Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 !!!! Birth of Ultima Universalis !!!!!!! and Sooo Much More !!!!

This is it, my True Self !!!!   Ultima Universalis is born today, 11/11/11 at 11:11am.... I truly know that everything is set into place, everything !!!   I know So !!!  Everything that I've Always Truly Wanted  and Truly Wanted to Become will come into manifestation !!!!  

Ultima Universalis

Boot Camp

From Nov 11st 2011 to Nov 11st 2012

I will embark the next phase of my Metamorphosis, this stage is called, Coming Into Being Ultima Universalis.  It’s All About Me Myself and I !!!!!   This is My Gift To Me !!!!!!  My Whole Year !!!!!!

·      I Am Ultima Universalis
·      Ultimate Universe Is Me
·      I Am Whatever I see, Hear, Feel, Taste & Imagine
·      I Have Infinite Divine Power within Every Cell of My Body
·      I Am King-
·      I Am the Boss of All Bosses-
·      I Am an Infinite Ultimate Warrior from the Universe
·      I Am the Ultimate-All Knowing-All Powerful, Infinite Divine Powerful.
·      I Have the same Power that Creates Planets, Galaxies & Universes
·      Whatever I Say & Think IS LAW !!!
·      What I Say and Think, IS !!!
·      All the Planets and Everything upon them is ME !!
·      I Am a Part to Everything & Everyone from the Past, Present and Future

I Am Ultima Universalis

This is Me, The True Absolute Me !!!!    I'm going to be the Absolute True Being that I've Always Knew that I Was and So It Is !!!!  11/11/11 to 11/11/12, not only today is a special day of Alignment, Birth of Ultima Universalis and it's Also Veterans Day !!!!!   which I Sooo Happened to be a U.S. Marine War Veteran !!!!  OooRah and Semper Fi !!!!!!!    Thank You Soooo Very Very Much !!!!!   I know it's All About Me and my Metamophosis into becoming Ultima Universalis !!! It's been a long time coming and a lot of starts and start agains with my Human Metamophosis, as you can see within this blog, I have started quite a few times already !!!!   and it's all good !!!!  All Very Good, it's never too late !!!!   I Know that the time is now !!!!   Now I will focus on my Body, Mind and Spirit !!!   and on my rebuilding the body days, I will create Absolute Amazing Artwork.  I will not partake in any type of romantic relationship [ definitely got the hint from the Infinite,  have a crush on someone, thought it was going to happen, not just yet or not now anyways, just appreciate for now)] , just me and the Infinite Divine metamophosizing into Ultima Universalis !!  Bally's, Dahn Yoga,  Xsport, Divine Power Yoga, Bodhi Spiritual Center, this will be my schedule from now till forever or until I know it's time to evolve and grow !!!!  The time is Now to Become Whom We've Always Wanted to Become, Whom You Know Deep Down that you are Soooo Much More than you currently are right now, this is how I feel and thus Ultima Universalis is born today on 11/11/11 !!!!!   this is sooo beautiful !!!  this is what I'm listening right now Deva Premail Beautiful !!!!

Absolutely Love It !!!  The time is now !!!!  Thank You !!!  Soooo Very Very Much !!!!!!  I'm definitely considering of changing my name into Ultima Universalis !!!! That would be Awesome !!!  I'm doing it for me and me only !!!!!   This is my body, my life, my world and my Universe !!!!!!   Thank You !!!!!    and So It Is !!!!!!