooo, maybe this is why the Aztec Calendar ended in 2012 ??? is that our Forefathers will Return !!!!!!! Again !!! in 2012 !!!
I don't think I mentioned this but, last week, one of the counselors that came to DuPage Pads Site told us that he saw UFO's Zipping back and forth in Downers Grove, IL 2 weeks ago, so, about 3 weeks ago !!!! Yeah...
ok, going to do a Power Meditation !!! I don't know what to do right this moment..... brb !!! D/O
It's like visiting your old stomping grounds, and saying Same Ol" Same Ol' !!!!! Wow, but, in this case, I noticed that not only that it was Same Ol-Same Ol ?? but, it was like the same shit drama bullshit as before except it has been multiplied !!!!!! My former roommate !!!! Yesss !!!! let's just say he's in court battling it out with the mother of his son !!!! and he was asking on Facebook, asking if you remember anything about his ex that would make her a "bad mother" or question her fitness to be a mother to let him know, I was like Wow !!! and he would let everyone know the down and dirty !!! of court, not having money for a lawyer the whole 9 yards !!! I was like Whoa !!!! Now I know why I had to go !!! I don't think I was ever supposed to be his roommate but, it happened and that chapter of my life is closed !!! Same People are still going to get stupid drunk at the Lodge, going to the same bands, drinking the same alcohol and smoking the same misc !!! I was like Wow !! Whoa !!! thank You !!!! Same bands come !!! with the same people who love to get wasted drunk !!!! thank you !!! for the wisdom of knowing now.... I knew it wasn't healthy for my overall well being working there, being surrounded by alcohol, smoking, drunk people, drunk "friends" who just hands you shots and glasses of alcohol !!! Sooo, glad I had released that former life that I had experienced !!! and to see how much everything has compounded was like Wow !!! and at the same time, Not Suprised !!! well, former roommate 24/7 was having Beyond Baby Momma Drama and money problems, just like a Super Electro Drama & Money Problems Magnet !!!!! I knew when I had shut the door to his place, I knew that-that was the last time I was going to be there !!!! There was also some ladies that I would love to keep in touch with but, I think right now, now is not the time for ladies !!! Nope, Not Now & Not Yet Anyways !!!! it's my schooling !!!!! becoming a Personal Trainer !!!! Transforming and Metamorphosizing My Own Life !!!!! and I hope to Inspire and Motivate Others !!! by "Being" The Change I Want To See In the World !!!!!!
So, that's it right now !!! today is Sat, Oct, 6, 2012, 10:51am, College of DuPage, Lounge, I had a great night sleep and rest !!! and now, today, get the car organized, washed and cleaned !!! Getting Ready for my New Schedule !!!! NPTI, Xsport Fitness & Jakked Hardcore Gym and Dahn Yoga !!!! I Must Take Care of Myself !!!! Now !!!! Tomorrow ??? I would love to see my nephews play some football and baseball !!! I do want to take care of myself !!! We'll see, I know that I must take care and focus on me !!!! I'm in school now !!!! I just shared a video clip from CNN !!! About UFO's and Aliens !!! I believe it was aired Sept. 2012 would need to review it again !! This is what's about to happen !!! That We're about to be notified that there ARE LIFE Outside Our Planet Earth !!!!! Intelligent Life !!!! Sooo, maybe this is why the Aztec Calendar ended in 2012 ??? is that our Forefathers will Return !!!!!!! Again !!! in 2012 !!!
I don't think I mentioned this but, last week, one of the counselors that came to DuPage Pads Site told us that he saw UFO's Zipping back and forth in Downers Grove, IL 2 weeks ago, so, about 3 weeks ago !!!! Yeah...
ok, going to do a Power Meditation !!! I don't know what to do right this moment..... brb !!! D/O
2012-2032 transition to the golden age - Diana Cooper, UK
Just had to Share This !!!! 2012 - 2032 !!!!
Friday, October 5, 2012
Going Inside the Cocoon and Going Under the Knife of Supreme Infinite Divine Universe !!!!
My first week of class was Awesome at NPTI "National Personal Training Institute !!!!! and I'm Ready Now !!! To Start going to the gym on my own now !!!! it'll be Jakked Gym in Montgomery, IL and Xsport Fitness in Naperville, IL.... It's time Now !!!!! I'm going inside the cocoon now !!! I got to want it like how I need air !!!! Wow, I was inspired by the Hip Hop Preacher !!!! Whoa !!! Just what I needed to hear !!!! He's Very Powerful !!!!! check him out on YouTube !!!! better yet, I just put it on my Blog !!! Part 1 and 2 !!!!!! NO Days Off !!!! it's about Separation Yourself from the Pack !!!!!!! was watching the Kai Greene Movie !!!! gotta go to Wood Dale, IL Now !!!! last official night of Pads !!!! let's make it count and get their on time !!!! Forever Much Love !!!!! I'm Ready !!! For My Transformation !!!!! Isolation !!!!! Wow !!! That's Me !!! Right Now !!!! gotta roll now !!! Infinite Love and Gratitude, Oscar Z/ Divinitus U !!!!!
( full movie ) Kai Greene - A new breed Overkill
A New Breed !!!! is Right !! !! Mind-Body-Spirit-Infinite Divine
The BEST Motivation " I Like This One Too !!!" Good !!!! & Very True !!!
Very True !!! Going to Clean Out the Car tomorrow before I work out !!!! Oscar Z/ Divinitus
Monday, October 1, 2012
1st Day of Class !!!!!!! 1st Day To the Rest of My Life !!!!!!!
Above Pic "My New Home" !!!! Jakked Hardcore Gym, Montgomery, IL !!!!!!!! it's Soooo On !!!!!
10/01/2012 !!!!! Monday !!! 3:50pm !!! 1st day of
class of my NPTI School, National Personal Training Institute !!! Wow !!! I
have already learned a lot already !!!
and I’m Very Very Psyched and Excited for the whole class !!!! and this is only the 1st Day of Class
!!! Got some nice ladies some young and
some my age and older !!! All Good
!!!! I’m Very Excited !!! About the Whole Deal !!! 4 Times a Week !!! for 6 months !!! and yes, the Future
Trainers are in very much in Shape !!!!
I’m writing here in Microsoft Word 1st !!!! then going to copy n paste in my blog here
!!! So, that’s the GP Game Plan !! Well, as far as tonight !!!! Tonight Will
Be Officially the Last Night of Pads !!! Haaa !!! We’ll See !!! I’m not going
to put my life on it !!! Tonight is a
good site tonight !!! So, this will be
my “Official” Temp Goodbye, my last
Hoorah, with my “Lifestyle Diet, Consumption”,
Wow !!! Met a young guy, named
Don !!! Zero Soda / or Diet Soda for
more than a year !!!! and he told me that
when he did consume or tried to consume a Coke, his whole insides was in
Extreme Pain !!!!! Wow !!! I was like in
Awe !!!! See, these are the kind of
people I want to hang around !!!!! Zero
Any type of Soda or Pop !!!! and also
with Fastfood !!!! it’s been over a year
since he had any Fastfood or Fried Anything !!!!! Wow !!! Whoa !!! YESSSSS !!!!!!! There are people of the Super Rare Kind
!!!!! Even the head trainer told us that
the majority of the people are out of shape and don’t know how to work out
!!!!! it’s 4:10pm now and I’m at the McD’s using their internet connection and
sipping on my last McD’s coffee !!!!
Tonight is the last of it !!!!
Nope No Guarantee’s !!!! I’m just
going to Focus on What I want !!!!!
Mind-Body-Spirit-Infinite Divine !!!!!
and to work on myself and my story !!!
I’m Ready !!! I love my life and I know I’m definitely going to continue
on the fitness path !!! I found out an amazing way to do push ups !!!! with done, you can work out/ focus on your
chest/ back & your core !!!! it’s where you put your intention and concentrate
on where you you want worked on/ focus on…. It was absolutely amazing !!! just
like what Nick said (Instructor) that it’s been 40+ yrs since we’ve known
anything about fitness, the only ones who was into fitness was the Body
Builders !!!! basically Nick said, we’ve been trying to “Reverse” what they had
Assumed to be good and the “Right Way”
so, I was got schooled on the lat pull down, I was doing it my way and I
tend to experiment with the way I work out with the circuit machines !!! Also about the foundation of our skeleton
!!! Wow !!! I didn’t know that there are 8 bones fused
together that form the cranium !!!! Say What !!!! ???
and also the sacrum, which are vertabrae’s that used to be a tail
!!!! but, was fused together !!!! Wow !!! I was like !!! Wow !! I was absolutely in Awe !!! that we never
were taught about our bodies !!!! Soooo
I’m Very Thankful and Very Grateful that I’m on my way !!!!! and that I’m taking this Amazing Personal
Training Certification !!!! here with
the others !!! Which we have a wide
variety of Future Personal Trainers !!!!
I’m just going to be me !!! and
focus on me !!! ok ??? oh yeah, last Sun went awesome !!!! and Liz was there, I think it’ll be just
friendship !!! I sensed it when I saw her again !!! it was great to see her, see we’re all family
here !!! Sooo, this is it !!! tonight shave my head a lil bit, I’m still
going to growing out my sides !!! I
want them Long !!!! Wavy and Curly
!!! and next Sunday I want to get my
Beard Done !!! have it platinum white
blond and then start on the side !!!! a
long stripe where the end of the beard is !!!
I’ll just take some pics !!!!
yes, let the transformation begin !!!!
I’m ready !!! I’m uploading all of the video clips I recorded from the
Powerlifting 2012 Championships at Jakked Hardcore Gym in Montgomery, IL !!! I
had an Incredible Time !!! Now that’s where the Big Boys Play !!!!!! No freaking shitt !!! I was like Wow !! Whoa !!! feeling the Beast wants to come out and play
!!! So, in a nutshell tonight !!! My Last Supper !!!! and some desert !!! and
coffee !!! Soo glad I got my training in
the morning !!!! it’s 5:39pm now, just going to upload as many video clips I
can do, it does take some time uploading them to YouTube, so, I’ll do as many
as I can !!!! All Good !!!
I’m thinking starting Tues
!!! Going to go to Jakked
Hardcore Gym and to Xsport Fitness
Naperville, IL, I want to get into my Physical Fitness Groove !!! Thank You
!!!! Mmmmmm, Anything Else ??? Ummmm….
It’s Time Now !!!! Today is Oct 1, 2012
!!!! and the time is now to Actualize
!!!! Actualizing Time !!! We do have a good class !!! We have about around 15 or so ??? Let’s Do This !!!!! I want to check out some sweats at Goodwill
!!!! I know I’m going to be wearing
sweats for class !!!! I’m just sooo glad
and ever grateful that I’m here !!! ok,
this might be the last upload for the day !!!
it’s already 6:11pm, and I must be going in 20 min !! it’s a big video clip !!! All Good !!!
I love my life !! I’m sooo looking forward for Everything !!!!! Mmmm… ok, any last words here ??? well, after this post I won’t be posting here
as often !!!! I’ll be at my 2nd
and 3rd homes, Jakked Hardcore Gym and Xsport Fitness !!!! it’s On
Like Donkey Kong !!!! So let’s do this
!!! Wow !! I think it might have been a
year to two ago down the street in Bloomington, on Army Trail Rd. across the
street from used to be Bally Total Fitness at the time, and now LA Fitness
bought up all of the Bally’s !!! I haven’t
been in that area so, I don’t know if they still let the gym open !!! it was a
cool awesome gym !!! I loved the track
!!! ok, well, I’m like right down the
street !!! going to crash at a cool 2.5
million dollar church !!! you thought I
was going to say mansion ayy ??? it is
my mansion by the way !!! so, this is
last deal with Pads, tomorrow, I’ll be working out like no other !!!! it’s on
baby !!!!! ok, I have around 10 more min
to upload, and it’s not even half way !! all good baby !!! it’s not the end of the world if I don’t
upload these video clips of the Powerlifting 2012 Competition !!!! at Jakked Hardcore Gym !!!! it’s all good !!! So, here we are, I had a great weekend !!!
hung out with mom Sat & Sun and Mon Morning before I went to class !!! You
know what ??? I’m not going to finish up here it’s going on 6:30pm and I should
be there by now !!! So, next time
!!!!! Peace…. Ok, I’m just going to copy
n paste these words unto the blog !!!!
Infinite Love and Gratitude !!!!!! Divinitus U / Oscar Z
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